Emilia Yolanda Hutapea
@Emilyah (2)
Medan, Indonesia • Age 34
Joined myLot 3 years ago
Emilia Yolanda Hutapea's Likes
Lely siagian
@Lelysiagian (15)
• Indonesia
1 Nov 21
I remember I always head into the garden to pick the flowers. Then, i put it on my hair, my hand, and my leg. It's such a beautiful memory i have.
9 responses •
7 people
@celticeagle (168595)
• Boise, Idaho
2 Nov 21
I won't be able to finish answering the remarks I have gotten tonight. I was waked up at the crack of dawn and haven't gotten much rest since. They are redoing the roof on our apartment and started at the crack of dawn. So, I am...
9 responses •
10 people