Do you hate it when people invade your space?
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
United States
April 13, 2007 7:12am CST
I can honestly say I think Howard Hughes was brilliant in the fact that he just dropped off the face of the earth pretty much and lived live as a recluse.
I honestly could often care less if I ever really see others or spend time with people. I have my own little world here and now that I work from home I really seem to feel this way.
It's not depression. Honest. I am the furthest thing from depressed at all. But I think it's a matter of being so content that I prefer to leave the rest of the world out there on it's own.
Anyone else feel this way?
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14 responses
@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
13 Apr 07
I have lots of days like that :) I work from a home office and I'm really happy that I do. I got out of the "rat race" in 1992 and never looked back. I don't miss the "office politics," the traffic jams, the meetings with no agenda and no real point... I have plenty of contact with the outside world -- although, admittedly, most of my business is conducted online and by telephone. I have good and fulfilling relationships with work associates -- I just don't sit in the same room with them.
Plus, it may be just me getting older (LOL! I'm really only 42) but I get impatient with some people. I am a "do-er" and I get aggravated by people that are demotivated or don't care about things that are going on or needing to be done. I like to work and do things at my own pace and, if that pace is insane some days, that's fine with me. I'm doing what I want and need to do.
I don't think I'd be happy totally dropping off the face of the earth but I prefer to "visit the earth" on my own schedule ;) If I feel like seeing people and being with others, I will go out and do exactly that. If I feel like cocooning with my husband and daughters, then that's where you'll find me. I tend to have a much stronger pull for the second scenario versus the first.
I DO like people. I just prefer them in moderation ;)
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
14 Apr 07
You and I are too much alike indeed! I'm the same way.. I work from home, enjoy my own little world, have tons of outside contact between family and friends and business contacts and oddly enough am considered very outgoing in personality..... YET... I just really prefer other people in very small doses! LOL
It could be the age thing.. I'm 43.. so perhaps it's just that I'm just now realizing how MUCH I prefer my alone time!!!?
Not that I'm a huge believer in "signs" and such but I do find that most Cancers are real homebodies. I'm a Cancer and fit the picture to a tee. What sign are you?
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@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
I'm a Virgo... and when I say that, most people say, "Oh... I figured." Something to do with me being a perfectionist about every little thing, I believe *grin* I've had lots of people tell me that they could never work from home because they couldn't stand not being around other people. Me? I like to choose the people I spend time with :) Sounds like you're exactly the same way! We do have a lot in common! :)
@Stiletto (4579)
14 Apr 07
Yes! I am more than happy with my own company most of the time. Not all the time - sometimes if I'm in the mood I like people around me - but being alone doesn't bother me at all.
I live alone but sometimes I have friends come to stay and it's always such a relief when they go! I know that sounds mean and it's not a reflection on them in any way but I just really need my own space. I hate feeling that I have to talk to people when there's other things I could be doing - how antisocial is that?!
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
14 Apr 07
LOL.. well unfortunately, or fortunately?, I can relate to your desire to have them leave at a certain point. Like fish, they get old after 3 days... some even before that! LOL My issue is I love to be comfortable.. I often lounge around in my nighties and such and could care less if I dress. I shower and put back on a nightie! But when I have people coming in and out I could scream because my nighties aren't exactly "long and covering" for the most part and I have to either put pants on with them or change in to clothes complete. Just irks me! LOL
@rx4life (1930)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I am not that way on a regular basis..but my husband would be happy as can be if he could just hang out in our house and never see anyone but the family. He has to deal with a lot of people and high level decisions at work ( he's an executive director so has to be very visible)..and when he comes home he is a recluse!!!! He loves any weekend when he doesn't even have to leave the house...that is wonderful for him.. I am only this way when I've been sick or am exhausted..otherwise I am a pretty social person. My job gives me a lot of contact with the public...but I love it...Sure there are the few that drive me nuts and make me wish I was in a cave...LOL...but for the most part... I love dealing with people and trying to help them.. You always sound upbeat and have interaction with your are far from a it doesn't seen unhealthy to me... If you got too comfy in your little environment and decided your children shouldn't go out and mingle...then I 'd say I didn't think it was good..but come on's our season..I could stay in right now and watch hockey all day !!!! I watched that Canucks/Stars game the other started at 6:30 and ended in the 4th 12:30 am!!! It was amazing to see their stamina!!! I couldn't skate for 1/2 hour~~!!! Sorry I got off topic ...but you are one of the few I can find that loves hockey like I do!!! :)
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
14 Apr 07
OMG was that game amazing or what?!!!! The stamina involved BUT I think it did take it's toll because obviously Dallas finally let it go and lost the 1st round but came back 2nd game and just walked all over Vancouver! They just didn't seem to have the umph... not that I blame them!!!! It was a great game though!
Oh... and yeah... I can relate to your hubby... as long as I have my hockey games to watch! LOL
@webdrifter (83)
• Malaysia
14 Apr 07
I love the game Space Invaders. It is one of the early games I've played, you can shoot aliens and stuff. Now I wish we could applied then in real life ;)
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
14 Apr 07
LOL... do you have an alien problem in your neighborhood? Ahhh... you must live on the Mexican border? hehehehehe JUST KIDDING... no evil Mexican messages please! I'm not hating.. just joking!
@haedescanes (592)
• Philippines
14 Apr 07
Yes of course. We all have our own life.So if others mess with you that is violating or getting into your own space. I always make it a point that ii follow the golden rule, Do unto others what you want to do to yourself. Cool ain't it? Goodluck!
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
14 Apr 07
Well unfortunately that doesn't work "do unto others" when it comes to seclusion. When I don't call or visit they all call me and visit me and then say "why haven't you called?" LOL
@reginapaul (40)
• United States
14 Apr 07
Yes, I can totally relate. I worked in the corporate world for nearly 15 years before I started working from home, and for me it was just that environment and I hated it. All the backstabbing, and gossip, and doing whatever it took to get ahead including lying and cheating. Now my tolerance level for bs is nill because of having to deal with it daily for so long. And I agree about the bit about being so content that you are comfortable with your own company. Not that I don't get out and see friends and stuff but that is secondary and I'm very selective about who I socialize with.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I think you hit the nail on the head when you summed up what the "work world" is like. Out there in the corporate world they are so nasty, back biting, gossipy and so on that I honest to God don't miss it one ounce. Even when you had a few people that didn't fall into that pitfall of being horrible to work with... you ended up having so little time to socialize with them anyways that it didn't matter. I think that perhaps working for the bank I worked for made me as anti-social as I am of late. I just hated every day there because it was filled with fakes and liars. I had the best benefits ever and made my money to sit back now but I have to confess... I hated every minute of it.
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
15 Apr 07
There are times that I do get upset when people invade my space but mainly if it just during time that I want to myself. Sometimes we need our alone time to get things done or just to relax and get some rest. Most of the time I enjoy being around people and talking with them. I would be very lonely not being around people at all or communicating with people.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I am getting more and more that way. I even am getting to the point that I do not like shopping or eating out. I would rather stay at home and leave everyone alone and have them leave me alone. I do like to talk to people on the phone, to keep in touch but really have no desire to associate with alot of people.
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@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
13 Apr 07
I don't blame you. There are many days when I just want to be alone in my house with my dog and no one else. I don't want to answer the phone or the door. I just want to read and to write and sleep and maybe cook a nice meal for when my family comes year when they come home....LOL
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
14 Apr 07
i am also at my best when totally alone. I believe in the old adage, hell is other people. I will close myself in to my own sanctury when i need to heal. Over the last few years i have prefered this to socialising at all. In my case it is depression, I am prone to it. However, i am actually happier closing the rest of the world away
blessed be
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I only go out when I have to. I don't deal well with other people especially if there is a crowd (and by crowd it depends on how big the area is. Three can be too many). I have agoraphobia and crowds give me panic attacks. So I do a lot on line. I earn money here and trying to find more ways to earn. I talk with people on line and that's fine for me. I'm not a phone person and do not like to talk on it so the internet works for me. If I could I doubt I'd go out at all.
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
14 Apr 07
I can relate to this hockeygal. I too get into my moods where I don't want to go out and get myself disgusted with all the crap out there. If I could stay in all the time, I would very comfortable doing this and noe even bother with the outside world.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I'm glad to see I'm not the only person like this. I suppose there's more of us then we realize!
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
13 Apr 07
Oh yes, definitely. When I want to be alone, I meant it! Stop disturbing me alright? :P
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@zengguoxing (773)
• China
14 Apr 07
Firstly,i hate it very much.But i just don't agree with that leave the rest of the world out as you said.It's no good for us to do so.Maybe we should more active toward the society.And we really should do something to prevent others from invading our own world inside.By the way,welcome to respond to my articles.Thanks!
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