How has writing helped you?

April 16, 2007 12:07pm CST
I find writing as the best way to say what is in my mind. I dont usually have much time to talk to friends, so the little time i have, i try to scribble down my thoughts. It is good therapy for me.
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10 responses
• United States
18 Apr 07
Like you, I too find that writing is the best way to say what's on my mind. When I try to talk to people the words just don't seem to come out the right way, but when I write it down it sounds perfect to me, even though it may not be. Writing has also helped me developed my writing skills and serves as practice for me. However when I write, I can't write using the traditional paper and pen/pencil, but instead I must write using my computer. I gotta type it out because I just write too slow to get anything done.
• Philippines
20 Apr 07
Me too! I can't write anymore using pen and paper after I got used to the convenience of the computer. (Which is not that great when there's no electricity, argh!) But my hand hurts a lot nowadays when it has been holding a pen for more than 30 minutes straight. Since I'm a fast typist, I feel that I get things done faster when I go electronic :) I also feel the same way as you about words sounding much better when they're written down instead of spoken (by me, that is).
• Philippines
20 Apr 07
Writing has been a companion to me since I was in gradeschool when I used to write down my thoughts in a journal. I feel that I am not able to express everything I have or would want to say verbally and writing the words down helps me gather my thoughts first and present them in a more comprehensive way. I maintain several blogs and I am grateful that I have those as outlets to anything and everything that comes to my mind ... whether I feel sad or angry or ecstatically happy. After all, these days, it's kind of hard to find people to talk to longer because everybody's so busy, so putting one's thoughts down rather than bottling it up is better. You're right, it's good therapy :)
@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
17 Apr 07
I find it to be my escape, I don't have to think about anything else, escape to my room, close the door, and lose myself into a world I have created, the out come is entierly up to me...I like that control, I don't have that in the real world, so why not creat one that can work in your favor.
@misstree (241)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Writing has always helped me. I've gone through some tough times. I have written when I couldn't sleep, and it would get out all those thoughts so I could sleep. When I was very depressed, I wrote so many poems. I use a lot of them in songs. I was actually taught to write when I was depressed and anxious. I think writing is my all time healing for anxiety. It really calms me down. I don't do it much these days as I am less anxious. I also keep an agenda everyday. It reminds me what I have to do, and when to do it. It just helps to be organized in this manner. Writing is so important to me. I think it's why I love this website so much because it gives me the opportunity to voice my opinion, feel less stress, and get out things that are bothering me. Plus getting money for it, man.. that's the best. Greets to you!
@mayblaiz (31)
• Canada
17 Apr 07
I agree with you. Writing is excellent therapy, especially when friends are too busy, family aren't available and your significant other is hard to talk to sometimes. Julia Cameron's book Vein of Gold has really helped me to write daily as a start. Doing Morning Pages helps me to "flush all my thoughts" out so that my day can be focused on creativity and writing other more interesting articles. I have started a writing discussion titled CREATIVE CLUSTER if your interested.
@Daquin (46)
• United States
17 Apr 07
I am a fantasy writer, and being one of those weird people, I think it keeps me sane. With the ability to keep a character in your head and keep them seperate from others, soon you develop a pseudo-split personality. Writing helps me keep those characters from popping up in normal conversation.
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
16 Apr 07
I started writing poetry when I was 10 years old. It was a means to express what I bottled up inside, all the fears, all the pain, all the anguish I saw unfold in an unhappy home. As a teen, my writing helped me hurdle mental, emotional, and physical abuse. It also allowed me to express my creativity and afforded me a niche that I could focus on--a glimmer of hope. Now, I write because I have something to say, I write because I have knowledge to share, I write because it gives me a hobby and career, and I write because it is still my outlet.
@patgalca (18426)
• Orangeville, Ontario
16 Apr 07
I agree that writing is good therapy, especially when I write in my journal. But when it comes to writing stories or poetry, it is a creative outlet for me. I have fantasies, why not write them down in a story or poem? I have someone reading my current manuscript and she told me yesterday that she is really enjoying it, that it is a real page-turner. This story came from a bunch of writing prompts I did in writing group, but the basis for the story is a little bit of my own history mixed in. We write from experiences, from what we know. So being able to put my fantasies down on paper in the form of a story makes me feel less like a daydreamer. LOL!
@okn0tok (569)
• United States
17 Apr 07
I get much from writing. In my writing I get to accomplish anything I want through my characters or express what I have learned on subjects Ive researched. I have used writing to work through pain and to record joy. I cannot imagine my life without writing.
• India
16 Apr 07
Well I don't usually write down my thoughts.I only do it when I have to say something which really matters to others.As an example if I have to propose a girl or tell something really important,at that time only I use a pen and a paper and write and arrange everything in a proper sequence.But writing has really helped me in earning online money through many sites just like mylot and many others.Also it helped me making new online friends through orkut,yaari and hifi.Adding a little flavour to what you write and addition of emoticons really helps in making new friends.