Krystle Ramos
@Krystler (71)
Age 30
Joined myLot 8 years ago
Mommy life Love reading Scary movie lover Blogger Daily exceriser Clean freak Pretty sure I have OCD College student studying sociology

Users Krystle Ramos Is Following

Shikha @shikharava (1838) 11 Jul 17
I'm a traveler and lots of other things too. Above those 'other things' I like to travel a lot. I mean, a very lots of it. I like music & meeting new people.
58 following
19 Jul 17 followed
MamaRae @carebear29 (31979) Wausau, Wisconsin 6 Jun 14
I love blogging n I am a tiktok streamer, so much more. I'm also a mental health advocate. I live a great life
2367 following
19 Jul 17 followed