how tolerant are you towards other's religion.
By coolimrose
@coolimrose (621)
New Zealand
April 18, 2007 5:18am CST
It makes me really wonder what makes people so intolerant about other religions?I have read extensively about various religions and have found they are all the same.They have the same story runing and one can really find glimpses of ones religion in other too.
I always had friends who followed different faith yet i always got engaged in their ceremonies,prayers .I was there because i had a desire to see and learn.
But i now wonder why they never were interested like me?Was what i did was wrong?I too should have stayed aloof in the cozy shelter of my own faith.
I truely believe God is one.But...
I really want to know was i wrong in being liberal.Or am i wrong in expecting the same outlook from other people.
I am really confused and somewhere a guilty feeling is creeping into me.
I need help from my lot friends. Please do write what you think on it . If you too feel the same or have felt the same before.
All responses are appreciated.
Ta Take care..
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34 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
18 Apr 07
I don't believe God is one. But I do believe many Gods exist, and there's nothing wrong with you worshipping yours while I worship mine. =p
I also am very interested in religions, and in similarities between them. I love to study such things, and I have found many places where the stories overlap each other. It intrigues me.
I love to learn about other people's religion, and I like to visit their religious activities with my friends. However, I only do this when invited, and I make sure to invite back. If I had friends that wanted me to come with them, but wouldn't come with me, then I would be annoyed by that.
I don't feel guilty for learning about other religions, or for attending religious ceremonies from other religions. However, since my own religion doesn't specifically forbid such activity, I have no reason to feel that way.
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@greyoldman (106)
• Canada
18 Apr 07
You would like to read Joseph Campbell (hero with a thousand faces) and Mircea Eliade.
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@zahoor007 (273)
• India
18 Apr 07
If we will place two are more judges inside the Court, what will happen any idea

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I have a tremendous amount of tolerance for other religions and appreciation for them as well....its some PEOPLE that follow any given religion that I have zero tolerance for...
I think that some ppl are intolerant out of fear..they fear what they dont know, they fear anything that is off their beaten path, they fear and doubt themselves on their own path and so on..but the reality is, if they would just take the time to learn about other ways and actually talk to ppl who follow different faiths and listne with open minds that "fear" would go away which of course would open the door for tolerance if that makes sense...
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@goshimhappy (334)
• United States
19 Apr 07
I'm atheist but I tolerate religions, I don't think its fair to criticize others beliefs whether I disagree with the ideas of that religion or not.
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@charlestchan (1415)
• Malaysia
18 Apr 07
haha.. good question.. i'm very tolerable with other's religion. .eventhough they piss me off at times.. they keep asking me joining their religion.. and claim that their religion is the best.. oh .. please? do you know that everyone just has 1 god.. the difference is the way we reach to our god.. religion is like a platform.. you are different in religion.. it means you're standing at different platform.... we all should united and stop quarelling on whose religion is the best.. no point arguing how good is your platform being built.. because in the end.. the one who decides the best platform is not you.. it's the lord.. and that's why i don't really mind about religion.. as long as i don't do bad deeds.. i know the god will be with me :) .. am i right?
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@rezaferry (141)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I feel that I'm tolerant. What I mean by tolerant here is that I believe that people should be able to follow their religion, and also perform their religion duty without any fear, and without me trying to inhibit or stop them.
I don't feel that tolerant means that I must believe that every religion is correct. I think that there is only one true religion (in my case it's islam). I think everybody else's religion is incorrect. But I cannot force other people to change religion or stop them from obeying their religious duty.
@curvychick77 (1084)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I can tolorate most religions, people will believe in what they want. I believe there are many Gods, and for some learning about other religions is not a bad thing, so maybe you cannot find yourself in many of them, that's fine. Believe is what you believe in. Don't ever feel guilt toward your feelings, you are you, one cannot help how they feel. I once went with a friend a few times to her church, but I was not into her religion, I went to see what it was like, and the fact that I was not interested also made me guilty, but then I realized it was because I was just that, not interested, yet I still believe in God. You don't need a religion to believe. You will find yourself and don't ever worry about being wrong.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
18 Apr 07
My husband and I are reading this book right now that talks a lot about the simularities between the New Testament, the Qur'an, and the Tanakh. It's very interesting how most of the stories are pretty much the exact same, some have a slightly different view of what happened or a different belief on the best way to worship god. I'm a lot like you. I have been to all kinds of different churches. I've been to the Baptist church, the Assembly of god, the Methodist, the Epicipal, I was married by as Orthodox priest. I have never been Baptised. My mother felt it was something that if I wanted to do it someday it was my decision. I have asked god into my heart and acknowledge there is only one god and I don't believe that I need someone to sprinkle holy water on my head in order to have my soul saved. Sometimes I've gotton looks for taking communion. However I feel that I am a child of god and he wouldn't have a problem with me taking communion. I don't tend to go to church very often. Expecially because of the area we live in it's like all the churches are just gossip sites. My husband and I read from the bible together and we live our lives by it. I don't have any problem with anyone wanting to follow any religion they want. As long as they live their lives by the basic ten commandments and they respect one another and do their very best to be charitable toward those in need.
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@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
18 Apr 07
im really tolerant of other people's religions, and there are many reasons for this. first of all, most of the religions, as you've already mentioned, are really similar and have the same core basics. second of all, i am not a religious person myself. i consider myself to be a follower of Jesus Christ, and i believe in God, but i don't like associating myself with an organized religion. not only that, but i'm not very fond of religious institutions such as Church. however, i have to admit that maybe i am less tolerant of people who are extremely religious or extremists or fundamentals. because in most of these cases, they try to push their religion on me and act like im some inferior being because i dont follow their religion.
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@erminiasanjose (1588)
• Philippines
20 Apr 07
Religions are not the same. The Christian religion is in the Holy Bible. And so if you believe in God and would like to obey Him, follow the doctrines or teachings of the Christian religion laid forth in the Holy Bible.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
20 Apr 07
tolerance is impossible if you think some will go to hell.
@vijigopi (991)
• United States
20 Apr 07
I am a Hindu and I believe all religions take us to the same goal allbeit the goal is called many names. My religion itself has several subsects which believe in different explanations and it accepts everything as true. For there is no false truth... We evolve from lower truth to higher truth and we don't try to change anyone who says that his is the only true religion because he will attain the highest good only if he has such a faith in his religion. But being tolerant towards other faiths is also a mark of respect for others as well as a mark of maturity and is always favoured much than the other less tolerant views.
@derek_a (10873)
18 Apr 07
As a Zen practitioner, I never interfere with the beliefs of others. First of all, I can recognise that there is a difference between belief in something and actually experiencing it. You can*believe* that say Mt. Everest is there, but the*experience* of it is not going to be anything like the belief you once had and once you experienc it, you no longer have any need for the belief in it.
Personally, I have more desire for the experience of the spiritual side of life than a belief in it. But I recognise that as time goes by and I get more and more experience, that there was a time when I had a lot of faith in my beliefs too. Now each day I meditate and get small insights into my own spirituality and the nature of what the majority of people call God.
Whatever others want to believe in, is OK with me. However, if people want to preach at me trying to "convert" me, I will challenge it, if they're communication is coming from belief.
I would say to you, if you can, look within yourself for your own truth and give other people the space to have their own beliefs. I am interested in all religions, but find most of them can be dogmatic in saying, "ours is the only true one" - I can't accept that. If everyone, gave everyone else the space and freedom to find their own spirituality, there would rarely be guilt, arguments or even war. Most great teachers like Jesus, Buddha and others taught peace by the example of what they did with their lives.
@peacefulprince_au (12)
• Australia
18 Apr 07
The fault with religions is they end up controlling people. I've been involved with spirituality and most religions have had the love sucked out of them. its all about adhering to their acceptable code. They are very intolerant to what other people think. Christianity is a prime example of this. I feel so much shame being myself when I'm at church. At times It feels like i'm just scum. They are so judgemental.
If you want to have a universal perspective of religion read Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch. I find that this book explains the truth about religion and offers a perspective on the original goal of religion - love is the highest spiritual truth.
@rainqueen21 (338)
• United States
27 Apr 07
my religion is catholic, and alot of my friends and my husband are christian or catholic as well, and its funny i have always been very tolerable of other religions i actually love to learn about them just like you i've been to some of the cermonies they have and i don't feel there is anything wrong with it because you learn alot and you have a better understanding towards where people are coming from instead of having a ignorant mindset.I did a course in college "world religion" that class actually as on of the main projects required us to go to three religious ceremonies of different culures, i have even went as far as to learn about wicca but its funny alot of my friends and my husband dont agree with it well the wicca religion they dont and whn i tell them its not what its percieved to be they just look at me like i'm crazy and i guess thats the point i'm trying to make i hate when people just automatically want to belive whatever they hear about a religion and judge a person based on it then actually go do research and learn and grow from it, i don't feel you going against your beliefs just because you choose to be open minded
@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
19 Apr 07
I dont actually believe any religion besides christianity is right. But I dont like go around being mean to those who dont believe either. I have always been friends and willing to be with non-believers of anything and those who believe other stuff. Its the best way. Love them as Christ and not be mean to them. So I tolerate but doesnt mean I believe they are the same.
@AngelNicki (412)
• United States
20 Apr 07
I am very tolerant of other people's religions. However, I find that other religions aren't always as tolerant of me! For instance, Christians... the moment they find out I am not a Christian, they set about trying to convert me ASAP. I do NOT try to convince THEM that their religion is wrong! But I often feel that I must hide the fact that I am not Christian... keep it a secret from my coworkers, my employers, my fellow students, my new acquaintances, even some of my relatives... or they will not feel the same about me! Christians often make casual reference to their religion, assuming most people agree with them... and in these moments, I just don't know what to say!
@navtech (1773)
• India
19 Apr 07
98% people of the world are tolerant to other religions and also respect other religions. They do not have anything against any religions. They respect their own religion and also want to treat the other in the way. . Then who are responsible for creating intolerance towards other religion. 90% intolerance created by the politician and balance by religious fanatics. Politicians are powerful people and religions fanatics get their support from the politician. For the sake of own benefits and cheap popularity Politician and fanatics have created a created atmosphere in the world intolerance of religion.
@wondericequeen (7876)
• Hong Kong
19 Apr 07
I am tolerant to any region as long as they don't hurt other people. I believe every region has the same goal - guiding people towards the goodness. I don't particularly believe in any of the religion, but I don't mind listening to their stories and understand their background as long as they don't try hard to preach to me. I think being liberal is fine and you don't have to feel guilty about it. After all, does anyone really know how many Gods there are in the world (with all the different cultures, peoples, myths and traditions)? Who is the one to decide how many religions there should be in the world? I believe every religion would want their followers to have a peaceful and better life in the soul level, if that's what all the religions trying achieve, there is really no need to compete with one and other.
@mailovee (265)
• China
19 Apr 07
Actually I'm in a country people having no religious faith,however,we are not technically atheist cause most of the people here seem to believe that there are gods out of there,in aother words we maybe a little superstitious.So I think maybe need religion.As to tolerant tolerant toward other's religion,I want to say that the reason that the world is colorful is because it's diversity,so like it or not we should at least show out respect.likewise,we are not suppose to compell other people to do something you think right maybe they have the quite contrary views.
@ericlovesure (12)
• China
19 Apr 07
i think that all people in the world have to be tolerant.the fault with religion is they end up controlling people.
i dont feel that tolerant means that i must believe that every religion