what is cult of terrorism?
By vinii20
@vinii20 (13)
April 15, 2007 1:56pm CST
The term "terrorism" comes from french word-terrorism, which is based on the latin verb terrere(to cause to tremble).it dates back to 1795 when it was used to describe the"reign of terror", the actions of jacobin club in their rule of post-revolutionary france.jacobin are rumoured to have coined the term "terrrorists" to refer themselfs.the english word "terrorism" was popularised in england when it was used by the conservative edmund burke,an outspoken opponent of french revolution.
The united states department of defencse defines terrorism as" the calculated use of unlawful voilence or the threat of unlawful voilence to inculcate fear;intended to coerce or to intimate governments or sociaties in the persuit of goals that are generally political, religious idealogical."Major terrorist incidents:Munich airpot,feb 10,1970
"Bloody friday"july 21,1972
Attack and hijack,rome airport, dec.17,1973
Bombing of marine barracks,october 23,1983
Assassination of indian prime minister,october 31,1984
Air india bombing, june 23,1985
Indian airlines airbus hijacking, dec.24 1999
World trade centre attack,sep.11,2001
Attack on temples of kashmir,nov.24,2002
Mumbai metro train blasts,july 11,2006
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