By elginkoh
@elginkoh (89)
April 14, 2007 1:18am CST
Do you think that a school teacher is eligible to punish a misbehave or naughty student who create troubles in class?
6 responses
@YoungInLove (1254)
• Canada
24 Apr 07
Well if the students are very disruptive and misbehaved then yes the teachers should, but I also believe that alot of teachers these days are taking their power a little to far. I hate the fact that my teachers have just as much power over me as my parents do. Some teachers just take it to far.
@cowboybob (38)
• United States
25 Apr 07
So in what way do your teachers have that much control over you. I hate to say it because it make me sound like a grown up. But I'll say it anyway. when you are at school you teachers are respnsable for you if anything was to happen at school your teachers would be respasable. So they should have your parents "power" over you "while you are at school" And you should respect them because they have taken the responsablity of teaching you as their job and they should have your respect. Remmber they are people too and in that they are as imperfect as you are so cut them some slack they have a heard job and lots of reponsablites. Now I'm not saying that the grown up is always right there are good teachers and bad teachers you have to learn to respect them inspite of weather you think they are good or bad they are your teachers. it will be good peractice for you once you get out of school you will wind good bosses and bad bosses we all have to learn to work with people we don't like.
@YoungInLove (1254)
• Canada
27 Apr 07
You say it as if teachers are all our friends. Thats not the case though. There are many amazing teachers out there, and probably just as many bad ones. The kinds of teachers I am talking about, are the ones who get easily frustrated. Example, today my teacher was mad at some student, and at the time i told my friend i had a headache so it hurt to focus on the book, he took his frustrations out on me by yelling at me saying that talking doesnt help headaches. I couldnt say anything back or else I would have got in more trouble. Other teachers of mine will go on and on about how lazy a student is or they may put down a student RIGHT infront of the class, but yet, the student cant say much becuase the teacher has the seniority and the student will automatically get in trouble if they talk back.
Some teachers are just rude and say whatever they want becuase they know they can get away with it, and thats what i think is wrong.
@cowboybob (38)
• United States
1 May 07
I do agree with you rudeness is rudeness no matter were it comes from. I do think that is a hard place to be in as a student and I feel for you. I do feel that you need to give them the respect that the position deserves no matter what the person is. I don't think you have to like it. But it won't last forever whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. just keep your head up it sounds like you are doing it right it's just hard sometimes.
@cowboybob (38)
• United States
24 Apr 07
I think a teacher must be able to punish their students. with out it i think students could lose respect for the teacher and maintaining a level of respect is very important.
"I also think" that some of the school shooting over the years "could" have been avoided "if" the students saw their teachers and school staff as a absolute authority in their lives. Now I'm not a professional smart person I'm only a working cowboy who works for a living so I only think I know what I am talking about. So take it for what its worth. My opinion.
@drmt57 (295)
• United States
24 Apr 07
I agree with you but there should be a level of punishment and parents should be aware of the punishment before hand. some kids know that they can tell their parents anything and they will believe it, and they run to the school all up in the teacher face when their child is actually in the wrong, i know this to be true because my friend daughter was in second grade, she would get in trouble in school almost every day hitting othre kids, lying on kids and teachers.i knew the child was causing the problem because my kids had those same teachers, i told my friend that i didn't think things was happening the way her daughter said, she started going to the school sitting in on the class and her daughter was excellent while she was there. well she has a few run in with the teacher until finally one day her daughter came home and told her that the teacher took her food and would not let her finish eating.well what had happened was that she was giving the snacks and she was taking them out during class eating, but she had enough smarts to not tell her mom that she was eating at the wrong time, she led her to believe that it was her lunch.
@cowboybob (38)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Your right its really bad when parents back their kids over the teachers. I think parents should protect their kids however parents and teachers need to work together. Parents shouldn't always side with their kids. They need to get all the information. If the teacher is out of line the back the kid BUT if the teacher is in the right and the kid is out of line then the parents need to come down hard on their kid.

@soulist (2985)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I think a teacher should be able to discipline a child if they get out of hand, but to an extent. I don't think a teacher should lay a hand on a child (no one should), but they should be able to do time out, corner, take privilages away stuff like that.
@gwenmari1029 (1481)
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
it will have to depend on what type of punishment. if the teacher will give something that will not physically abuse or hurt the child, i might agree with it. punishements should be something like standing on the corner, staying after class or any minor punishments and the teacher should inform the parents how their child behaved in class for the parents to be responsible in disiplining, talking to their child.
but if it is a physical punishment, like hitting the child, it is a big NO. the teacher doesn't have any right to spank anyone. they are there to guide the students while they are in class and not to hurt them. the students can be disciplined by talking to them. the more that they hit the child, the more hard-headed they will become.
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
14 Apr 07
Of course they have the right to punish a child who is disrupting their ability to teach a class.
I don't know what you mean by punish though, you didn't say.
Here we have things like detention, i used to get sent to the principal's office a lot in high school & in primary school i had time out which meant i had to sit in the hallway, outside the classroom door for however long the teacher thought was necesssary.
If you're meaning physical punishment then definitely not, it's no-one's place to physically discipline a child except for the parents & these days a lot of parents seem to be against physical discipline, they'd much rather use other methods.
@_meliska (15)
• United States
24 Apr 07
When I was younger, I went to a private school. Parents had to sign waivers/consents allowing the school to punish us for certain offenses, and then another waiver allowing them to spank us (it was actually a paddle, but you get the point). My dad never signed the paddling one for me, but did for my brother. My brother was never paddled, but even as a 1st grader, just knowing that the school had that power kept him in line. We had to be one of the best behaved schools in the county because we were all afraid of the paddle that was on the wall above the principal's desk. I'm sure that's not the one they used (it was far too big), but it put the fear in us, and we were really well behaved.