Ridzki Abdillah
@rabdilah (13)
Bogor, Indonesia • Age 23
Joined myLot 6 years ago
Responses (6)
Ridzki Abdillah's Responses
Alfredo Rossi
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
3 Jan 19
What assumptions do people tend to make about you — whether based on how you look or dress, how you speak, etc.
41 responses •
35 people
Ridzki Abdillah I have never ever been thinking about what people are assuming about me. He or she has their messed life to fix, so why didn't they think about their own business? There was a girl who ever judged me and revealing my secret and I also known her secret, when...
3 Jan 19
1 comment
1 person
@DianneN (247184)
• United States
30 Dec 18
Wishing my dear myLot friends a happy, healthy, prosperous, and sweet new year.
I won’t be here until next year. I will be busy preparing appetizers and desserts and cleaning for our guests. It’s our new tradition in...
59 responses •
52 people