Share Your Dreams....
By Darkwing
@Darkwing (21583)
April 14, 2007 8:13am CST
It’s a well-known fact that everybody dreams. Do you dream? What are your dreams… please share one here. I am very interested to know whether groups of people dream in a similar way.
Are you able to record what you see in a Dream Book and analyse them afterwards? I do, I keep a pad by my bed and later record the dream and analyse it. I can’t resist it because I believe that dreams are messages.
So, please share a dream with me, and also, tell me what you think it might mean? Does your main dream recur, or does it belong to a series of dreams? I have a really deep interest in what dreams are made of. Don’t be shy! ;-)
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18 responses
@mlgb_24 (638)
15 Apr 07
sometimes i can remember dreams vividly well, but some i don't. i once dreamed of my deceased father, holding a baby in his hand. i don't know what it means. but most often, i dream of things which i keep on repeatedly dreaming after a while, it's like deja vu in dreams. i don't know what it means. sometimes i read the dream book, but most of the times, the meanings don't relate anything to me at all. i think what you're doing is a good practice of writing them all down, coz it might mean something to me, or to people close to me..thanks for the post.
@KrishnaVeera (4133)
• India
14 Apr 07
Dear friend,
Every one have lot of deferent kind's of dreams. yes i to have more dream's but till only one has came as true. hence I'm happy with that. do you know what is that? when am studding time i had a dream to join one multi national company especially Wipro software. after finishing my diploma my dream comes true. now am happy in that but i have a lot of dreams which is not yet comes true in my file. one more important dream i had when my education period. i had in love with my close girl friend but my love is closed in tears.i pray god your all dreams comes true. god bless you take care
that's a nice topic here in this topic every one will open their heart.
@Darkwing (21583)
14 Apr 07
Thank you Krishna. I hope you're right in saying that everyone will open their heart to this discussion.
I'm understanding from the context of your response that you keep some sort of journal, as you mentioned the word "file"? This isn't a bad thing, because you can keep track of your dreams and make a note of which come true and which don't. Maybe the ones that don't, you have analised incorrectly? I don't know for sure, but you seem to have good and not-so-good dreams. The career one was certainly a pleasant one and congratulations on that. It was probably a motivational dream, to carry you through your study. As for the one about the girlfriend; did you actually see her face, or could it maybe have meant that in time, you will find your everlasting love, eventually? I ask this, because she may have been just a step towards the "One", a fork in your path, so to speak.
Thank you for sharing your dreams with us, Krishna. It's interesting to know how things pan out in life from your dreams. I think a + rating is in order here, for the thought put into your response. Thank you again, and brightest blessings. May all your better dreams come true, too. :-)
@KrishnaVeera (4133)
• India
15 Apr 07
Dear friend,
really am happy with your thought's, and your responding style is wonderful. i like your frindliness. keep in touch with me, please?

@weemam (13372)
21 Jul 07
I used to dream the same thing over and over . one was I was driving along the side of a loch and the car went in , It was a dream I had a lot befor I started to drive myself , I don't get that one now , I also used to dream about widows falling out of houses and them flling on the grass below , we used to live in a house with really old windows but they were safe enough , I still dream I am in a strange place with no clothes on and I am trying to hide , Hubby says this is because I have to many clothes and can't make up my mind lol , I think it is because I have so much to deal with in my life and it is confusing me , I also have nightmares when I am really tired or worried about something , my hubby has to wake me as I usually end up screaming , it takes him a while to reassure me it WAS a dream as I get terrified , xx
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@weemam (13372)
22 Jul 07
yes pal a lot of this makes sense , the winding roads and the still watters , I do drive to places like this but as you know I have lots of family worries , I try not to show I get worried and let everyone think I am doing it all so easily , when I am finding it so hard , and yes sonmeone I got really fond of did really wrong by me and used my name for something without telling me and I found out , so you have pretty well explained it for me my friend , thanks xxx
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@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
My dreams are odd, i have so many a night i can't even keep up, and if i can't remember one, all i have to do is ask my hubby what i talked about, and i know what it was about.
Most of my dreams come true in one way shape or form, so i have to sit back and figure each and every one out because they're very important.
Sometimes their portrayed to me in a way that it could mean anything, so i have to go on little hints, little things, but here's one dream i've never been able to figure out, that i've had a few times in the past, about 4 or 5 years ago.
I'm in this spring, it's just a warm little itty bitty lake with a water fall on one side, i'm going down under the water and i feel like i'm drowning, i can't stop myself, the water is totally clear, i can see everything from under the water as i would from above it.
I start to panic, and then i see this human figure standing along the edge of this spring, i couldn't make out if it was a female or male, but it was talking to me, and walking towards the waterfall, suddenly when it gets behind the waterfall, still standing on some kind of ledge, water not touching it, it says to me, let go, relax, it's going to be okay, and it was telling me that i needed to let myself go, it was time.
So after a couple of minutes, i relaxed, and looking at this multi colored waterfall and this person, i slowly closed my eyes, let go, everything went black, and then i woke.
I personally think that one was telling me to be myself i had to relax, let go of everything that was holding me back and let everything happen on it's own time.
Shortly after that i got with the man that's now my husband, at the time i had the dream, i was fighting love, i realized that i was in love, and in my experience, love didn't lead anyone anywhere, not good anyway, so letting go of my ears, my inhibitions, i was able to see the full extent of what love could do.
This dream helped me, but I'm not sure if i got it right, whatever it did, it showed me that if you just let go of all your fears and worries, things get easier, and it's harder for you to forget what's important.
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@Darkwing (21583)
14 Apr 07
Yes, I agree that it's important to understand what your dreams mean... anyway, I'm always curious! lol.
My thoughts on your dream are fairly close to the way you see it...
To dream that you were drowning, signifies that you were overwhelmed by emotions. You may have been proceeding too quickly in trying to discover your unconscious thoughts and therefore, needed to advance more cautiously and slowly. The fact that you relaxed and survived a drowning, meant that a wakening relationship would ultimately survive the turmoil. That's where your boyfriend came in.
The figure you saw from under the water was probably neither male nor female... my guess is, it could have been a deity, your mentor and guide, or indeed, your guardian angel. The rainbow coloured water probably signified a bridge between your earthly, grounded self and the higher, spiritual self. A rainbow denotes success and for lovers,overwhelming happiness in their union. Normally, to see mysterious figures in your dream, signifies great mental distress which indeed you were suffering, and I have the idea that you were reaching out to this figure for guidance and he was subsequently telling you to slow down and let things come to you as they were meant to... i.e. you and your boyfriend/husband were brought together for a reason; you just had to accept him into your life. But, before you could... as you say... you had to let go of all your fears and inhibitions and this was the message in your dream, and it seems to have been the right one, because you sound very happy with your hubby.
Thank you very much for sharing this dream with us, Spitfire. It was a very interesting and colourful dream, and well worth a + rating. Brightest Blessings and Sweet Dreams.
@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
15 Apr 07
thanks, it was a confusing dream, but i think i got the message right, and your right, i'm pretty sure that the figure in my dream was my spirit guide.

@lifeiseasy (2292)
• United States
14 Apr 07
this is a really interesting discussion ...I have always wondered what are dream mean too us too ..
Well I have had this drean tons of times , but not in the past few years , so I believe it had something to do with beibg in the restaurant business forover twenty years . Ok ...I used to dream that I was running and I never went anywhere , no matter how hard I would run , sometimes I would wake up in a full seat.Dreams can be so realistic sometimes you feel like you lived that part of your life.. But that was the dream that I have always wondered about . I sold my resaurant about seven years ago and I can't remember the last time I had that dream but I do know it was when I was working in that field.
You will post more of a discussion about this right ??/ I want to hear more make sure you pm when you do so I see it ...I have you freind alert on but you never know ... thanks :)
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@Darkwing (21583)
15 Apr 07
You want more, my dear friend? Sheeeesh, what a slavedriver. ha ha ha.
Only joking... I'm thinking about following this one up with something just a little different, but we will have to wait and see, won't we? :-)
Brightest Blessings Life... take care and have a good day!
@lifeiseasy (2292)
• United States
15 Apr 07
wow ...that was an awesome summing up of my dreams...thank you for being my friend ... can't wait for more ...

@galatea (686)
• Philippines
16 Apr 07
I've noticed that when someone or something is bothering me in the real world, I dream about running away from either a person, a monster, or something entirely skewed. I really felt like I was being pursued and I always woke up tired and scared to the edge of my wits. I also used to have a dream castle, it's a structure that always appears in my dreams, it has a big sink hole at the middle, sort of like the Niagara falls but instead of water, fine dust cascades down into it's dark depths. A lot of people jump into it but I never got to jump in myself.
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Apr 07
Hi Galatea. Your dreams are very interesting... I will attempt to tell you why.
Chase dreams often stem from feelings of anxiety in your waking life, where often you are running away, hiding, or trying to outwit your pursuer. These dreams of chase possibly represent your way of coping with fears, stress or various situations in life, which instead of confronting, you are running away from, and avoiding. The pursuer or attacker chasing you may also represent a part of yourself. Your own feelings of anger, jealousy, fear, or possibly love, can assume the appearance of a threatening figure, onto whom you are projecting these feelings. Next time you have a chase dream, turn around and confront your pursuer... ask them why they are chasing you.
A dream castle signifies reward, honor, recognition, and praise for your achievements. It brings the message that your future will be a happy one, surrounded by the love of your children, generosity of neighbours, and comfort of friends. You are destined to a position of power, wealth, and prestige. The sink hole, probably represents a well, signifying abilities and talents that have not yet come to the surface or be recognized. The well is also symbolic of the depth of your emotions. It may serve as a depository for those emotions or alternatively, the dream may also be a pun and indicate that you are doing "well". Seeing dust in your dream, suggests that aspects of yourself have been ignored or neglected. If you get covered in the dust dispersed when others jump into the hole, this would signify that the failure of others will adversely effect you.
These dreams are both quite important to the way your life pans out, so I'll send you the wish that they come true, and you have a very happy and rewarding life.
Thank you for your response, Brightest Blessings and Sweet Dreams. + rating.
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@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
14 Apr 07
I suppose that we all have the same type of dream sometimes. One of the classics must be the always falling dream and only ends when you wake up suddenly.
Years ago my recurring dream used to be the one where I was on one side of a chasm and was contemplating in trying to jump across to the other side but always woke up before attempting to. I have had some dreams that I can't rember what they were about but I do remember the fact they were very vivid as though I was really awake.
Then there was another recurring dream that I really enjoyed having which was when I could fly, and loved to practice from different locations to see if it was really happening that I had the ability to fly. And so on and so on.
Wow what a great discussion topic Darkwing.
May all your future dreams be happy ones. Deeeky.
@Darkwing (21583)
14 Apr 07
Hey Deeeky... this is very interesting and I would have liked to know what your analysis of these dreams might have been, but if you don't mind too much, I would like to give my thoughts. :-)
The "falling" dream is one of insecurity. You're not sure of where you want to go, or whether you will be accepted when you get there. I had a similar, odd dream a couple of nights ago, which spurred this discussion in a way, because I was speaking of it with a friend. I was in light sleep and somebody crept up behind me, placed, I think one arm, over my shoulder and around my neck, and pulled me back sharply until I was wedged closely against their body. The jolt of my neck and trying to pull away from the hold, made me wake up, but I thought about this dream, and came up with this... I think the "attacker" was somebody from my past, either distant or not so distant, who realised I was walking away from them, (the assailant was male). I feel they didn't want me to walk away, so they crept up behind me and pulled me back to the place I had left... being as this was very tight to his body, I would assume my place was right by their side. Something to be pondered. Sorry, I digress...
Your dream with the chasm waiting to be jumped? I think the chasm represented the divide between a bad part of life, which you wanted to leave behind, and a new, much better life on the other side. You wanted to jump, but you feared that once on the other side, you would have left any security you may have had and entered into the unknown, less "safe" future. However, you knew that if you jumped, life could only get better and on contemplating this a few times, you finally applied your PMA and took the jump. To my mind, it was the best thing you ever did and guided by a dream? I feel your life is much happier now, but maybe the memories aren't, but these memories won't hold you back. The wounds will heal, my dear friend.
The "flying" dream was your way to find freedom, to fly high and succeed in life. It took you a while to get off the ground but I think this is currently becoming a reality. You certainly have the ability to fly and the PMA to fly higher than most. Good luck and success with everything that you're attempting right now, and I'm always here, if you need a little wind beneath your wings. ;-)
Thank you so much for your contribution Deeeky. All of your dreams, except the "falling" one, seem very positive and I thank you for sharing them with us. I am also giving you a + rating for your time in submitting an intelligent, quality response.
Brightest blessings my dear friend. May you reach the highest heights and all your dreams come true. x
@complexvanilla (653)
• India
14 Apr 07
While I have never had any recurring dreams, all of my dreams are very clear and colorful! So clear that when I wake up, I remember almost all of the details. A friend of mine tells me that his dreams are so garish than even in dreams, he knows that he is dreaming! While I can't even say that I comprehend what he says fully, my own experience has been totally to the contrary. I never realize that my dreams are not real until I wake up. Sometimes, they would have felt so real that even after waking up, I'm not really sure whether it was a dream or not! I once had a dream of jumping off a tall building and magically floating on hot air currents, instead of falling down. I actually soared higher and was even able to control my flight. I was able to get a bird's eye view of my near by locality. It was a wonderful dream. Wish it could come true!
@Darkwing (21583)
14 Apr 07
It might have... or if not, it possibly will at a later date. Although what you see is quite real, it will have an underlying meaning. You won't find yourself jumping off a tall building, I don't think. lol. I think it might mean that although you might have a bit of a disappointment, you'll come out of it well and with flying colours, and end up better for the stumble, because you're in control of your life. Of course, you may have already passed this time and not noticed it, because you saw your dream literally.
I'd be interested to know whether that sort of thing happened to you at any point in your life so far.
Thank you for a wonderful response, for which I'm awarding a + rating. Brightest Blessings and sweet dreams.
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
14 Apr 07
I dream pretty much everyday. Yesterday was a huge series of dreams. I spent a few minutes after I woke just to go through those dreams. Sorry I can't share, if I tell you, I have to kill you. LOL :P
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@Darkwing (21583)
14 Apr 07
Ha ha ha ha ha. You ARE a naughty boy, Wiz!!! I wouldn't be brave enough to ask, that's for sure!
We all dream every day, of that I'm sure, but whether we remember them and whether they mean a lot to us, is a different matter. I'm sure you know how to analyse your dreams anyway.
Thank you for your amusing response, my friend. Brightest Blessings to you. ;-)
@leon077 (159)
• Indonesia
15 Apr 07
yes, I'm dream, few a night mare, and most of all is ordinary dreams. I dream I can jump so high that climb a very very endless tall tree by jumping in the branches. jump, and jump, and jump, until I woke up.
sometime I dream that I can write a good novel with fluent language and sometime I remember this is the old dream I once had in the dream..
Dream has color,. I remember dream flying through a football field and watch green grass cover the field..
and I often dream that I know this is a dream and I cannot move any of my body part, this is scary, I often to multiply number to wake up from this dream stage... T.T
I dream swimming in the pool and the ocean, but I can breath in the water, this is so much fun, the water, the clear water. and I dream about swimming in the building beneath the water.
too much to tell about dreams, lets see other dreams then..
good post
@Darkwing (21583)
15 Apr 07
Hi Leon... great response earning a + rating.
From your dreams, I see you as a person with much ambition, meticulous in planning your life and the reaching of your goals. You want to be the best in your field, and I have no doubt you will be.
To dream that you are jumping indicates that you need to take a risk and go for it... you will find progress toward your goals. Moreover, lush green trees symbolise new hopes, growth and desires. It also implies strength and stability. You are concentrating on your own self-development and individuation. That you are jumping up into a tree, achievement of your career goals and reaching the high places in society. The degree of difficulty to which you scale the tree will measure the speed of your achievement of these goals.
To dream that you are writing, signifies some sort of communication with someone or with your conscious mind and the fact that it's a novel and in fluent language, means you will succeed in getting your new ideas across.
Flying denotes freedom, and to see a meadow, represents openness and security. You are taking time out to appreciate your accomplishments. The green of the grass is symbolic of your strive to gain recognition and establish your independence and the football field tells you that you'll reach your goals. Not only that... money and wealth are associated with the colour green, so you will gain much from reaching your goals.
To dream that you are can't move, may reflect the current state of your body while you are dreaming, as during the REM state of sleep, you really are immobile and paralysed. However symbolically, dreaming that you are unable to move, may mean you are feeling helpless or pinned down in some aspect or circumstances of your waking life. You may feel unable to deal with a situation or that you can't do or change something. This may come at times with you being so focused on your goals, success and freedom.
Water in your dream, symbolises your unconscious and your emotional state of mind. Water is the living essence of the psyche and the flow of life energy and is also symbolic of spirituality, knowledge, healing and refreshment. Indeed,calm, clear water signifies that you are in tune with your spirituality. It denotes serenity, peace of mind, and rejuvenation.
Swimming suggests that you're exploring aspects of your unconscious mind and emotions. The dream may be a sign that you are seeking some sort of emotional support. To dream that you are swimming underwater, suggests that you are completely submerged in your own feelings, and forcing yourself to deal with your emotional difficulties.
So, all in all, I would say that you are, most of the time, extremely focused and determined to reach your goals. You will work hard to achieve these goals, and to find success and freedom. However, you do have some obstacles on the way... well, don't we all... but you have the positive mental attitude and strength of character to work around these and onto your path again. You have all the makings of a successful man. Good luck.
Thank you very much for your response, Brightest Blessings and Sweet Dreams.
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@marababe (2503)
• Philippines
15 Apr 07
This is one interesting topic. I personally believe that dreams really tell us something. But I have always wondered whether the dream we have had will come true as it is or it will be the opposite in reality. There was once that I dream about failing one subject the night before our course card distribution so when I woke up the next day I was really nervous to get my grade but when I received it, it turned out I passed so I was very relieved and happy. But there was also a dream that I had that I will be going to have my debut party (I've been telling my dad about it way before) and it happened. So I got confused. And recently, I had a dream about my ex boyfriend, and he wanted to get back together. I don't know why I had that dream since we already are broken up for almost a year now. By the way, it's not every day that I remember what I dream about the night before.
@Darkwing (21583)
15 Apr 07
Hi Marababe. On the contrary; the fact that you dreamed about failing that one subject in your exams, was probably a message to you that if you didn't concentrate more on that one subject, that would be the one you failed on. It was pointing out your weakness, in other words, and indicating that you needed to put more effort into that one subject. I believe you probably did this, because you didn't want to fail it, and passed the exam without any trouble. So, in essence, what you see is not always what you get. There are underlying meanings in these messages.
The debut party, you really wanted. So much so, that you discussed it with your dad, and made it happen.
As for the dream that your ex-boyfriend wanted to get back together with you, if you are in a relationship currently, this signifies that this relationship is lacking the excitement of your previous one and you need to recapture the excitement, freedom, and vitality of youth that is lacking. If not in a current relationship, you have lost the excitement, freedom and vitality of youth which you had whilst with this boyfriend, and you're yearning to get that back. If this is the case, you need to get this back... go out, have some fun with friends and put the excitement back in your life which you so miss.
Thank you for your response... I hope I have helped you and am awarding a + rating to you for your time and openness. Brightest Blessings and Sweet Dreams.
@kedar777 (51)
• India
14 Apr 07
hey gurl..well i have no clue whether dreams come true or that they r messages..well this is quite a funny rather strange dream...well i saw that our earth had an alien attack nd the aliens wre roaches..i know its disgusting but that is what i dreamt about..i don't think so, this can possibily come true...but there are a few times wen i see my self doing a few things in my dreams and after a few days those things actually happen..nothing drastic as such..but somtimes it just that i say somthin to a person,nd a few days later wen it becomes true it feel like this has happened earlier..its like u'hav seen it vissually during ur sleep and now its actually happening..but i don't keep a records of my dreams..i think sometimes they do come true and sumtimes tey don..its plain destiny..whats ur age plzz reply.
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@Darkwing (21583)
14 Apr 07
Hi Kedar... this dream may not come true as you see it, but it's my belief that it holds an underlying message, which I see this way...
To see aliens in your dream can signify that you are finding it difficult to adapt and adjust to new surroundings. You feel 'alienated' and invaded, and also have difficulties in finding a way to handle or deal with a certain situation or person. Psychologically, seeing aliens may represent an encounter with an unfamiliar or neglected aspect of your own self.
Crawling Roaches imply a need for renewal and self-cleansing of your emotional and psychological being. These cockroaches suggest much negativity around you which, without a doubt, affects various aspects of your daily life but on a more positive note, roaches may also be symbolic of tenacity and longevity.
I would suggest that the combination of aliens and cockroaches in your dreams, is bringing you the message that you need to disperse with all the negativity which surrounds you, cleanse your inner self and move on and up in a more positive way. Believe in yourself, cast aside the doubt and alienation, show that tenacity and you will live a long and happy life.
As for my age, I don't make a habit of disclosing it, but I have looked at your profile and would just say that I'm significantly older than you. lol. I'm sorry but I think age is just a number and it matters not to me.
Thank you for your detailed response. I've awarded you a + rating for the time and thought that went into this. I'll ignore the cheeky question about my age! lol.
Brightest Blessings and Sweet Dreams. :-)
@prashantrjp (275)
• India
15 Apr 07
my dreams are not worth is only once in while that i get some good it a bad sign not having sound dreams...i am healthy???
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@Darkwing (21583)
15 Apr 07
No, it's not a bad sign, Prashantr. I don't always have vivid dreams, but when I do, I make note of them. We're all different. A tip, if you want to dream, is to put a sachet of lavender under your pillow in the hope that this might stimulate your visions.
I'm sorry you don't have anything to share with us, dreamwise, but thank you for your response. Brightest Blessings.
@nagatron123456 (888)
• Philippines
21 Jul 07
Being honet, sometimes i dream about friends, funny things and some naughty things since I am a man.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
15 Apr 07
Hi Darkwing. I know I dream, but for many years now I have not remembered my dreams on waking. Maybe that is because I only sleep for 4 - 5 hours a night and I sleep VERY soundly, waking up bright and fresh and impatient to start the new day. Sometimes when I wake I know I have been dreaming and I know it was a very happy dream. Sometimes I remember little snatches, but just as I start to recall them, they fly away again, but it doesn't bother me.
As a child I had a recurring dream which continued into early adult years. People would be chasing me and I would just flap my arms and fly above their heads. They would be trying to reach me, but I would just flap a little harder and stay out of their reach. Knowing much about my young life, you would easily understand these dreams.
From the age of eleven, for more than twenty years, I had many nightmares, always the same, where I would wake with a gigantic, hairy spider coming down onto my face. My husband said my goosebumps were bigger than pumpkins. We also know the reason for this nightmare, so no prizes for guessing this one.
So, sorry Darkwing, but I'm no help to you, but this is a good discussion, and I'll be returning to read more. I think you'll probably get many responses.
@Darkwing (21583)
15 Apr 07
Hi Cloud! I think, in your case, maybe you want to shut some of your dreams out, sweetheart. However, the happy ones seem to be balancing things up for you, even if you can't remember all of them.
Yes, you're right, I do understand the dreams of your childhood and early adult years, and feel they're best not entered into here. Just a ((((hugggg)))) will suffice.
Thank you for your response Cloud. It doesn't matter that you don't want to share your dreams with us... I fully understand that, just thanks for supporting me and for the kind words. I hope you're right. A + rating is in order here, for sharing with us such dark dreams. Brightest Blessings my dear friend. x
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@linda1579 (2)
• China
15 Apr 07
i dream everyday, but i hate dream. last night i dreamed i go to school...can you have a method to help me have no dreaming night. thank you.
@Darkwing (21583)
15 Apr 07
Wow, you're the first person I've heard say that they don't like to dream. I don't think there's a lot you can do to stop it... I haven't really looked into it because I have no qualms about dreaming. In fact, I'm more likely to enhance it.
However, this site, containing questions and answers about why we dream, etc, might help.
Thank you for your response, and brightest blessings.
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@deepakchp (341)
• India
16 Apr 07
it is very interested to see dreams.but it is also very interested to share the dreams which we see with others.i see good dreams and bad dreams.some people say that the dream which we see in the morning is happend.but i cant feel such a you feel?
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Apr 07
Yes, we all have dreams, Deepakchp. Sometimes, they're good and sometimes not so good, but they don't always mean we're headed for disaster when they're bad. They could be bearing us the message that we are heading the wrong way and if we don't realise and right our ways, we are heading for a difficult life. So, if we analyse these dreams correctly, we have the chance to better ourselves and succeed in reaching our goals and ambitions.
I wake early, and often go back to sleep. Invariably, if you do this after a dream, you forget what you've dreamed about, and it's lost forever. So, I keep a pad by my bed, and when I first wake from a dream, I jot down keywords so that I can refer to them later and record my dream ready for analysis.
So, yes, I do believe that dreams are a message from a higher plane, or from our unconscious. Thank you for your response, Brightest Blessings and Sweet Dreams.