Stephanie Anne
@WannaRead (34)
United States
Joined myLot 8 years ago

Users Stephanie Anne Is Following

John Roberts @JohnRoberts (109846) Los Angeles, California 6 Feb 16
I have a Journalism B.A. degree though writing is a hobby. My writing interests are travel, sports and entertainment. I have been published in real magazines.
167 following
6 Mar 16 followed
Arthur Chappell @arthurchappell (44998) Preston, England 9 Jan 12
I have been involved with historic re-enactment societies, and I am an award winning performance poet, dramatist and radio presenter.
1524 following
6 Mar 16 followed
Stephen L. Thompson @oneoveralpha (434) Brookville, Pennsylvania 4 Nov 15
I'm a writer of mostly short, scifi stories, but I dabble in other lengths and genres. I'm just checking this out.
47 following
6 Mar 16 followed