Jeff Moffitt
@moffittjc (123170)
Gainesville, Florida
Joined myLot 10 years ago
Twitter: @Gator_13
Responses (18986)
Jeff Moffitt's Responses
@snowy22315 (186986)
• United States

So, I drank some milk earlier this morning, and it was fine. This was maybe 2 hours ago. I took a sip before I put it in coffee, and it was definitely going bad. I mean the milk was in the fridge. How could have bacteria gotten...
8 responses •
9 people

Jeff Moffitt I think people wrongfully assume that if something is in a cold refrigerator that bacteria can't thrive or grow. It can, but refrigeration just slows down the process a little. That's why things can still go bad even in the fridge.
But you are right, it does...
1 comment
2 people
Jim Bauer
@porwest (98084)
• United States
26 Mar

Seems that after 30 years, musician Selena's killer, Yolanda Saldivar, is up for parole on her life sentence. At 64 is she a danger to society? Probably not. But does she deserve to be paroled? I don't think so.
Murder is murder....
12 responses •
13 people
Jim Bauer
@porwest (98084)
• United States
27 Mar

When it comes to April Fool's Day, I don't always have a prank lined up and ready to go, and sometimes I do get fooled, although nothing readily comes to mind. Right now I have no plans to prank anyone, although I am always game...
14 responses •
13 people

Jeff Moffitt I love April Fools pranks, and every year I say ahead of time that I am going to plan an epic prank on someone, and then I usually forget about it until the last minute and then don't have time to actually pull it off. This year, I want to get my entire crew...
1 comment
2 people
Jim Bauer
@porwest (98084)
• United States
17 Mar

Sometimes you read about a horrible and tragic event, but what catches your eye more is how they wrote about it.
A man was set on fire after a man approached him, threw a liquid substance on him, and lit him on fire, which police...
10 responses •
12 people

Jeff Moffitt That's funny. I would have never been able to figure out that the liquid substance was likely flammable.
20 Mar
2 people
Jim Bauer
@porwest (98084)
• United States
18 Mar

Yep. The Tuesday Challenge lives on, I just haven't talked about it in a while. Has anyone done it yet? How much is in your envelope?
I did change things up a bit in October of last year which was the one year anniversary of...
3 responses •
6 people
Judy Evans
@JudyEv (349212)
• Rockingham, Australia
14 Mar

Another interesting feature about house-sitting is working out eg how the stove/washing machine/vacuum cleaner works. Where do they keep the tea-towels? Where are the light switches? Power points?
In this house there is a remote...
26 responses •
28 people
Jim Bauer
@porwest (98084)
• United States
12 Mar

I am not sure if it is actually true, or if someone just made it up, but the concept behind it, true or not, still makes perfect sense when it comes to offering someone a tip.
Supposedly the word "tip" or "tips" is an acronym...
12 responses •
16 people
Jim Bauer
@porwest (98084)
• United States
14 Mar

Well, it's official and on the books. Our first camp is scheduled for the end of April for a three-night stay and as usual, it should be a lot of fun. This time it will be with my dad and his wife, who got a site right next door...
10 responses •
13 people

Jeff Moffitt I have a 5-day camping trip coming up this week, from Thursday through Monday. My son and I are going to camp in a remote campground in a national forest, and although it's remote, it's not primitive. We'll be able to drive the truck there and park anywhere...
15 Mar
1 person
Eva James
@wolfgirl569 (113576)
• Marion, Ohio
15 Mar

You can see them on the black ones pretty easily now. I will be needing to get something bigger to put them in soon. I might bring an old trough up to the garage and move them there. I can hang the light over them out there. But...
10 responses •
12 people
@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
15 Mar

Today I woke up cold. For the first time in many months I was reminded that I live near the Andes mountains. And in less than a month our time will have to be changed.
I missed the news so my day will be better. I´ll go and get...
8 responses •
9 people

Jeff Moffitt With all the new tariffs Trump has put in place, our avocados are about to become so much more expensive, since they are all imported from Mexico and South America.
As you're headed for Autumn, we are headed for spring. Today was the first day in many months...
15 Mar
1 person
@snowy22315 (186986)
• United States
15 Mar

It is a lot like THe Bride of Frankenstein but has an excessive amount of sexual content. It's almost like a porn film. The story is really weird, and I am not into this movie really. It was nominated for several Oscars in 2024,...
6 responses •
6 people
Jim Bauer
@porwest (98084)
• United States
14 Mar

It's a beautiful day, don't get me wrong, and I am not complaining one bit. The past week has been sunny and warm in the 80s, the furnace hasn't run a lick and the windows are open even if we have to close them at night when it...
10 responses •
12 people

Jeff Moffitt I love those few brief periods of time in Florida where it's actually cool enough for us to open our windows and let the fresh air in, but inevitably--just like you experienced--we'll get the ever-startling bang of a door inside the house swing shut from the...
15 Mar
2 people
Jim Bauer
@porwest (98084)
• United States
15 Mar

Well, it was expected for Friday and it sure did come, together with heavy winds in the 70 mile per hour range complete with hail, thunderstorms and tornadoes. Luckily even though some tornadoes touched down close and were headed...
5 responses •
9 people
Jim Bauer
@porwest (98084)
• United States
8 Mar

If you want to know how the hens are doing, sure, you CAN ask the fox. But even when he tells you the hens are fine, it's best to have a peek inside the coop yourself just to be sure what he's telling you is true.
Because the fox...
5 responses •
5 people

Jeff Moffitt And the ones screaming the loudest in opposition are the ones who are the most guilty.
It just blows my mind that there are people in the American population who are AGAINST this hard look into our government spending.
I've said for years that our federal...
8 Mar
1 comment
2 people
• Torrington, Connecticut
26 Feb

Whats better than one award?, How about two?! ??
Beyond blessed to receive two awards in one year, Highest ROCA in our specialty flooring division 33.5% and Most improved ROCA year over year
I love my job and what I do,...
12 responses •
12 people
Lena Kovadlo
@lovebuglena (45884)
• Staten Island, New York
4 Mar

My in-laws decided to have a family outing so they got tickets to Cirque du Soleil: Luzia for this Wednesday. It’s gonna be them, hubby and I, and his brother and girlfriend.
I’m excited about the show. The seats are in the...
5 responses •
6 people

Jeff Moffitt I love Cirque du Soleil and have been to many shows at the permanent show at Disney Springs in Walt Disney World. For 19 years the show was called La Nouba, and now they have a new show called Drawn to Life. I haven't been to that one yet.
I hope you had a...
8 Mar
2 people
Judy Evans
@JudyEv (349212)
• Rockingham, Australia
8 Mar

I went to the dentist a few weeks ago and all is good. I’d had a nagging feeling in one tooth and, as we are going away shortly, I didn’t want to wait to see if it got better on its own or not. Then I tried to see it in the mirror...
19 responses •
22 people