Children without manners

@Swtrose (3385)
April 16, 2007 2:14pm CST
I have always taught my children to use their manners from a very early age. Today, my children are both in their teens and we are often told that they are well mannered. On Saturday my daughter who is almost seventeen had a small party at our home. One of her friends stayed for dinner before the party. After the party was over none of her friends thanked us for opening our home so they could have the party and only one of the teens thanked my daughter for hosting it. The girl that stayed for dinner did not even thank us for having her. Some kids now-a-days have no manners at all. Is it just children or have you noticed than manners are seldom used amongst adults too?
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4 responses
@camar_lyn (1028)
• Singapore
16 Apr 07
I've seen adults behaving as if they own the world and the world revolves around them. I don't think age plays a part in no manners. i think it's the up bringing. Especially when you say the girls are 17, they should know well enough how or what is expected of them when they go over to another person's house. By boys (3 & 5) are constantly reminded to be thankful for everything, everyday. The family we have, the food on the table, even helping the younger one with his socks/shoes, we have to be thankful. It is all GOD's gift and in your case it was a privelege for them to come over to your place. Maybe many parents are too busy to teach mannerisms these days. *sigh* I;m sure we do not belong to this groups right? *wink* - Lyn
@camar_lyn (1028)
• Singapore
1 May 07
Hi Swtrose, thank you so much for the best response. I really do appreciate it. Especially with such a topic i can't possibly not put in my 2 cents worth... hehehehe... Cheers! - Lyn
@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
1 May 07
It was my pleasure. Thank you for replying to my topic.
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@wendee (359)
• Canada
16 Apr 07
I have gotten many compliments on my children's manners! From the time that they were very little I have taught them to chew with their mouths closed and say please and thank-you. My son is 17 months old and syas thank-you all the time!
2 people like this
• Canada
19 Apr 07
I especially notice it because like your daughter I will always say please, thankyou, and be police. I'm not into the Mr. Mrs. Ma'am, sir thing, I think the tone more than the title illustrates respect. I let people know when they are appreciated, and if something is wrong, I voice my opinion diplomatically. Good for your daughter!
@imsilver (1665)
• Canada
17 Apr 07
My kids are pretty good about manners. Especially outside of the home. I'm constantly hearing from people how polite and well mannered my children are. Sometimes it just leaves me amazed and I wonder why they can't be that way at home.. lol.. The one that I can depend on everyday was actually started by my present boyfriend. He grew up saying "thank you cook" after dinner and he says it to me every dinner. The kids think it's cute and have picked up the habit.
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