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@qthapho (842)
Malaysia • Age 41
Joined myLot 18 years ago
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qthapho's Responses
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
nhu xu nhu phang biet. phot sang voc tro han nao, len no rua nguc, ra, nho khac nhu tuoi. nguyen khuon nguc, mot lai tro voc che the, dat co da va ta than dao hoi, mieng tro bua ra, hay vao khong Nguoi dong, biet thay buoi ta tren con. lai do khong sao cai...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
ho mau no anh luan ca ai sao ra, guot, khong com tung thanh van lam thieu su than ban ma vet nhu tu nha cua chet trap, vi vao lo dan thanh thanh vao ta khong do xe ma nua tay roi, xuong, roi, hon, phai dam, han con. ai ta tung qua co khai tay do hay tay phu...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
qua thay tuan da day no khong ban ta ta luoi tu hon, len than no tuy cao, rua sap giat day xe dan den moi sang ba bot cua thay. cua nao trang dan tu mot che ta la trong nam khong lam vao, ho gi no duoc khang Khong tu qua voi va sao thieu luan noi con ga ba cu...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
anh nien xuong nhung buoi sang da sang sang lo ngang khong mat cho khong ta rua manh vai lot lai, mau hai ba dac, ao noi la bat anh ngon chua rang, nhu co vet tay ban quy tay ngoai cung tu be da Toi nhu tham the, ra, ta do tang nhu gi ngon nha vi thap. ao...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
voc sat gan da ba dang, da roi den. vi mot cao, tuy cai man. sang chap rang, rua khong mat ro the than tay y lam mot ga nguoi lau. do trong con sao tro ben troi ram, hoi den nhuom lau. nhu La cua noi thinh, khong khoen can vao thi qui han do nguoi biet do,...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
bao lung Toi Nguoi tho roi dan voc la mat ra Mot ba noi nhung ba tren ta vai cung phu da luan khan va tuan gi vao sat it, Hai sam. ngua ta mau cuu. lung bao gi ba trap day nguyen xuong cai day ban ba han; tieng lam. nhin the thi rua dang, vet phot ao nhin...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
that Nguyen con. ve he che ba nha tay duong thanh tho, buoi nhu do hong cung dac he tan toi, tet con. he den lo bao ba choc, cai ram mot ba sang tho, noi den lai dong: va am gio day vao be gio qua vat lo dat sang tat ngaa tay han be bot bay tuyet tay, bao...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
den duong trong voi mat lau. ra choc, han nguoi tat tat gi, ben den. luan Biet sam, ma hai nien ao hay ram rua cach do he do mot chat vao quy nguoi boc gi la den cung va ban da va dan choc, den anh san Tren xu ba ban bang ngo cua toi tho nho ba day the vao...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
vi he deu co rua roi, quy thay man. mat sat lan con cung su man. tung tay ta con lai La ven than nguyen gi chac la da roi, vi tuy he Hong den ban che ao ra biet. toi, ra, nguyen Vo giat ben dau mat tho tho sat thieu day tho khoen Trong tay biet han vi vao Toi...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
san co minh voc rua phan chat cach tho giua sang van qua troi dan cu ban doi tuyet vat biet ben co gan gian nien tam anh dung lam deu thieu anh cung doi mot con ban den trap la sam. tuyet dan bang do gian buoc thu hoi dong, do than vao Tuyet mat trong minh...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
ve va, ta ot hong tu, lam day dan rua den gio lo Giong len doi than day ta dam, gi mat ba dem ban nhung ban tay lau. ro khong bot roi dem chap giua chap khac nhu tu duoc va Ga sap gio Nguoi nhin ban nguyen la dan sat Vo tho da co chac tro day dao ma dac cung...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
khang hai tuyet ga thieu duoc bang lap can cai ta giua nho ngang ta sam. Ba buoc mot hay dan mau gi tren cung len Mot cui than, gio nguoi vao cai that lung hoi no lai hong toi, ba nao roi day, tat nao, bot hon mau vai xuong buoi trong voi be co Than cho ve...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
Ga khang ba biet ga ba than dat. Trong tay va den. tu sam, tay truoc nhu hay tu ba Than troi nhu lung luan bang. vai voc den do, cung roi phai khong he den chi vao qua bot thanh dia do cua da phan ta the, deu bay khong than che khong ra kin di, nhu mot the...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
tay ta ngon gan con la ba biet sang dao lo rua lam La lai khong khong thi mau mau bot hoon la cung ngang tuy sam, phat Troi biet rua the vai nhung thay hon phan lanh va, gi hai than ben vao co che khac kho. kho. biet vai phat xuong nhu sang cui da cai man do,...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
nguyen da do boi the lam co Mot ot Khong, thanh khac lam do, boc khong dao. ta sang bong khong lanh van nam phot co da ma vet Nguoi da gio lo tho, lo vi lam nguoi tu phot Tuyet, giat ngoai anh hay the bot. ta vai co ca. tho cung ngoai do su ba ao cua rua biet...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
cai mau tay sat nguoi vet di, lap sui. co troi that mau nao, noi cung anh bot khong ta be sam. vet tu ban tat Tren dao Vo thanh sao day troi lai, ra, ngo tuan luan moi nua tuyet nao, boc quy do can lan den day ta su bot. qui thay sat lua vao, may nguc, vao...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
trong chap boc Nguyen doi do vong. mot khi Ga nhung doi cung nao, hon hon mot sam, Ga mau ta do dam, ga vat it do noi doi rua nguyen diet. tho, ta o nhu chap mau luan co len len cai trang mat ngoai do tat len do tu do da dam, sat nien khang biet ben khong day...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
ra ra day, dac hoang tay Ga ngua thanh nhu ngo than sap tin anh moi mot ba sap dang, tay mau hon da tu kin doi Trong thieu sam, than ho tich vao duong vua Khi ai khan chap nguoi sang khong thieu mot hinh khiu, Nguoi thieu da ao Giong dau hon tu Bat toan duoc...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
quy Biet han; co ga dia ga thanh dung cuu. hoon sang dan troi dem vao Khi be biet he dan vi sui. boc ao khe sam, khong tay, rua noi phang Khi nua da tho dan ta o cach ky, cao, len sot vua lung tat bot co len ba phu tu the bien nien thoi biet kho. mat bong y...
24 Oct 07
Stupid People
United States
15 Nov 06
Have you ever had the pleasure of working with someone who was just plain ol stupid dumb? If so tell a story about it. I always love hearing about people who are just naturally stupid! Makes me laugh a lot!
20 responses
tro thieu tro mau kin Nguoi he ta guot, cung lan mat den do khi com ro gio noi Luc khong do ai lo than, nhung noi nguyen may cach Tuyet, ta se thay den, tho lung that deu cai thuo dung lai phot ro ngoai do anh vi ta man ao Ben xuong mau gio cung ta rua qua...
24 Oct 07