Update - Tragedy in our home - my guilt was huge!
By keithandlisa
@keithandlisa (192)
United States
April 15, 2007 9:40pm CST
For everyone who read my post last week regarding my son's accident, I just wanted to give you an update. For those who did not read the first post, here is a quick bit of information on what happened.
My young son walked past the stove and quickly pulled a pan of hamburger that I had just started to brown down on himself. I had turned the handle towards the back of the stove, but he grabbed the pan itself and pulled if off the edge. He received second degree burns on a couple of spots on his face which resulted in a trip to the ER and a trip to our physician the next day.
Now for the update, healing has been a very fast process for my son. The two burns scabbed over by the second day and today most of the scabs fell off in his bath. He has beautiful pink skin in its place already. We have been using Silvadine cream on the burns twice daily since it happened and the healing is remarkable. He doesn't seem to be bothered by his injury at all and has been his normal smiley happy self each day!
The whole process has been difficult for me, but it is getting better. I know I shouldn't beat myself up about this, but I can't seem to take my mind off that terrible moment. Two days after the accident, his scabs were so dark in color that I felt just awful. Seeing the new pink skin today was such a blessing and I am extremely grateful for his quick healing.
Thank you to everyone here who sent words of encouragement during this ordeal. There are really a bunch of great people here!
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23 responses
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
16 Apr 07
I am so happy to hear that your son is doing better . It is so scary when something like this happens and it is normal reaction to blame ourselves but the truth is accidents happen .
Last year my daughter who was two at the time was in the kitchen with my elder daughter . My elder daughter had been making something at the stove and when she was done turned it off . No one thought anything about this until I heard a scream coming from the kitchen and my elder daughter crying , when I got in there my two year old had burnt her hand really bad and was really crying alongside my elder daughter who was blaming herself for this . She had turned off the burner but the burner was still hot and for whatever reason my little one put her hand up to reach the stove and burnt her hand . We soaked it all night in ice and she couldn't take her hand out at all as everytime she did she would scream that it was burning her again and we ended up staying up with her all night so that she could sleep with her hand in the bowl as it was the only thing that gave her any relief and the next day we sprayed lanocin on her hand and bandaged it up and then took her in to the hospital , it turned out she had second degree burns . I was devestated and worried about her scaring and was so upset that I had not been in the kitchen to protect her . In the end she healed very rapidly also and there is no sign of it today on her hand and it was a lesson to her as she will often tell her younger sister that the stove will hurt you bad if you go near it , which shows she never forgot how she felt .
I am very relieved your son is doing great and he will probably never make this mistake again . And the truth is , accidents happen and there is nothing we can do to prevent all of them .
Take Care :)
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@keithandlisa (192)
• United States
20 Apr 07
Thanks for sharing your story about your two year old. I am so glad that she has recovered and there is no sign of the injury today. My son's injury was also a second degree burn, so I will hope that he will not have any sign of it in the months to come. It is so hard to not feel devastated by what happened. If I think about it, I can replay the whole scene and his painful cries that evening. Fortunately, today is his laughing and happy!
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
16 Apr 07
I know how hard it is to forgive yourself for something like that. My son, got his first blood-gushing head wound at the ripe age of 2 1/2, he slipped on the rug, and banged his head against the metal base board of our sun room. I was standing 3 feet away, but could not get there in time. The image of him falling, and the blood instantly covering has never left me, regardless of how much I wish it would. I can't shake that feeling. It happened months ago, and his scab just fell off last week, but it still hurts when I comb his hair on that side. I don't know if I will ever be able to shake that horrifying moment from my memories. I know it's hard, because I still catch myself doing the same thing, but you ought not blame yourself. He is fine, so there is really no harm done. I'm sure if you asked your own mother though, she would have stories of horrible accidents of your own, that you problably don't recall.
Oh, also, I have found that I have horrible memories of a complete stranger's child that bother me as well. (:
Once we were at the park, and an 8 year old fell off the jungle gym, and broke his arm, it was horrible. He was walking with his father to the car, to go to the hospital, and it was out of place. I felt so bad for him, but at the same time, I almost threw up! Now every time we go to the park, i'm a nervous wreck! (:
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
16 Apr 07
I had not seen your first post. But don't beat yourself up about the accident. Children can move so fast that it is impossible to keep them from getting hurt 24/7. It is great that he is doing so good. That is a blessing. Children at a young age do heal quickly.
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@keithandlisa (192)
• United States
20 Apr 07
Thanks for your post. Yes, they do move so fast when they are young! Thank heavens for the amazing healing process!
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
16 Apr 07
I am glad he is doing so well. Honestly children get scrapes bruises burns and even broken bones growing up and its hard as mother to watch. My sons went to the emergency room many times. Dont feel guilty, you did your best. I bet your a great mom because if you were not you wouldn't feel guilty at all. Your son will grow up to be a handsome guy and he will love you all the same. So don't fret mommy. Its alright. Things happen. "hugs"
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@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
16 Apr 07
Aw, do not beat yourself up for what happen. It sound slike it was an accident. Even thou we try , we can not protect our kids 100 percent of the time. I know. I have three kids and have made many trips to the ER. For stupid unpreventable accidents.
I am glad to hear your son is doing much better and taking it like a champ. Hopefully he will learn not to grab things on the stove now.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
17 Apr 07
I didn't get a chance to read your first discussion. I am happy to read that your son is doing much better. You shouldn't beat yourself up over this, you did what you were suppose to do and that was turn the handle away, but he still got a hold of the skillet. A long time ago, my husband had a steamer blow up on him at work. It took almost two weeks for him to walk without being in any pain. Your son is a brave young man. Parents, especially moms beats themselves up over everything that happens to her child. Kids bounce back, and seem to do much better when something happens to them than there parents do. So relax and enjoy your son and take a deep breath that he's healing.
@Joslyn77 (374)
• United States
16 Apr 07
I am so glad to hear it. I have keept you in my thoughts and I will keep going until your child is 100 percent healed!! I am sure that is such a big releaf for you to see your child's face return to it's very precious and God given state!! I am very happy for all of you and will continue to say prayers.
@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Aww, sweetie, i am sure your son will be fine. i am also sure he doesn't blame you, so please don't blame yourself. It is good that you are using a Silver cream on his burns. Silver works WONDERS for healing! i hope all is ok with you now.
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@biznizman01 (581)
• Philippines
16 Apr 07
i'm happy to hear that your son is recovering from the accident. an accident is an accident. its not intentional. learn to forgive yourself, i could just imagine the horror you must have face when that accident happened. Thank God that your son does not have any trauma about the incident.
Have a nice day.
@keithandlisa (192)
• United States
20 Apr 07
Thanks biznizman. I too am glad that he does not have any trauma about the incident and is healing quickly.
@domesticengineer (576)
• Philippines
17 Apr 07
I know what you're feeling right now because I am quite in the same situation. Every time I see the scar on my daughter's legs I can't help but blame myself. Well, it doesn't even help when my parents would still comment on this matter and would just put me to depression. There are a lot of if onlys. But I wouldn't let a day passed to ask for God's guidance so I will get through with this. I hope you'll soon get over the circumstance that happened. Good luck to both of us.
@mummymo (23706)
16 Apr 07
Hey there honey - I hadn't seen your first post but when I read this I just had to respond1 I have a 13yr old boy and a 5 yr old girl and believe me they have both had accidents! I know that in the rational part of your mind you know you are not to blame - I also know you are still feeling guilty and beating yourself up over this but please believe me - it is not your fault! Kids are so quick and we cannot be on top of them every second of the day! I am really pleased that your son is feeling better and he hasn't been badly affected by this experience. I bet he doesn't try to do this again! xxx
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@jmp824 (741)
• Philippines
16 Apr 07
We are not perfect in this world, so every now and then mistakes and accidents do happen. It just depends on how big the fault was. It's not totally a fault, its just a simple accident. And good that it didn't got worse. Thats good to hear that the burns are healing now, especially that its on the face. Just continue to put on creams to heal it completely and to avoid the scar.
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
16 Apr 07
Oh dear your poor son I do hope that he is recovering ok now. That is wonderful that he is healing so well, maybe this is due to your son's age as well. Of course it is difficult to just forget what you did accidently as your son is still recovering and this is only new. Yes you will receive a lot of great support here on mylot.
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
16 Apr 07
An accident is an accident and the thing is you did the right thing by turning the pan handle. You're a mother you are not God. It's hard to be everywhere and I have yet to see any mother who could raise the children and be perfect with no accidents. I know you felt bad and that's natural but it's one of those things. Sometimes kids seem to learn for themselves, I'm sure he'll remember the owie this caused. I'm glad he's healing so well and don't blame yourself, this same thing could have happened if I was babysitting, your sister, mother, husband and anyone else. We're only human.
@LadyFenix (110)
• United States
16 Apr 07
children forget quickly and take time to hold grudges or even know what it is that they are going thru in the first place it hurts us alot more then it hurts them when things happen to them. I'm glad he's fine make sure you cook with him I know it's going to be hard for you to bring him so close to the place of the accident but it's important this way he dosen't develope a fear of cooking or being near you when your cooking teaching him things are hot and how to be around them will prevent further incidents
(sorry about the spelling, I'm sure you know what I mean)
good luck and don't feel bad it's part of life
LAdy FEnix
@TheBeesKnees (4)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Silvadine cream is wonderful stuff!! I'm so glad his wounds are healing.