Roxana Romaniuc
@Roxy27 (19)
Bucharest, Romania
Joined myLot 8 years ago

Roxana Romaniuc's Likes

Roxana Romaniuc liked this  20 Feb 16
Talents: Do you have any ?
Roxana Romaniuc liked this  20 Feb 16
Talents: Do you have any ?
Roxana Romaniuc liked this  15 Feb 16
Are books going to die?
Roxana Romaniuc liked this  15 Feb 16
Dracula: myth and truth
Roxana Romaniuc liked this  15 Feb 16
Dracula: myth and truth
Roxana Romaniuc liked this  14 Feb 16
Are books going to die?
Roxana Romaniuc liked this  14 Feb 16
Are books going to die?
Roxana Romaniuc liked this  14 Feb 16
Are books going to die?
Roxana Romaniuc liked this  14 Feb 16
Are books going to die?
Roxana Romaniuc liked this  13 Feb 16
Are books going to die?
Roxana Romaniuc liked this  13 Feb 16
Are books going to die?
Roxana Romaniuc liked this  13 Feb 16
Are books going to die?
Roxana Romaniuc liked this  13 Feb 16
Are books going to die?
Roxana Romaniuc liked this  13 Feb 16
Are books going to die?
Roxana Romaniuc liked this  13 Feb 16
Are books going to die?
Roxana Romaniuc liked this  13 Feb 16
Are books going to die?