Lenore Plassman
@sallypup (58332)
Centralia, Washington
Joined myLot 9 years ago
I'm a poet and Mom to fur kids.

Lenore Plassman's Likes

Lenore Plassman liked this  4h
Very Late Start
Lenore Plassman liked this  5h
Saturday Morning Brief
Lenore Plassman liked this  7h
Saturday Morning Brief
Lenore Plassman liked this  9h
Saturday Morning Brief
Lenore Plassman liked this  9h
Good Morning 5/17
Lenore Plassman liked this  9h
5/15/24 - Meals
Lenore Plassman liked this  16h
Sunny Saturday
Lenore Plassman liked this  19h
Lenore Plassman liked this  19h
Lenore Plassman liked this  20h
Sunny Saturday
Lenore Plassman liked this  20h