@millertime (1394)
United States • Age 68
Joined myLot 15 years ago

millertime's Likes

millertime liked this  25 Nov 12
Tell Me Again... How Did Obama Win?
millertime liked this  25 Nov 12
Tell Me Again... How Did Obama Win?
millertime liked this  25 Nov 12
Tell Me Again... How Did Obama Win?
millertime liked this  25 Nov 12
Tell Me Again... How Did Obama Win?
millertime liked this  25 Nov 12
Tell Me Again... How Did Obama Win?
millertime liked this  21 Nov 12
Morality of Obamacare
millertime liked this  19 Nov 12
AFTERSHOCK of Election
millertime liked this  19 Nov 12
AFTERSHOCK of Election
millertime liked this  19 Nov 12
AFTERSHOCK of Election
millertime liked this  19 Nov 12
AFTERSHOCK of Election