@Ruggero (60)
Lebanon • Age 52
Joined myLot 18 years ago

Ruggero's Likes

Ruggero liked this  26 Oct 06
megs85 @megs85 (3142) Australia 25 Oct 06
126 responses
20 people
Ruggero liked this  26 Oct 06
how many users are there in mylot?
tvnaresh @tvnaresh (1581) India 26 Oct 06
12 responses
1 person
Ruggero liked this  26 Oct 06
do you have caurage
sabyasanchi @sabyasanchi (659) India 17 Oct 06
1 response
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
sharon123 @sharon123 (94) Pakistan 23 Oct 06
451 responses
31 people
shameel yes
25 Oct 06
2 people
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
sharon123 @sharon123 (94) Pakistan 23 Oct 06
451 responses
31 people
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
is suicide right or wrong ??
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
is suicide right or wrong ??
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
is suicide right or wrong ??
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
is suicide right or wrong ??
abrcet @abrcet (563) India 27 Sep 06
658 responses
33 people
vamsimmaddula11 yes suicide is wrong
25 Oct 06
1 person
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
is suicide right or wrong ??
abrcet @abrcet (563) India 27 Sep 06
658 responses
33 people
tvnaresh its the greatest sin...
25 Oct 06
1 person
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
is suicide right or wrong ??
abrcet @abrcet (563) India 27 Sep 06
658 responses
33 people
rlporter wrong
25 Oct 06
1 person
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
is suicide right or wrong ??
abrcet @abrcet (563) India 27 Sep 06
658 responses
33 people
tvnaresh its wrong..
25 Oct 06
1 person
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
is suicide right or wrong ??
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
is suicide right or wrong ??
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
is suicide right or wrong ??
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
is suicide right or wrong ??
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
is suicide right or wrong ??
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
is suicide right or wrong ??
abrcet @abrcet (563) India 27 Sep 06
658 responses
33 people
kaushikdash WRONG
25 Oct 06
5 people
Ruggero liked this  25 Oct 06
is suicide right or wrong ??