do you swear ( use profanity )?
By kaperkitty
@kaperkitty (1097)
April 13, 2007 4:43pm CST
My mom always said to swear is a sign of a lack of intelligence. I still to this day rarely even swear in front of my mom. I do however if I'm with friends let the occasional swear word slip by and I won't call it peer pressure but it seems when we are all together laughing it just seems normal . I know it does sound terrible and I can here mom in my ear saying you sound like a trucker (no disrespect intended). I hear teenagers and younger swearing all the time in the mall in corner stores and i cringe thinking it really does sound offense. But I do watch movies and of course many HBO shows have adult language and I watch those so why is it acceptable then. So how do you feel about swearing and do you swear?
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30 responses
@zenmachado (1617)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I swear that I do very much use profanity. Its a horrid vice that I hold, and indeed, I picked it up grade school.
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@zenmachado (1617)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I would agree that it show lack of good manner. Yet many intellectual people use profanity. Just using that type of terminology does not make you stupid, but it may make you sound like possibly you are. Kind of deceived the listener.
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@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
Well thanks so much for being honest I know myself I'm not proud of the fact that I do it. I told my husband I posted this and we set up a pact that we are both going to stop swearing and since we are watching money so closely because of new house renovations swearing will cost the sum of one I will be on my best behavior you can be sure I just hope i don't hit my thumb with the hammer!!
Cheryl thanks for responding
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a few kind words could help too
a swear jar has been put in use
are they giving us what we want
awesome to hear
everyone deserves respect
excellent response
frank and honest ty
good for you
great point
great point made
i think im still pretty bright
seems ok to me
somethign to think about
stress and swearing
thanks a lot for commenting
took away great lessons
wish me luck my friend
words that hurt are never good
your a great mom
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I do not cuss ever. I cant remember when the last time I said a bad word was. It has been years. The worst thing I say is "sh*t" and I cant think of the last time I said that. I hate to hear the "F" word. In fact I hate to hear any kind of profanity. It just really shows what the personality of the person is.

@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
I'm very glad to hear that and your right it shows someone personality to some extent. I know it shows in mine that I don't think before i speak one of those words what someone may think of me.That it may cause them to think less of me. But I don't think it makes me a bad person because I"m not I am a very good person with a very bad habit that I'm going to change.I don't like this about myself. In fact it is exactly why I brought this topic up.I need to hear what people think about swearing how its projects on others. I know it doesn't show me in a positive light how could it.When i see teenagers swearing i get offended can you imagine what makes me different nothing. so it is time for a change, so today no swearing it ends here and I'm going to go with your model cold turkey not even the so called safe words and see how I feel about myself in a month. I bet i will feel much more positive.Thanks for your honesty
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
13 Apr 07
Hi Cheryl! Yes, I do occasionally use inappropriate language. But, it is not like I am one of the Sopranos and use it every other word! That is vulgar.
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@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
I somehow can't imagine you swearing at all your such a polite writer and always respond was nicely but thanks for being honest. But your right Sopranos is a great example of language just gone overboard can this show not exist without the use of such vulgarity? does the script lack the passion to keep us watching with foul language.Makes us think or are the writers thinking oh everyone loves swearing nowadays they expect it. Well I'm tired of it and ready to change my little part of it that I can . No more bad words for Cheryl and I never watch the Sopranos lol.Thanks hon for responding
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@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
I'm so glad to read your post your parents taught you correctly with in it itself is great but it is more wonderful is that you took that lessons away with you.I know a lot of us leave home and forget that lesson very fast you start hanging with Friends and well pick up bad habits. But you have stuck by great lessons.Great example for todays young people!!thanks for responding
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I don't swear. At all. There are very few swear words that I even let in my house, as far as on TV or in person. I've kicked out more than one of my husband's friends for their language. I find it very disrespectful to come into my house, around my baby, and then use words that are inappropriate for my baby to hear. All of my husband's friends are given ONE warning to watch their mouths, if they insist on using those words, they are asked to leave.
Apparently my husband uses some swear words from time to time at work. He only has twice around the baby, though. And I was mad both times.
I think that my baby will be exposed to those words enough when we are out somewhere. I can't control what is said in a restaurant or in the mall. But as far is in my house, no most swear words are not at all acceptable.
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@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
Good for you hon , I'm so glad you have taken such a strong stand against swearing. I'm about to change my life and opinion of swearing because I have become so aware of how it sounds and how I sound when I do it. I'm college educated I have my master's how can i possibly expect someone to value my opinion when i swear its impossible. so I'm stopping cold turkey no more. thanks for sharing your story it inspires me your a great mom!!
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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
14 Apr 07
i try not to,but yea,i swear.
particularily when traffic is gets so bad around here in summer you can't help but let loose some beauties.
@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
I know it is so difficult not to swear in high stress situations for me it used to be swear or break down in tears lol. But I really feel I need to stop. And I by no means am on a one woman crusade to stop swearers everywhere but I just realized after spending a month just listening not swearing to conversations around how awful it all sounds. Society has accepted swearing as party of the English language.I for one want to speak with swearing so we have a swear jar at home and it'll cost ya a buck to say a bad word and dishes for the
thanks for responding much appreciated
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
13 Apr 07
The trouble in today's society is that swearing sadly, has become second nature, especially among the young, and they think that swearing is cool, macho, trendy and acceptable, every sentence HAS to have a swear word it is very sad and a bad reflection on society. It is NOT cool to swear and it's a trend that is fast becoming the norm.
@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
your right these words are becoming second nature like saying hey whats up #$%^girl or whatever. In school well where I went to school and all catholic all girl all Nuns for teachers you did not curse for fear you were going to hell or worse the principals office Sister Agnus Cordeau was the scariest nun I have ever know. you didn't swear in front of her unless it was on the bible. So i don't know why i started after that but today is the day I try with all my will power to start, I'm college educated it's time I sound like it.Thanks so much for responding and making such a great point
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
14 Apr 07
i think to swear shows both a lack of intelligence and retarded communication skills. For those who seem to use swearing as punctuation, what do they say when they hit their thumb with the hammer? I mean profanity is a way of expressing deep emotion, not punctuating everyday speach
blessed be
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@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
excellent comment!! could not have said it better myself you don't need a lot of words to get across a great point do you.I wish I could have given to best responses to this one consider yourself rated A+
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I tend to disagree with your mom there. swearing has nothing to do lack of intelligence. And this doesnt mean I approve of it either. I swear when Im really mad about something. It has to do with not be able to conroll our feelings. And yes its rude to swear in front of other people. Hey but sometimes we just help our feelings.LOL
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@gemini1960 (1161)
• Philippines
14 Apr 07
yes i do swear specially if im angry..i cant help it..but if im not mad or anything i dont swear..and i seldon get mad which means i rarely swear..i dont think swearing can be related to intelligence..this ckind of habit can be acquiered thru the invironment or thru your peers..
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@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
i do agree with you swearing stem form anger and frustration but now as the younger kids come up through it has become part of the English language and common place in every conversation.I hate to see that happened because it is offense to many people and they should have to be exposed to it. and lost a=of very smart people swear there is no link there its like why would a smart man smoke he know it will kill him but they doesn't mean he isn't smart he is addicted. I just think the world could use a few less swear words and a whole lot more kind words it might help the mess were in
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
14 Apr 07
I only swear when I feeling extremely e.g. frustrated. Still, it is quite rare to swear. It is a matter of self-control here.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
14 Apr 07
sadly enough, I do swear. I try not to, especialy at home but it happens. I dont have small children at home, my daughters are older teens. I have noticed it them now thoug. So in an effort to stop it, I'm curbing mine. I figue they will learn by example. I didnt realize how much I did until I really started listening to myself.
@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
yep that was me its amazing once you listen to yourself just how bad it sounds. I'm so glad your at least making an effort to curb it down.once you started you will be amazed how easy it becomes to find a better word and how you don't have to look around the room in case you offend someone . it is such a good feeling about yourself when you speak respectfully.thanks for responding and sharing your story
@Arkadus (895)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
Do I cuss? Not overmuch these days. I got all eccentric and replaced most of them with various incarnations from tv shows.
What do I think of it? Well I'm sure it's offensive to some people and if that's how they feel good for them. I on the other hand see nothing wrong with them, they're just words afterall. Though it certainly has nothing to do with lack of intelligence. Maybe lack of common sense on some peoples parts to use them fluently in public without taking consideration for other people. Though I'll admit it does annoy me when a particular word is offensive but if you use a different one that means the same thing no-one cares.
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@day_lunz (75)
• Philippines
14 Apr 07
Yes..i do swear.. ALOT. Its a good way of releasing the stress and the frustration, and it feels good afterwards. I think i first started swearing during my hi-school days where school just sucked. I have a whole lot of vocabulary of it, and coming from a country with 30+ dialects, u can just imagine the combination I can come up with..sometimes influenced with a little Spanish (which is the most harsh of all cuss)...I just make sure I cuss with people who also cuss..not with those who has 'virgin' ears. hehehehe:) swearing rocks! i'd tell my kids, that they could..just make sure no-one hears them:) evil..hehehe
@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
I think you were raised with a very good belief system and even better you still keep that tradition alive. I too agree it is a sign of disrespect. But i did not realize this till I did my experiment for the month of non swearing and listen to the environment around me very where I went I could hear it each day I felt so offend. and I realize I never wanted to make anyone else feel like that.I will not swear again and disrespect some.Thanks so much for your response
@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I swear, using the worst language whenever I hurt myself, because it just seems to make me feel better. I'm very clumsy, always tripping or bumping my head, or burning myself on the stove, and when that happens, I just start swearing. I don't plan on doing it, it just comes out. Luckily, usually it happens when no one is around. I try to be polite most of the time, and people who don't know me well would probably be surprised to hear me swear. I actually like it better when other people swear a little, because it just seems more human, and I feel like I can trust them a little more that people who are overly polite.
@sparling (178)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
I rarely swear...even with just freinds. I've been known to be too sweet, but i think it makes me more of a lady. You know this about me anyway. And johns not gonna swear eh? haha, watch your mouth. cuz lets be honest here you sure do know how to swear, particular in certain situations. for example the dollarama, mandy xo
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@chengbeb (285)
• Philippines
14 Apr 07
without batting an eyelash I would say I am one of those who swear a lot. Not because I love swearing but because it's an outlet for me when I'm frustrated or mad. Most of us try to find an outlet for our anger or for whatever we feel inside and this is my outlet. Although your mom is right it's not good to swear but I don't think it's a sign of lack of intelligence.
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@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
yeah i do agree swearing a stress and frustration do have a huge link.I do disagree with Mom about a lack of intelligence for people who swear too because if so she wasted a lot of money for me to attend University and then for me to obtain my Master's. But I do this it is disrespectful for the people around us that have to hear us potty mouths.after a month of not swearing and just listening even in coffee shops and corner stores i felt offended by the end of the experiment and I'm going to stay on the clean mouth side..I"m learning saying fudge and darn it are getting to be pretty darn effective lol
thanks for responding and bringing up a good point
@charlestchan (1415)
• Malaysia
14 Apr 07
erm.. i do .. i do swear.. erm.. it's just a bad habit of mine.. which i vow and determined to change myself and not to swear again.. do you know.. swearing is not good because it gives bad impression to everyone? do you in the first place want to give such impression to others? if you're to talk with someone high in rank ( a president for example) will you use such word? to me.. i won't =)
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@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
you bring up a great point how is it we can choose to trun off our bad languge when we talk to someone we don't want to offend? like my mom or the preesident lol.So we should have this ability in everyday situations.Your exactly right its a matter of will power and knowing yourself to stop and change the behavior great point!!
@freddykhalid (48)
• United Arab Emirates
14 Apr 07
I swear when i am alone, but not in front of others
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@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
well that's defiantly a good way to swear if your going to swear you don't offend anyone. and maybe you release some tension. I guess there is nothing wrong with can't offend yourself right. so i guess your doing just fine lol
thanks for responding