A follow up to our Pixie's death....
By 14missy
@14missy (3183)
April 13, 2007 8:00am CST
This is hard to believe, but tonight (only 4 nights after Pixie was taken by a dog) I walked out onto our back patio to see a dog take my pet budgie out of it's cage and run off with her. This dog has broken the bird cage open. We found Reggie (our budgie) on the lawn dead. So, not only has this dog murdered our bunny but also our very tame pet budgie. We rang the dog catcher (for want of a better word) on Thursday and they said they would look out for the dog, but now this has happened. I hope we don't catch it first!!! I am so angry and saddened. Thankyou for reading.....
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13 responses
@yvonne1968 (1063)
• United States
13 Apr 07
If it was me and i see the dog again, i would try to catch it myself, and then call the dog warden and let them take the dog away right then, i wouldnt event try to find the owners dogs who kill caged innocent animals dont deserve to be out lose to kill whatever they want.I hope they catch the dog and take it in.
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
14 Apr 07
But why didn't your pets have a defense against the dog? If they were outside, they should have. Do you have other, natural predators in the area?
Out here, your pets would have been eaten by coyotes. Now a dog shouldn't be getting out of it's owners yard, but if it happened once, you should have secured your cages.
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@14missy (3183)
• Australia
15 Apr 07
We do not have any natural predators in this area. My budgie(Reggie) would either be out of his cage on my shoulder if I was home or safely in his cage on our first story back verandah having some sunshine and fresh air.. He has done this for about 14 months and we have never had a problem before!! Pixie was a house rabbit and only 4months old. She only went outside to have a run if we were with her. The time that this dog took her, we went away for two nights. She was in a secure cage/pen with a enclosed area in it and the cage was right up under the concrete back steps against a brick wall out of all weather and she had hay to burrow into and fresh water etc. I would never in my wildest dreams imagine that this could happen in our area as we have never had stray dogs wandering. We have kangaroos next door so it is a very safe area!!! I know rabbits and birds are defenseless creatures and I am feeling guilty about it too, but we honestly thought she would be safe and the laundrey area she usually sleeps in would be a bit hot during the day while the house was closed up etc etc. I could go on for ages about our reasons for putting her there but it still does not excuse the fact that someone else did not look after their pet and allowed it to come onto my property and murder my two babies!!!
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
15 Apr 07
I am so sorry to hear that you lossed your bird due to this vicious dog. It is terrible that this happened and whoever owns this dog should be blamed as well as the dog. Your kids and family must be devastated. I love birds as well as dogs so it saddens me very much. It seems it is not safe to leave your pets outside with that dog roaming around. If that dog gets caught, it needs to be put to sleep for what it did and so the owner can go through the feeling that you and your family have gone through. Hope you and your family are okay.
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@14missy (3183)
• Australia
15 Apr 07
You know Ken, I am a little afraid for my kids especially the 5yo in case he is in the yard when it comes in and lunges at him. We have gates but it obviously didn't stop it. I am ringing the council dog catcher again tomorrow and asking them to keep doing rounds in this area until it is caught. At the very least it's owners should know what it has done to poor innocent creatures that wouldn't have hurt a fly.
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@14missy (3183)
• Australia
17 Apr 07
Please read my respinse to pigglies above. I meant that this dog was unpredictable as all dogs are and if my young son was in the way of it's perceived food, then he may get caught in the 'crossfire' so to speak. I have rung the council animal control again today as the dog has again been on my verandah overnight and ripped apart a bag of garbage, even though the gates to our yard are shut.
@birdlady48192 (11)
• United States
16 Apr 07
I really doubt that a child would be in any danger from this dog. They like cats would see a bird as food period. And for a larger dog like that,it would see a rabbit as food just as much. The few people I know that have rabbits don't have large dogs partly because they don't get along with rabbits and will attack them simply because it is in their nature. Just as cats, will attack a bird or a rodent, from the cats point of view a mouse is a mouse regardless as to if it's a wild outside mouse or a pet in the house.
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@caramello (4377)
• Australia
16 Apr 07
Oh my goodness missy this too is so sad! I really do not know what else to say except to send you big hugs and hope you can get over this soon!
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I would be so mad. I am sorry you have lost two pets to this dog. Does this dog belong to someone that lives close to you? I would try to find out.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
15 Apr 07
I just want to say I'm very sorry for the loss of your beloved pets. I also hope that this dog is found so the neighborhood that it roams will become safe again. I haven't had another animal do harm to my pets. I have had my dog stolen off my parents property when we stayed there during the Thanksgiving holidays. Then a week later, someone found her laying in a ditch. Just because this dog killed your pets, doesn't call for you to do the same. Two wrongs don't make a right. Let animal control do there job. Good Luck with getting this dog off the streets.
@14missy (3183)
• Australia
16 Apr 07
How awful for you. I would never hurt the animal in question as I do love animals. I am more angry that someone else has not been responsible enough to house their animal in their own yard. I have rung the animal control again this morning and they are investigating further. I just want the owners to know what has happened and keep their dog enclosed in its own yard.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I am sorry to hear of your second loss. This sounds like a stray dog to me. If it's going through trash cans and breaking open cages for food, this animal has been left to fend for itself, if not raised in the streets. More than likely it has roamed into your neighborhood by chance, and the day it took your Pixie, it remembered there was more "food" there. You definitely need to get someone out there to catch this animal. If this dog is really that hungry, and stray. There is no telling what may happen if confronted by a human. If you tend to have a lot of animals in your yard, I recommend getting one of those motion detector lights, that turn on at the slightest bit of motion in your yard. they are fairly inexpensive, and most animals will be scared off if a light suddenly floods the yard. Once again I am so sorry to hear about your animals.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
14 Apr 07
oce again.. I am soo sorry. I have always had animals around me all my life. I know how hard it must be.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
25 Apr 07
Oh sugar, this is the first I hear of this. I am saddened by your loss, and the fear that these beloved pets had experienced. Is this dog a wild dog, or someone's pet? Can you find out who it belongs too? This indeed is depressing, my heart goes out to you.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
28 Apr 07
This is so sad, and not fair at all.
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@14missy (3183)
• Australia
26 Apr 07
I have since seen this dog in our street again and have again rung the council but they said they would ring me if they picked it up and I haven't heard from them yet. The worst part is thinking that the poor little things were terrified and they had no defense against a big dog. A bunny can't even scratch out at a dog.

@Ridgydidge (558)
• Australia
15 Apr 07
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Did you notice if the dog in question had a collar? That would indicate if it was a pet let loose or a stray.

@14missy (3183)
• Australia
16 Apr 07
We are definately feeling guilty about this happening to our pets, yes. But what I was saying about the child is that the dog could be unpredictable and snap at my child if he was in the road of its perceived food. My son often sits and talks with our budgie on the back verandah. No matter what our mistake, the owners of this dog should be held accountable for their mistake also in letting their dog roam the street. The council has been let know again about the situation and I hope they let the owners know that it is not being confined to its yard as is the law in our State..
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Ah, I see what you're saying. I thought you meant that it was related, like because the dog got the pets, they'd snap at your child. Yeah, you don't know this dog so it is unpredictable and would be as likely as the next stray dog to snap.
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
15 Apr 07
Why would the dog have a predator instinct towards a child? Rabbits and birds are considered food to a dog, it's much less likely that the child would be considered. You're blowing your mistake out of proportion if you ask me. Yes, the dog should not be out running loose and maybe it needs new owners. But when you start labelling a dog viscious, you might endanger that dog's life. And it wasn't the dog's fault that it's crappy owners let it get loose and that your outdoor pets weren't protected.
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@14missy (3183)
• Australia
26 Aug 07
Thanks twoey. We are still abit sad about it all, especially since I have seen the dog involved still running around our street. I have called animal control but unless they see the dog while it is out of the yard they can't do anything. We now have two more bunnies and they are inside bunnies now!
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
13 Apr 07
That is so sad,i'm so sorry for your loss. Is this a stray dog or does it belong to a neighbor? Animal control should be able to set a trap for it in your yard. I hope they catch the dog and the owners need to compensate you for your loss.
@birdlady48192 (11)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Sorry to hear you have lost your pets. But, honestly neither animal should of be left outside. And certainlly not a bird for any reason. I have both a rabbit and birds, while I may take one of my birds outside in a cage I never would sit it down and leave it. I hope you learn from this and not make this mistake again.

@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
25 Apr 07
I think she knows this, and it isn't nice of you to tell her that you hope she learned from this. This is not the time to do it. She is grieving.
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