poetry written by rhonda
United States
April 16, 2007 1:11am CST
memories ,memories are made up of things that happen every day, things we do or say. little bits and pieces of laughter mixed with tears paragraphas written through the years .the carefree days of childhood,the growing pains of youth, a few illissions shattered inthe endless search for truth.the friendships we remember the mistakes we regret.the ending of a love affair we can never forget.we can't erase the sadness nor edit out the tears we can't undo the wrong wev'e done we can't relive the years.but since memories keep on happening, each day can be the start of new and happy ones,to store within the heart.there is no problem to big tosmall just ask god in faith and he'll answer you. not maybe all at one time so be patient and wait.for god never comes to soon nor to late.so trust in his wisdom and belive in his word forthere is no prayer un-answered
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