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Scar D. Cat
@Scarred4Lyfe (707)
Joined myLot 7 years ago
Go away. Keep going. A little more. Just a little more...keep going...
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Scar D. Cat's Discussions
Anyone here good at deciphering dreams?
Scar D. Cat
9 Mar
So yesterday I dreamed I chased the neighbor's dogs out of my yard (again) and back into hers and screamed at her if it happened again I'd skin them alive and nail them to her front door. Now, truth be told, I do...
13 responses
15 people
I am here
Scar D. Cat
4 Mar
And so is she. And so is HE. And so is Hoomin. And so is raccoons. And skwirls. And boids. And so is Trump. I wish THAT ONE would go away. Or a boid poop on his head. Or me poop on his pillow.
13 responses
19 people
Scar D. Cat
16 Feb
Today's Words Of Wisdomâ„¢ come via Dr Sneuss: I do not like the snow! I don't! I will not like it! No, I won't! "But it's so preeeetty!" Well good, then you come...
20 responses
21 people
Pot Pie!!!
Scar D. Cat
6 Feb
But it is neither cooked in a pot nor is it cooked from pot. But it is a pie. And it has vegetables. And chicken. But no pot. But I has my own pot.
12 responses
14 people
Florida says you can buy a handgun at 18 but can't legally get drunk and shoot someone until you are 21
Scar D. Cat
31 Jan
Because 18 is old enough to own a deadly weapon but you must be 21 to have a beer. Of course, this is the same argument people have used for years - 18 means you are old enough to be drafted into service against your will and...
13 responses
14 people
Barack Obama / Jennifer Aniston rumors
Scar D. Cat
22 Jan
Rumors about 'B-Rock' Obama and 'Friends' star Jennifer Aniston seeing each other after Obama's failed marriage can't be true because Michelle Obama is really a man named Mike - Trump fans have said so for several years - and...
13 responses
16 people
I've never seen people so overjoyed with earning $5 as I do here
Scar D. Cat
12 Jan
It's as though they won a major lottery prize or some such thing. Who knew that true happiness could be purchased so cheap? Meanwhile, I shall remain a crusty old codger because I did NOT get paid...
22 responses
22 people
Where did THAT come from?
Scar D. Cat
9 Jan
So I pulled a tick about 3/4 full of blood from Emoci's neck today. Sub-freezing temps for the past several days and over a foot of snow on the ground -...
12 responses
11 people
A decade ago...
Scar D. Cat
31 Dec
Kind of sad, I used to be able to write things 'off-the-cuff' fairly easy, these days I labor for hours over each sentence and simply can't seem to get anywhere... THE LAST WORD As I finish the page I lay down the pen But...
11 responses
11 people
CAPSLOCK explained
Scar D. Cat
29 Dec
CAPSLOCK can be a very dangerous weapon. It can signify aggression. It also means 'truth'. Only true statements on the Interwebs are CAPSLOCKED. This can plainly be seen in instances where there are disagreements, and...
9 responses
13 people
Wanted - Dead or Alive
Scar D. Cat
25 Dec
But it seems dead makes better headlines. "Dozens dead as passenger plane crashes in Kazakhstan" is what most headlines about the story read. I've only seen two agencies that stated [b][i]"Dozens survive as passenger...
14 responses
16 people
Why did a herd of deer poop on my roof and how did they get there?
Scar D. Cat
25 Dec
Just weird. And I'm sure it was deer, I saw hoof-prints in the snow. Plus I know what a pile of deer poop looks like. And how did they manage to do it without waking me or the cats?...
17 responses
22 people
28% of Americans support Trump. 72% oppose him or don't care enough about anyone to vote.
Scar D. Cat
7 Nov
And that is how Trump won. Not by a 'revolution'. By apathy. Not enough people care who is in charge. Or what they are doing. This references the 100,000,000 eligible Americans who are not registered to vote and the...
10 responses
12 people
Scar D. Cat
5 Nov
Two city of Olney employees were driving their dump truck around town. Suddenly the driver pulled over to the side of the road, jumped out, ran to the back of the truck, grabbed a shovel out of the truck bed, and began beating a...
10 responses
11 people
I do not like any of teh sportzballteam games but teh hockeys is okay because it doesn't have a ball but bull hockey is better
Scar D. Cat
4 Nov
But my absolute favorite sport is Teh Pursuit of Teh Red Dot. And I have caught it before...but it excaped. But balls freak me out. I can't seem to stop myself from chasing...
10 responses
11 people
Did you ever wonder why you should put a toilet paper roll under the seat at night?
Scar D. Cat
4 Nov
I did. But I was not about to click that. So I Googled it to find out why. And it seems there is no reason. In fact, if you click the ad, it never ends up explaining why you should do it. It will show you plenty...
11 responses
12 people
Hope today brings you joy and tranquility!
Scar D. Cat
3 Nov
Why how very thoughtful of you! I'm going to assume this message, purporting to be from the United States Postal Service, in all actuality originated in South Asia. My mind 'reads'...
12 responses
14 people
A Sun-day on a Saturday
Scar D. Cat
2 Nov
Or did I mean a Caturday? But there are sumbeans in the front yard. And I caught one and sat down on it so it could not be of the escapes. And it is warm on my belly and my back and my sides sitting on the sumbean in the...
9 responses
12 people
"Don't you worry there none little woman, Trump is a Man's man and he'll protect you whether you like it or not"
Scar D. Cat
31 Oct
And that right there is why I decided to switch my allegiance from Harris to Trump. The only problem is I mailed my ballot in several days ago and voted for Harris. So unfortunately it is going to...
7 responses
9 people
In the majority of US states and territories, once released from prison, a felon is eligible to vote.
Scar D. Cat
30 Oct
Don't let people try to tell you differently. Yes, there are some states that permanently remove your eligibility to vote if you are a felon - but they are a small minority of states. And moving to another state solves that...
9 responses
10 people