Ever Seen A Tornado?
By aprilgrl
@aprilgrl (4460)
United States
April 15, 2007 3:08pm CST
I was just wondering how many of you have seen a tornando? I have seen several tornadoes in my life. It's really scary and to feel the house shakes. The last tornado we had here was about a year ago in TN. The first time I ever saw one I was about 14 and it was dark outside and lightning too my sister and I was looking out the window and saw something then we looked at each other and asked if I saw that we both saw it so we ran downstairs to tell our parents that we saw a tornado heading this way (I was living in the country)My father ran and looked outside surely enough there was a tornado coming so he grab us all and went in the closet and covered us up real good. When it was over my dad thanked me and my sister for telling them because we might not have heard it coming everything is ok nothing damaged to our place but some homes were gone and animals were dead (cows) crops died or damaged but I remember having to clean up the mess from papers stick or whatever was out there. So tell me what was your experience in Tornado or did you see one.
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17 responses
@weemam (13372)
20 Apr 07
No my friend I have never sen a tornado , well I have sen them on TV but never inn real life so to speak , I don't think we have ever had any in Scotland , It must be a terrible thing to live through , I am so glad you saw it coming or it might have been you and your family gone instead of animals , nature is a beautiful thing but can also be a very scary thing , God Bless you pal xxx
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@kylanie (1205)
• United States
17 Apr 07
I have saw one across the lake from where we was camping at it looked big and scary and it was round and I was scared we hurried up and packed and got out of there very fast as we could go I never want to see another one that's all that I can say.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Growing up in Michigan we got them all the time. It was just par for the course there. There were many times I saw one before I was rushed down to the basement. One I saw coming right towards our house. That scared me and it scared me more because my parents weren't home. It was just myself and my siblings. My eldest brother stayed up there to watch. He said it turned at the last moment but boy was I scared when I saw that funnel coming right at our house. Since I've moved to Florida I haven't seen one although I have heard a couple. That is a sound you do not forget, they were just gone before I could get to a window to see. I'm just glad they weren't too close.
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
15 Apr 07
I never saw a Tornado in real life. But i saw it alote ion tv. it always made me so scared. i know that if i had to go through this experiance that you had, i would probably start runing nowhere out of histery reaction. There are no tornados in my country. so i guess i am lucky.
@suthernsmooth (54)
• United States
15 Apr 07
Hi Aprilgrl;
I have seen several tornadoes, some far away enough to be safe and some up close and personal. I grew up in Kentucky and have lived in Missouri and now I am in Arkansas; so I've been through my fair share of them. Just last year we had one day where there were 8 tornadoes in 8 hours. That was a hard day, but it does make you stop and realize what is most important to you.
The strongest one that I can remember was when I was about 11 years old. I was in Kentucky then and we had a storm cellar. My Dad had rushed us all outside through this terrible thunderstorm at around one o'clock in the morning. I'm talking hard rain, large hail, and furious winds. We were all fighting to hang onto each other as we made our way to the cellar about 40 yards from our back door. We made it in and Dad barred the doors (there were two of them). I remember being completely terrified because my Dad was scared. As far as I knew he never got scared, by anything.
He lit the coal-oil lamps and I got a look into his eyes. That look told me that he didn't think we were going to live through it. We all huddled around each other, down in that damp cellar, and just listened to the damage that was being done outside. I was sitting there crying and wishing that it would just stop. All that rain and hail and wind. Then, just like that, it all quit.
My Dad looked at my Mom and said, "Hold on Marge, just hold on to the kids. I love you." Mom started crying very softly, and then we heard it.
A lot of people compare the sound of a tornado to a train, but let me tell you this; to me a tornado must sound like the Devil himself come to claim his due. My ears started popping (from the pressure drop, I've since learned), and the sounds were the most awful thing I have ever heard. The roar of a single tornado sounds like your darkest fears made real and coming for you.
As you have guessed by now, we all made it through that horrible May night and I know that we were truly blessed to be so lucky. When we came out of the storm cellar (Dad kept us in there until the dawn) we began to get a look at what nature had wrought. The house was untouched but one of the two barns was missing the back two stalls. Some of our larger trees were completely bare of leaves, I kid you not. They looked like a giant had just stripped all of the branches. We had a small picket fence in the backyard and there, in one of the pickets was a sight that I can still see to this day, with distinct clarity; a single piece of hay sticking through one side and out the other.
The tornado, we were to learn later, had been classified as an F4. That night still lives in my memory and every now and again I recall it. It was the worst thing that I have ever lived through and I never, ever want to go through anything like that again in my life.
Thanks for giving me the oppurtunity to share this experience with you.
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@Augustta (1850)
• Poland
17 Apr 07
I am happy to tell you i never see it one in reality.All i know about is because tv.
I live in europe and here the weather don't have such a bad surprise like in your country...
as about your story,god!!i guess your dady was so proud of you because you tell him.
i a happy that you was ok,and i have you like friend today!
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
5 May 07
I live in the desert, and we have tiny sand tornadoes. Not huge ones. But, the house does shake, and it does cause damage. I find them scary too.

@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Guess what we had yesterday? Yes, a sand tornado. I saw it pick up someones above pool and carry it up to the sky, and then fling it onto someone elses roof.

@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
22 Apr 07
The only tornadoes I've ever seen were in my dreams. I've never seen an actual tornado. I kinda want to, though... I find them fascinating. I don't particularly want to experience one, though. I just wanna SEE one. They're pretty scary. I've experienced the house shaking, though. Millions of times. I grew up in Southern California and as you know, it's earthquake central down there.
@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
22 Apr 07
I have heard of lot of earthquaks there it sound scary to me. We had a small one here but nothing happened. Maybe you should jion the tornado chasers team. Some people find it fanscinating and chase the tornadoes down to feel the experience.but you wouldn't want to get to close to it. Have a good day.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
27 May 07
It was about 30 years ago when we were headed west driving through Iowa. About 8 pm, a huge storm broke out. I never have seen so much lightening and heavy rain. Along the expressway, we passed several overturned cars and even a big semi. We decided to just keep driving slow and eventually we would get out of the storm. Little did we realize that we had just passed through a tornado. I didn't find out until the next morning when reading the Des Moines paper.
Other than that I have never seen a real twister. I know it is freaky, but they have always fascinated me. Of course when they do massive destruction and kill or injure people, it is not a pleasant experience.
Now that I think about it, it was in 1956 or 57 when I was young, we were at the beach and a tornado was coming toward us. Everyone was scrambling to get out of there and all I can remeber is being in the back seat of my uncle's '55 chevy with my brother and cousins as my uncle was driving really fast on the back roads. We escaped with no damage, but I can't remember anything else.
@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
15 Apr 07
I saw at least 6-7 during the 20+ years I lived in central Texas, from relatively minor storms, to a monster F-5 that all but wiped out the small town of Jarrell. There were frequent tornado warnings on TV and on the radio-- probably a dozen times a year. The closest ones touched down and caused damage about a half-mile from where I was living; an "offspring" of the Jarrell tornado took out the Albertson's grocery where I used to shop, and it was about two miles from the house.
It's scary how much power there is in nature, and how little warning we sometimes get.
@rogen_andrei (638)
• Philippines
21 Apr 07
I am from the Philippines, and we are not frequently visited by tornadoes. Well, there has been a couple of such which devastated some parts of the country, and the last one was on November 1994 which affected the Southern Philippines provinces.
I am glad though that we are located a bit far from the typhoon built, thus having lesser possibilities of experiencing tornadoes and great typhoons.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
28 Apr 07
between living in Wisconsin, Oklahoma, and Missouri - I have seen more than a few tornados. The big one a few years ago in Oklahoma was the worst. It started with baseball sized hail and ended in miles of utter devestation in OKC, they say it was stronger than an F5 and that there just were no classifications for such a beast as that.
One tornado memory I have was when I was about 9 years old. we were all down the street at the community swimming pool.
the sky got eerie so dad said we best get heading home. We had our bikes, but on the way home the winds got too strong for us to bike ride... so Mom, brother and I threw our bikes down and started to run home against the wind.
my father picked up all of our bikes including his own and started stumbling home trying to carry them all!
what a sight. mom finally convinced him to just leave the bikes!
@shandyleer (23)
3 Jul 07
I have never ever seen one, although a couple have happened near where a live, but i have to say i hope i don't ever do get to see one, it sounds really scary, and i've seen pictures and videos of it on tv and the net, etc, but it just all looks so scary....
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
7 May 07
Well, I grew up in IL. I have seen a couple and seen the Devistation they can leave behind, and Yes, they are scary, but from a distance, they actually can be interesting as well to watch. The aftermath, and mess is a lot to see though, and makes you feel Sorry when someone is killed from one.
But for me, now that I live in Earthquake area, I would rather be in a Tornado than an Earthquake again anytime. At least most of the time, you have warnings of some sort with a Tornado unlike when with an Earthquake.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
1 Jul 07
I've seen lots of little tornados, but the most memorable one would be the one that got to a level greater than F5 (if they had classifications that high) that wiped through oklahoma city I think in 1998. where we were we saw its formation, it touched down twice in our town, but picked up and grew until it got to okc....and did such devastation there.
@franxexces (1096)
• Philippines
4 May 07
I have not seen a tornado yet and I'm glad I haven't though I have seen it on tv. I don't want that to happen anywhere in the world especially in the place where I am in for it can do damage and harm us.