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@yawar562 (70)
Age 34
Joined myLot 13 years ago
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yawar562's Comments
typing and photoshop
10 Mar 13
can any one tell me where can i find a job (which pay hourly ) relating to M.S. office or photo shop free of cost
ms office
1 response
i know these two sites (you have to bid for job that is very difficult to get job ) do you know any other side where we do not have to bid for jobs
11 Mar 13
mylot with darw
8 Oct 12
i want to earn money on my lot but i am from Pakistan and can not with it though pay pal so it is use less to me to work there because i can not with draw it Is there any way so that some one can with draw this money from...
mylot with darw
1 response
1 person
no Pakistan can not open an account in pay pal if they can then can easily with draw through it Pakistanis are not allowed by pay pal that's the problem
8 Oct 12
data entry jobs
5 Oct 12
what is meant by data entry jobs . What we have to do in this kind of job . can any body of you did this kind of job ever . how much some one can earn there per day and can any body tell about some old legit data entry sides which...
data entry jobs
11 responses
2 people
can you please tell me that freelancing or odesk pay through liberty reserve or not because i can not with draw through pay pal
5 Oct 12
data entry jobs
5 Oct 12
what is meant by data entry jobs . What we have to do in this kind of job . can any body of you did this kind of job ever . how much some one can earn there per day and can any body tell about some old legit data entry sides which...
11 responses
2 people
it was too long but i think a complete information thank you for it but i still want some work but now not data entry any thing else thank's once more
5 Oct 12
do we deserve?
5 May 12
do we really deserve this life which given us by Almighty God do we do all things for which you have given this life or are we waisting this most valuable life
aim of life
10 responses
2 people
It doesn't meter in which country you live . The meter is that what are you talking about If you are helping people by your knowledge so it is the best thing you can do but knowledge should be right and tested by you I think you are a mature person and you...
6 May 12
do we deserve?
5 May 12
do we really deserve this life which given us by Almighty God do we do all things for which you have given this life or are we waisting this most valuable life
10 responses
2 people
God Almighty gives almost all basic things to everyone but ratio differ some get more and some less . people who get more they should use it with more care as compare to others because whatever they use in this life . they have to answerable on judgment day...
6 May 12
do we deserve?
5 May 12
do we really deserve this life which given us by Almighty God do we do all things for which you have given this life or are we waisting this most valuable life
10 responses
2 people
God help those who help themselves at judgement day you don't have to answerable for others that they are good or bad you have to answerable for only your deeds so we should make our self a good human being according to his commands so he will be there to...
6 May 12
do we deserve?
5 May 12
do we really deserve this life which given us by Almighty God do we do all things for which you have given this life or are we waisting this most valuable life
10 responses
2 people
that's what i'm saying that many of us not thanking the God that He gave us this beautiful life and all his blessings He had the power that He could give us birth with one eye or with out any other physical part of the body but He gave many of us all of his...
6 May 12
make money with google
29 Mar 12
Guys did any body try it . the banner which is shown at the right side of mylot page that you can earn 267dollar per day by using google and they ask you to give them 18 dollars then tehy will tell you did any body try it if yes...
make money with google legit or scam
3 responses
1 person
how to earn with it what the secret to earn there
27 Apr 12
chat and earn
25 Apr 12
Guys do you know any side which pay for chatting or searching or commenting e.t.c but via alert pay
3 responses
thanks but i already know that are you working with any of such sides then please tell me
26 Apr 12
paid4zero legit or scam
29 Mar 12
did any body get paid by this side because i am interesting to invest here if any body get paid then please let me inform
paid4zero legit or scam
8 responses
did you get any payment from them
29 Mar 12
JSS Tripler!
21 Jan 12
Hello friends, Recently I have been hearing about this JSS-Tripler a lot. What is this exactly? Do you friends find any potential in this? Please someone explain it to me about it! Thank you in advance:)
7 responses
can you tell me how can i get a referal link from this side to refer other
29 Mar 12
make money with google
29 Mar 12
Guys did any body try it . the banner which is shown at the right side of mylot page that you can earn 267dollar per day by using google and they ask you to give them 18 dollars then tehy will tell you did any body try it if yes...
3 responses
1 person
thank you very much
29 Mar 12
twodollarclick legit or scam
29 Mar 12
Guys any body knows about this side this is a ptc side which give you two dollar for each click did any body get paid from them without premeium or with premeium the min. pay out is 1000 dollars
two dollar click legit or scam
8 responses
Will all these side pay without investment ?
29 Mar 12
how to earn 10-15 dollar daily online any legal way
26 Mar 12
guys can any body tell me how can i earn 10-15 dollar daily online with any legal way . one more thing that i am from Pakistan and i only have an account in Alertpay If anyone know any legit side which to alert pay or any...
how to earn
8 responses
to invest money on any side i want money and i do not want to invest from my pocket before i check that the side is legit or not therefore firstly i want to make money online free then i will invest from my pocket after confirmation
29 Mar 12
how to earn 10-15 dollar daily online any legal way
26 Mar 12
guys can any body tell me how can i earn 10-15 dollar daily online with any legal way . one more thing that i am from Pakistan and i only have an account in Alertpay If anyone know any legit side which to alert pay or any...
8 responses
thank you for your advice but paypal does not allowed Pakistan to open an account on it
29 Mar 12