what if beyonce was white?

April 14, 2007 10:14am CST
what if beyonce was white? would it make a difference? would you still like her? share your thoughts!
6 responses
@Sana321 (108)
• Canada
18 Apr 07
Yes I would..talent isn't categorized by race..there's alot of great white artists out there just as much as black
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
16 Apr 07
beyonce is so beautiful even if she has a dark skin stone..what more is she do have white?i think,she' a lot beautiful!
@eseomame (1146)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I think people like beyonce because of her talent, not her race, so it wouldn't matter if she were white or any otherrace for that matter.
• United States
14 Apr 07
Wouldn't make a difference. I agree with the comment above. We don't listen to Beyonce because of her race, we listen to her for that gifted voice she has. Whether she was white, black, purple with yellow polka dots, I don't think it would change her success at all.
• United States
15 Apr 07
I think that if Beyonce was white I would still love her. I think she would be even bigger if she were white. I am however, glad and proud that she is one of my black sisters b/c, she is a positive influence and model in and for the black community. She makes us believe and see that anything can happen.
• Philippines
15 Apr 07
i can't imagine her white but i guess i will still like her anyway... its her performance and voice that i see rather her color... ;)