Do you believe in ghosts/ Spirits?
By April
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
United States
20 responses
@manodogs (415)
• United States
22 Oct 06
I *thought* I saw one when I was younger, but I really don't know. YOu know how things like that are -- when something happens you find hard to believe, you tend to convince yourself that it didn't really happen, or at least not the way you think it did.
Still, there is more evidence for ghosts than there is for black holes and other accepted scientific "facts."
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
22 Oct 06
Thanx soo much for the reply, and i would totally belive you if you did.,..our old house had 2..a little boy and an old creeeepy lady...i get shivers thinking about her!thanx again!:)
@gail1367 (51)
• Australia
22 Oct 06
I stronly beleive in ghosts/spirits. I beleive that they are out there. I have never seen a ghost as such but I do beleive that that there are spirits/guides/angels as such around all of us. I may not see them but i certainly do feel them.

@hari_theloyolite (315)
• India
22 Oct 06
ha ..i havnt seen anything of tht sort till now...but i wud luve to c them! plz tell me if u c ..ok?
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
22 Oct 06
I did when I was little, in our old house,,,there was a small boy that ran threw the hallway and would always wake my sister to get her to play...or just annoy her, lol..The other was this old lady..with long white hair, that just creeped me out so much i would put the covers over my head as soon as I saw her..And I wanted to thank everyone for there responses,much appreciated..I rated everyone a plus thingy for replying have a good one!!
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@nomi_prince4u (248)
• Pakistan
11 Jan 07
Hey thts too great about tht you see them thts ture in the child hood mean to say there is two types of human can see them one the child and the second is that human how have the power to see them.....!!!!
I think you got a lots of information about Ghost you are help ful me lolzzzzz!!!!
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@Jusred (1578)
• United States
22 Oct 06
I beleive in the spirit realm...I'm not sure what i beleive them to be -such as 'ghosts' of past ppls' lives- but i do beleive there is SOMETHING around us that is hard to explain...Seeing evidence is beleiving for me, and even not, beleiving in someone else's word who you trust beyond a shadow of a doubt, is beleiving for me.
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
22 Oct 06
Thats a great comment and thank you for posting your opinion.:)
@nomi_prince4u (248)
• Pakistan
11 Jan 07
YAp i believe in them but til now i cant see them but i listion them in different voice and also feel them around some times....!!!!(*_*)
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@laridbz (1280)
• China
27 Jun 07
I do believe some people are able to see spirits. Only a few, but some I do believe that they're telling the truth. But I don't think it could ever happen to me. And gosh, if it did, I'd be really freaked out. I'm kind of afraid of the dark, because I keep imagining things that are not there, so if I ever saw it for real, I'd be terrified. I guess that's it! :)
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@highlyspirited (874)
• India
2 Nov 06
Sometimes YES Sometimes NO
SOmetimes NO Soemtimes YES
But not sure
totally confused on this front
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@nithila30 (1423)
• India
6 Dec 06
No still in confusion to belive it or not.But have heard stories abot it.But never seen it.But totaaly i amscared mummyyyyyyyyyy
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@shounak (370)
• India
26 Oct 06
The legend is said to originate with a young woman who lived hundreds of years ago (some versions of the legend state the Heian period) and was either the wife or concubine of a samurai. She is said to have been very beautiful but also very vain, and possibly cheating on her husband. The samurai, extremely jealous and feeling cuckolded, attacked her and slit her mouth from ear to ear, screaming "Who will think you're beautiful now?"
The urban legend picks up from this point, stating that a woman roams around at night (especially during foggy evenings), with her face covered by a surgical mask, which would not be especially unusual, as people with colds often wear masks for the sake of others. When she encounters someone (primarily children or college students), she will coyly ask, "Watashi wa kirei"? ("Am I beautiful?") or a similar question. If the person says yes (the common answer), she will tear off her mask, revealing her mutilated mouth and repeat her question. The victim will usually run away screaming, and the Kuchisake-onna will chase after, usually carrying a bladed weapon, such as a knife (in some extreme versions of the tale, she will summon a giant scythe). If she catches the person, the results depend on the gender of the victim; men will be killed instantly, while women will be turned into another Kuchisake-onna, cursed to commit the same horrors.
The legend says that to answer yes to the second question will cause her to smile and leave the person in peace, though some variations say that extremely agitated Kuchisake-onna will refuse to do so. The surest way to escape, according to all versions of the legend, is to distract the Kuchisake-onna by way of throwing candy, fruit or something of interest.
[edit] Urban legend and public panics
During the spring and summer of 1979, rumors abounded throughout Japan about sightings of the Kuchisake-onna having hunted down children. This story, however, may have originated from a case of a woman attacking a child in public, though even this is not confirmed.[1]
In 2004, a similar legend spread throughout cities in South Korea, though this may have been fueled by tales of the 1979 cases in Japan, as well as a 1996 Japanese film
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
26 Oct 06
From all those repsonses,.,and all the copy and pasting..ya still didnt answer the question lol..Do you believe in ghosts/spitirts ..and have you ,,,yourself ever seen them? Thnax everyone for your replies btw!!
@shounak (370)
• India
26 Oct 06
Kuchisake-onna (????, Kuchisake-onna?) ("Slit-Mouth Woman") refers to both a story in Japanese mythology, as well as a modern version of the tale of a woman, mutilated by a jealous husband, and returned as a malicious spirit bent on committing the same acts done to her.
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
26 Oct 06
hiya .,.you have lost me..u want to inform me thatyou have been working till the middle of the night doing what? and thanx for your reponse:)
@missladycc (154)
• United States
27 Jun 07
yes i believe, I don't see them but I get weird feelings and vibes at odd times. I could be doing something and I begain to feel a little scared. It just happends, not all the time but it does.