
@lilaclady (28207)
April 14, 2007 8:03pm CST
A couple of weeks ago I went to a friends place for dinner, I was very surprised to see she was wearing a apron, OMG I havn't seen anyone wearing an apron for years, I think the last person I saw with one was my lovely mum, so I thought when I am cooking I am going to wear one to protect my clothing, well there it is hang ing ther on a hook, but I forget every tome to put it on ....does any one here still have aprons and actually remember to put them on....it makes so much sense to wear one but how can I train myself to put the damned thing on.....
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34 responses
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
15 Apr 07
When I think of aprons, I think of my mom. It is really her generation that was the last to wear aprons. I remember her wearing one for every day when she was cooking dinner and she had a special, dressy one for when she was cooking for company. The only aprons I ever see now are the ones for grilling outside. I don't think I've seen aprons for sale anywhere other than those. Nice memories though.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
15 Apr 07
yeh funny how little things can bring back nice memories...
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
15 Apr 07
I always weare an apron. In fact I did a discussion a few months ago and Got well over 100 comments and I was surprised to find that most people do wear aprons still. I love my aprons. I have 3 of them and would never cook without one on. Anytime I go to a bar b que or grill out where I am going to be helping, I take my apron with me. Eveyone knows that I wear it and I am not embarrassed in the least. I love it.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
15 Apr 07
I don't think you should be embarrassed I think it it is lovely, when I saw my friend in hers it brought back a lot memories....
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• United States
15 Apr 07
I see my discussion is at the bottom of this page. Here is the link to mine. You would be amazed at how many people still wear aprons: http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/613484.aspx I got 146 commments on it.
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@Riptide (2758)
• United States
15 Apr 07
My mom used to always wear aprons and smocks when she cleaned. I made one at school once but hardly ever wore it. I can't be bothered and just throw on an old shirt when I cook or clean lol.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
15 Apr 07
yeh I think we all think like this
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• Philippines
15 Apr 07
I bought some aprons, too. They come in varied sizes and some are made of cloth and there are some which are water impenetrable. I usually have the cloth type first then the water impenetrable on top. It helps greatly from getting my clothes wet and soiled when I am doing housechores like cooking, laundrying and washing the dirty dishes. If you will observe this habit, you will find that the house clothes you will be washing are not as soiled as those which were worn without aprons on. I have to admit though that there are times when I forget to wear the aprons. I have to suffer from the consequence of it. It is true that it is noticeable how many persons now have forgotten to use aprons while in the kitchen.
• United States
15 Apr 07
I have always wanted an apron, but don't have one. I need to get one. An apron is one of those things that I don't think about buying until I need it and then I forget by the next time I go to the store. I love to cook and bake so much and an apron is a great thing. They are a bit old fashioned, but smart. :)
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
15 Apr 07
My Mother used to make her oen, out of the gigham type material and then do patterns of crosses around the edges, and we would have matching table clotts as well I guess gingham must have been rather cheap to buy in those days...here is a photo of one of the table cloths I saved...
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@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
15 Apr 07
I haven't seen an apron or even thought about them for a long time. I think the last time I saw an apron was when I was small and my grandma was wearing one. They do make sense, I just never thought of one. Where did you get yours. thanks
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
15 Apr 07
A friend of mine told me the best place to get aprons these days is from craft markets or school fetes....
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@caramello (4377)
• Australia
15 Apr 07
I grew up with my Grandmother and can always remember her with her apron on, I think it was called a cobler one! I did buy one after going to someones house and they had one on while preparing dinner but may have used it a whole twice. lol It is hanging in the pantry on a hook, might put it on tonight.....um maybe not as hubby is cooking dinner tonight! lol It does make sense to wear one especially when cooking spag. bol. sauce and how many tops have I ruined with the splashes???? lol
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
15 Apr 07
My mum used to always wear a half apron but I seem to make a mess on the top half...I would need a whole jump suit I think....
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@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
27 Aug 07
my mom wearing aprons while cooking. i think she looks cute on that. i always waiting inpatien for her dishes. yummie!
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
29 Aug 07
No i never use an apron. My mother use to wear an apron, but I never did. But sometimes I should because this way if I spill something on my good clothes the apron will protect it.
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• United States
15 Apr 07
I had to laugh at this post. I have a sister in law that not only wears an apron, she has a collection of them hanging in her kitchen. She loves them. I have yet to bring myself to wear one, but I can see the practicality of them. I usually end up with stuff all down the front of me. So, I shall continue to only amuse myself at my sister in laws expense when it comes to aprons...
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
15 Apr 07
yes I guess they are practical if you can remember to put them on.....hahahahah
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• Philippines
15 Apr 07
I am more like your sister-in-law. I have a collection of these items at home, too. There are cloth types and there are waterproof types which I have been maintaining to have. Aprons still serve their purposes as they have been intended to.
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
19 Aug 07
I should actually get one, not the neatest cook - I could even wear them for hanging out with my baby - not only for spit ups but for when he gets the food he's eating on me, or pulls my plate down - all over me!
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
19 Aug 07
hahahaha I think you might need overalls....hahahahah
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• United States
15 Apr 07
I think aprons are great. They definitely help save your clothes and there are some pretty cool aprons available. I have to get one of those bikini aprons, with the picture on the front where when you put it on you look like Pamela Anderson. My husband loves to grill and has been given a couple of grill aprons, but I don't think he's worn them.
@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
29 Aug 07
i have bought a few when i first moved into my place but the funny part is i never worn them yet,maybe i thought i was gonna be like emril or something.i love to cook and come up with great ideas,but when i start cooking i dont remember the apron,especially with 3 small babies.but i do own a few,they look great in my drawers lol.
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@alamode (3071)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I do have aprons from my gramma and some that my girls made in school, but they are so pretty and have such sentimental value that I can't bring myself to wear them! I usually tuck a tea towel into my waistband and carry on! I think that the best incentive to wear one, and especially a full one, is to get spaghetti sauce on your best blouse!lol!
@alamode (3071)
• United States
11 Sep 07
Hi, ms lilac! Just wanted to tell you that I took a short break, turned on DIY, and they were making aprons on 'Stylicious'! One was sewn from layers of plastic shopping bags... now THATS practical! Yes they are still around... and as fashionable as before! TTYL!
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
15 Apr 07
i have some apron but im not using it its my children who does when in the kitchen,,like i forgot wearing those when i cooked ..
• Malaysia
13 Sep 07
To tell you the truth, I actually wear an apron every time I am in the kitchen. I wear it while washing the dishes, preparing the food and cooking. Earlier in my married life, I didn't wear aprons but lately I have realized that by wearing an apron I can actually wear clothes which I like and still can do all the cooking and cleaning without damaging the clothes! Lol. Before I wear apron, I used to wear dull and sometimes shabby clothes while doing house chores. Now I no longer wear dull clothes. Every morning after my shower, I will put on my favorite shirt, put on my apron and start to work. In this way, I can enjoy my life more because I think I look good even though I stay at home. To train yourself to wear an apron, I think it takes a couple of days or maybe a week. You can put a note beside your apron or if it is hard to see you can always put it where you can see the note. The note is to remind you to wear your apron. When you have started wearing it for a week, after that it would become a ritual and you will feel weird if you don't put it on. Trust me. Now I never forget to wear an apron, it has become a habit.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
13 Sep 07
yes i remember. My mom wears it sometimes. But i think wearing an apron is really meaningful. I also forget to wear it when I am cooking.
@denden (802)
• Philippines
15 Apr 07
I do wear aprons when i cook and when i wash dishes because it is useful also to protect you from stain.My mother bought that apron so that we will not be stained or being wet by the water if we wash the dishes.
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@yanjiaren (9031)
18 Aug 07
I haven't worn one in years lol but I used to have some really pretyy embroidered ones for Greece and to be honest they were far too nice to wear and get dirty. They were the types of articles you would hang up in a kitchen for decoration rather than wear them but it seems so long ago when I last saw one lol..
@cmsk2005 (1770)
• United States
21 Aug 07
I use apron as I am a real messy person and i mess up lmost everyday, I use apron all the time i cook specially cooking on oven top in a open pan is rally the enough cause for me to wear my apron regularly
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