i am happy and just wanted to share
@easymoney75503 (1702)
United States
April 13, 2007 1:18pm CST
i have made alot of friends here and they have helped me lately alot cause my life has been such a mess. i lost my job, my pup died, my landlord dided, we have to find a new place to live, computer broke down, truck broke down, i mean the list goes on. well today at about 8am i was still in bed usally i am up at 6am but today i put the covers on my head and just refussed to get up. things have been so bad and my daughters bday is monday and i dont have any money i just wanted to hide alittle today. hubby was up witht he kids and the phone rang he saw where it was wal mart and figured it was for me. i am the one who writes the checks and so forth we figured something else had happened. i had filled out an app with them one day cause i was just trying to find anything and it was about 3 months ago now. they were calling me for an interview. well i was still in bed so i thought ok i can come in tomorrow or monday. they guy said please come here today as soon as you can. i agreed and got up figuring it was another waste of time and gas. usally i am told over qualified or not qualified etc. well the interview went great i got the job and not just cashier but asst to manager of grocerys. i was so excited. it is not a dream job but hey its money and income we may be able to pay the electric and phone before it gets shut off. we maybe able to move into more then the camper at the lake. the only reason why i am saying this is cause at 6am i didnt even want out of bed life was bad and getting worse and all ti took was a phone call to brighten my day. i wanted to tell everyone that has helped me feel better and that has been concerned about me thank you and it has meant alot to me. to all of you that are out there in the same boat as me there is hope. hang in there something will happen for you just when you think it cant get any worse and you are ready to hide it will happen so keep up your spirits.
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11 responses
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I am so happy for you that you are feeling better.
Congrats on getting the job!!!
Do something special with your daughter for her birthday and share those positive feelings you are having right now. It will mean a lot to her.
Go for a nature walk and look for unusual things. Collect them, laugh about them as you are doing it and then go home and make a frame by pasteing all of your items to a cardboard cutout. Stick a picture of the two of you in it and you never know but it might end up being her favorite gift you ever gave her.
Be strong, hun.
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@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
13 Apr 07
thank you and that is a great idea. we planned on taking her fishing cause that is her favorite thing but me and hubby relized our fishing licnse expired about a week ago and we dont have the money to renew them lol. i may just try and get his and him and the kids go and i will go but not fish i will just help with everything. lol. the walk though is a great idea and the whole family would love that. she is one of those kids that dont worry about gifts she just likes to do things together she understands about money and doesnt make a big deal of it. she will be a big 10. oh my that makes me old lol.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
15 Apr 07
thank you for the best response. Good luck with the new job.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
14 Apr 07
You don't have to let all those misfortunes drag you down. You have the power to brighten your own day by refusing to let the outside world control your feelings. You can choose to feel good right now, from within yourself. I am happy you found work and I hope this new job works out for you and your family. Always think of what can go right, not what can go wrong next. That way, you can create good fortune for yourself.
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@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
14 Apr 07
thank you that is a great way of looking at things. i am usally a very happy person. when things are going wrong i am usally the one that keeps the smile and the thought of it will all be ok but when i woke up this morning i didnt have it in me. after all the warm thoughts here and soem thing i have read though i do feel better. the job really helped to but my friends here make it great as well.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I do know that feeling actually Im going through it right now. And Ive been looking for a job in my area so I can walk to work because we only have one car in our house. And my husband uses that for work. I could go down a list of things but that would take to long and I dont feel like talking about it. It will only depress me more. I have to keep my spirts up in order to succeed. And congradulations on your new job.
1 person likes this
@mariyamaka (931)
• India
13 Apr 07
hey wow am really happy for you and i hope you will find a little gift for your daughter and wish her from me tooo... and thanks for sharing with us!!!! and ya hope you enjoy and earn at the store!! keep posting and smiling... because smile increases your face value!
@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
13 Apr 07
i that saying smiling increases your face calue that is cute. thank you as well. i like the idea that was given up in an ealier post on this discussion i think i may do that for her. she would like it.
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
13 Apr 07
Congratulations on your new job,Easymoney! I agree that in life it always seems like it gets "darkest" just before the "light". I am sure that things will get better for you and your family. I think that most of have experienced to one point or another what ya'll have been going through......but that is now the past...so best of luck to you as you enter into this next stage of your life. I am sure that you will do a wonderful job as Asst. Mgr. of Groceries....and Walmart does have some good employee benefits. Thanks so much for sharing this "brighter side" this fine morning.
@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
13 Apr 07
thank you. i know walmart is not a glamor job or a dream come true but to be honest right now working at a subway would be a dream come true just cause of money issues lol. i hear though that they are a good company to work with and the bennifits are good. you never know maybe this will turn out to be great in the end. thank you for your words of encouragement. i know so many here are int eh same boat or worse then me and it helped me in the past to see someone was seeing some light it gave me hope i am just hoping i can do that for someone as well with this post.
@sanyah1988 (306)
• United States
13 Apr 07
That's really great news and everything I am happy to hear even though we have never spoken to each other before and can you wish your child happy birthday for me thanks
1 person likes this
@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
14 Apr 07
thank you. i dont think we have ran across each other in discussions or post yet but i am sure we will. there are alot of members here but i have noticed it is a small place.
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
14 Apr 07
Congratulations on getting that job as I am sure you and your family are very happy that income will be coming in and you will be able have a place to live and be able to eat and other things. This is a great story and am glad that you shared it as those who may have been in similar situations will probably be happy to hear that you were able to get a job. This is why people should not give up or lose hope. Hopefully your situation will encourage others as well. You definitely went through a tough period there and am very happy for you that you got that nice job and hope it works out well for you.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
16 Apr 07
congratulations! things are finally looking better for you and your family. I was on the same boat last year although not exactly the same story, but as the new year began, things started to pick up. I always believe in karma and this year I believe it even more. Thanks for sharing this, I hope the best for you with the new job!
@tombiz (2036)
• Philippines
14 Apr 07
This is a very encouraging story of hope and courage. I am hoping you happiness, success in your new job and above all a loving family to come home to. Sometimes we just have to hang on a little bit for the sunrise of hope to finally arise and we will just be surprised to find out we are given a new lease on life. Congratulations! Give my regards to your husband and kids.
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
Many congratulations! I'm so happy for you!
You really seem to have had a tough time of it in recent months, and I'm sorry to hear that. But then something like this happens to balance it all out.
I'm glad that you now have some money coming in and can pay your bills. I've been there in the past and it's not a nice place to be.
I really hope everything works out for you guys. I have my fingers crossed for you :o)
@suzzs02 (631)
• United States
14 Apr 07
i am so glad to hear u are doing better, thnak God.
sometimes i get down but was reminded by someone that you can always look around and find someone worse off then u.. i get alot of inspiration here
and i know you do to thats what makes this a great site i wish you the bes of luck woht your new job
and for what its worth, u got a god deal at wal mart,
they are a great company and will take care of you they have great benefits andi worked there myself for 4 years ...take care