Would You Rekindle A Friendship Even After A Friend Hurt You?

@wachit14 (3595)
United States
April 14, 2007 1:01pm CST
I had a best friend for twenty-four years. She was married, but ended up cheating in her husband with a low-life guy who swept her off her feet. I tried to talk her out of leaving her husband, but she ended up going any way and walking away from a marriage and her daughter. That was six years ago and I haven't heard from her since. Today, my daughter told me that she heard that my ex-friend was physically abused by this guy and she is now in the hospital. I am torn as to what to do. Should I try to contact her or leave well enough alone? Advice is much needed. Thanks.
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35 responses
@cielo_09 (28)
• Philippines
15 Apr 07
I think you should try to contact her, for old time's sake. She needs your help badly this time and maybe it's also about time that you rekindle your friendship and just forgive each other. It's really hard to forgive but then it's a good start of a new and way better relationship. For all we know, she's your friend from the start and it wouldn't be so much hard if you start all over again, actually you wouldn't have start, you just have to continue your friendship. Maybe this time she'll realize that you have been right all along. It's not too late.
@txwoman36 (173)
• United States
15 Apr 07
i had a friend not want to be friends after 20 something yr of being friends. now if she tried to come back in my life and be friends i wouldnt trust her one bit. she hurt me very badly and did not care and to me that isnt a friend. i want to tell her off and maybe one day i will be able to do that. couple of yrs ago i got hurt and she never called to see if i was okay. the lady that does my hair is friends with her so i bet my hairdresser told her and she never called to see how i am doing. if she got hurt and i found out i do not know if i would visit her. your friend did not do like my friend did to me. maybe you could at least call her at the hospital to see how shes doing.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
15 Apr 07
I'm sorry you were hurt by your friend. Some people are very selfish and they don't have a clue that they've hurt someone close to them. Then they wonder why the friendship fails. Thanks for your kind words and I wish you the best.
• Canada
14 Apr 07
It doesn't sound like this friend hurt you as much as she hurt herself for getting into that relationship. It sounds to me like your ego was bruised, because she did not take your advice, even though you know you were right. Now what's done is done, and there's no way you're going to be able to change the past, so don't even try. You should go see your friend in the hospital, and tell her that you are there to support her. DON'T say things like "I told you so," because you know you were right, just let her know that if the guy did this to her once, he'll do it again, and it would be safer for her if she would leave him to save herself. That's all you can do is tell her. Then it's out of your hands once again.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
15 Apr 07
Great advice, I totally agree with danishcanadian :)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I'm one for leaving things well enough alone. If she ignored your advice, and it was obviously good advice and left her husband and daughter and then got herself into a bad situation then it's her fault. I'm not one to go back and try to fix a friendship when she so blatantly went against your wishes and abandoned her husband and daughter for some low-life that gets his kicks beating up women. Then again, I'm not one to try and work things out with a so called 'friend' that obviously thinks you don't know anything about the advice you give and doesn't contact you for years.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
14 Apr 07
Yes, I still have bad feelings about what happened, but I guess I feel so bad that she was physically abused and has been hospitalized. Thanks for your thoughts.
• Canada
14 Apr 07
This is a hard one since I do believe in second chances but sometimes as much as we want someone to change they don't . I just gave someone a chance again after years of not talking and found out that she had never changed and in fact was worse then before . It worked for a year that we were friends again but this year at Christmas we quit speaking and I don't believe I would be giving her another chance as this time she went to far . I would say that you have to go on your best instincts . It is true that she may have changed and may really need someone to be there to understand that she made a mistake , as in life , we all make mistakes at some time that we later regret . Until you talk to her and get to know her again , you will never know for sure . My suggestion would be to maybe go see her but start things off slowly as this way my mistake in taking back a friend after a tradegy happened and trusting in her too quick because I wanted to believe that she was different . I have always found the best thing to do is to try and place myself in the other's person's situation and try and see things from their point of view or from their life experience . Do you believe that she may be a different person ? Do you believe she regrets what she did in the past ? Do you believe that she may be a good person to rekindle a relationship with again , or do you feel this will only cause you more pain ? These are all questions you have to ask yourself and do what you feel in your heart is right . It is always nice to be able to give someone that second chance in life and it could turn out to be the best thing you could have done , just go slowly and figure out all angles on what you feel should be done . Best of luck in whatever you decide :)
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
14 Apr 07
Thanks for sharing your personal experience with me. I believe this person has not really changed and I do believe that she would have to hit rock bottom to do so and I'm not sure that this has happened yet, but I am going to give it some thought. Thanks.
@bluewings (3857)
14 Apr 07
My initial reaction in this case was that it would be hard to rekindle the friendship , but after reading the present circumstances I'd say that you should go.Probably ,she would need someone close to be by her side at this time when her trust has been broken by that guy who physically abused her.Yes, she was wrong to leave her husband for that guy,but she has alrady seen the consequences.If I was her friend ,I'd have wanted to go and see her and help her in any way I could.Your not being there probably make things even tougher for her.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
14 Apr 07
Yes, I had the very same initial reaction, but my daughter wants me to go and be with her. I can't say that our relationship will ever be the same, but on the other hand she sounds like she is quite down and out at this point in time.
• Indonesia
15 Apr 07
i always rekindle a friendship even some one hurt me. it's jesus told me.
• Philippines
15 Apr 07
I think yes, in this kind of times is where she needed you the most. She may have hurt you in some way of ignoring all your advices but I think she will soon realized that she made the wrong choice and I think she need you to regain that confidence. If she don't have any plans to revive that friendship then its up to her at least you have done what you can to save your frienship and herself.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
15 Apr 07
Forgiveness is the key. I always forgive my friends. She has learned a valuable lesson here and right now she needs friends. You were her best friend. Best friends don't turn their backs on each other. No matter what has happened. She is probably feeling really bad over losing you as a friend and now she is in the hospital and needs someone. I say go to her. Don't say I told you so. Just give her a hug and tell her how sorry you are that she got hurt and hope she gets well fast. Those are my thoughts. I know that no matter what I did, my best friend is always there to stand by me. Thats what best friends are for.
@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
15 Apr 07
give her a call so she was stupid and made a bad choice MOST women choose losers who SEEM confident and look handsome if she was your friend, you have to try to help her, unless she says no and refuses help
@viper123 (29)
• India
15 Apr 07
Friendship is something not to be leftout throughout the life for anything.She was your best friend for twenty four years.This is not a small period of time.You spent a great time with her at past.I know that what she had done is not just fair.It should not be done.But human do the mistake, not God.This is the time to show your real friendship.She really needs you.She could not know that guy,it was her innocence but she is now in the need of help.If you would not help her who will help.Ask your heart and you will get your answer.
@LouisJ (488)
• Turkey
15 Apr 07
it would depend on what that friend did.if it was serious i wouldnt
• Philippines
15 Apr 07
I think that you should contact her.This is your way of showing what true friends are.Although it is really difficult and easier to say " if you only listen to me" but thats what friends are for to give one another a second chance.I know when you do that your friend will see that you are indeed her bestfriend.May you have the grace and love give her another chance.godbless!
• India
15 Apr 07
if its a frnd its never late or wrong go back to him...frnds are too valuable to look for egos or small disagreements
• Philippines
15 Apr 07
Well its up to you. Will you be okay to leave her alone even if you know she needs your support right now? Its really up to you. If you dont care about her anymore you wont be bothered.
@ajinomoto23 (1057)
• Philippines
15 Apr 07
Many time I find that my friends are not really that good. I ignore their faults. If she is in need of my compassion and help I do not hesitate to offer kindness. There is wisdom in mercy. If Jesus remained unforgiving to his apostles after resurrection The Church would have not been built. There is greater good and redeeming effect in forgiving.
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
15 Apr 07
I usually do not renew or refresh a long forgotten or broken friendship. it is just because of dislike and contempt that prompted your friend from discarding you. then,why must you go after him/her to revitalise or restart the relationship. Better break it up forever.
• Philippines
15 Apr 07
I know bad things has happened between you and your friend, but try to weigh things, which is heavier for you, the joy of her friendship or the pain that she caused you. I have a bestfriend. We've been friends for 14 years and we've shared a lot of tears and laughters already. When we had a big fight over something really nasty, I thought that was the end of it. After six months of not seeing and not talking to each other, I don't think I can bare it anymore. I personally came to see her to patch things up. It was easy because she said she's been thinking a lot of me too and wanted to rekindle the friendship. Also, we already found in our hearts to forgive each other for all the bad words and actions that we did to hurt each other. Now, we're closer than ever, and she'll be my bestfriend until I breath my last. I suggest you think things over. You consider everything. Don't just look into one situation, you might also wanna think of the pros and cons of welcoming her into your life. Most of all, don't forget to ask God for guidance. He knows what's best for you and your friend... Good luck and God bless.
@kteja_86 (293)
• India
15 Apr 07
Hey,i know how much u've been through by the agony in which u've written this,but u should never lose ur friend! Of course u should contact her,check out how she is.Afterall,who does she have to look after her?!? Let me tell u something,friendship is the only relationship in this world that jus gives and doesnt expect anything in return. Imagine the happiness in her eyes when she sees u've come her aid!!!
@jlara_gtr34 (3491)
• Philippines
15 Apr 07
no way. no possible way. traitor frineds are traitor friends forever.