Village life to city life

@subathra (3519)
April 16, 2007 8:45am CST
Village life is a planned ,dedicated life and without pollution too.We can't plan anything in city life ,unless we have a lump sum we might land up in problem for daily needs. In village, one can manage life with a small amount of worries as they plant vegetables, rice and some other necessary items in their land nearby their house.So the spending of money is very much less when compared with people living in cities.Hence they can save enough money. Offcourse one has to agree that city lives provides us with all facilities like educational institutions situated quite nearby, hospitals, entertainment & many more whereas people living in villages dont enjoy to this extent. TO me eventhough leading a busy life with tension most of the days like to live in about you? Are you satisfied with this city life or you ever felt that its better to stay in village?
5 responses
• United States
17 Apr 07
You know I didnot like your first staza as it is not very logical. we cannot plan city life because we are not belonging to city. We are new to city lives. We can plan in village life because our roots are strong in village life. Our ancestors were based on villages. If our root is so deep in city as it is in village then we will always like city due to facilities. The only reasons of pollution and closeness to nature are better in villages.
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@aissha (2036)
• India
17 Apr 07
i hv a different thought i like small towns which hv all ameneties of cities ,almost and pleasure of village ,i'm living in cities for around 41/2 yrs. now still not much impressed by it.
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@smacksman (6053)
16 Apr 07
Now that is interesting because your picture of village life is so different from mine. In our villages the tax man reaches out and grabs his 'pound of flesh' so we have to work like stink to keep him paid. It hurts a bit when you think that a good slice of that tax is spent in the cities and we in the villages loose out. It is almost impossible to live off the land in the UK now.
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• Hong Kong
16 Apr 07
I live in a cosmopolitan city all my life (born and raised here) and I haven't really experienced any village life (like those you mentioned) before. I at most went to a place where it is more remote and it's less populated. I did notice that people are more healthy, calm, peaceful, with a better sense of humor and relaxed. I did enjoy the environment and the friendliness over there but I can't see myself living in those places (I got really bored after 1.5 days). I guess I am really used to the convenience that a city offers. Everything is so close, the city never sleeps, and there is always so much to do! I do get stressed out from the daily enormous pressure, still, I love the busy life around here. If I don't get it, I will surely miss it a lot.
@funky123 (92)
• India
16 Apr 07
yeah u r very ture...they have a well planned life. the city people cant even plan a travel...cause they donno when they can reach their destined place due to excess traffic. its that busy these days. in villages, ppl have a very peaceful life, wihtout much tension. but still i would go with city life as i am used to that and also due to the facilities and exposure u get..
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