Some believe that humans are made in god's image?
@mossjanicelynn (1240)
United States
10 responses
@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
18 Apr 07
I think it is just arrogance on our part.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
21 Apr 07
The idea that humans are made in God's image is pure egotism. I think the reverse is true. We humans made God in our image.
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@twaambolee (260)
• Zambia
20 Apr 07
I don't believe in evolution because it stopped evolving.
They say we were once apes and due to climate changes and environment changes,our bodies started trasforming,we started becoming straight and walked upright and became civilised,to me thats c**p.
If we are here due to evolution then how come our bodies have stopped transforming when the climate still changes?it doesn't make sense to me(evolution that is).We should have evolved further than just two eyes,two legs,one nose,etc...we should all by now probably have four legs or super powers or something,thats why i don't believe in evolution and iam sure the reason we are still considered animals is because of the whole notion of evolution.
Human beings are created in God's own image and thats why we are not changing (evolving to be something else),we are all created unique(twins also have differences, probably in personality).So i can say we were created in God's own image,in his likeness and he gave us charge over all animals and not us to be refered to as animals.
Put a human being and a lion in one room and observe if they will behave the same way..i don't think so lol...
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
20 Apr 07
Human are animals too in one sense. But human beings are different from other animals,however. We human beings have awareness of some kind of 'higher being' and even if some do not believe people still debate whether such a being exists or not, whereas in the animal world they don't debate whether such a being exists or not.
Animals also do not talk about quantum mechanics or calculus or whether moral law is absolute or relative.
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@heartuvgold (493)
• United States
18 Apr 07
Let's clear something up right away. First of all we're not animals. We were given dominion over the animals. And we were formed in the image of God in only one sense. God is spirit and we are flesh. God breathed his spirit, or breath into our bodies and we breathe the same breath as God, but we also know that Christ was God in the flesh and we are formed in His image also, which means that we have the same abilities as Him and even more today than when He walked on earth.
I believe all the races were made on the sixth day, then after God rested on the 7th day he made the one man Adam who sinned by breaking the rule of eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge. The name Adam means ruddy complected and the only race I know of that is ruddy complected or able to blush is the caucasion race. This race was put in the garden to till the soil and that was their only job. But since they sinned they were made to work amongst thorns and snakes and spiders and everything else that's bad, because they were cast out of the garden.
Don't just listen to people. People like to use the bible to make themselves and their beliefs look good. And the bible has to be read by dividing it evenly between the old and new testiment. It is a guidebook and teaches us how to live a good life and to attain salvation through faith, not of works. We are to study to show ourselves approved by God, and He expects us to study hard and learn what He has to say.
If you would like to study the bible in a very simple and straightforward way and learn from it, try going to this site.
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@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
19 Apr 07
i dont know exactly about us humans made in God's image. but i do know the human are highest form of animal that's why we have thinking ability, God give us the brain, because of that God also created science and religion, to have us something we can confuse about and to have a decision who we are to follow, we have free will any way. it depends on what you believe in.
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
26 Apr 07
I do not really know about this one. I think it is whatever you think to be true, so go with that.
@fectoab (72)
• Canada
30 Apr 07
I do believe we're created in the image of God. This doesn't mean we're like him in all aspects (impossible), this only means that we have the capacity to love, to feel pain and have the capabilities of reflecting some of his wonderful qualities. It's only normal that we ressemble in some way our heavenly father. Doesn't a child ressemble his parents in some ways?
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
2 May 07
If we believe the Bible, man was made in God's image. I guess the scientists and scholars will keep trying to say differently, but I put my trust in the Bible. The Bible tells us that " was given dominion over the animals." That's good enough for me. I remain steadfast in my faith no matter what man tells us.
@ramirey (3)
• Philippines
2 May 07
If you believe in GOD and you believe that we are created in GOD's image, then there's no reason for you to doubt that we really are made in HIS image. Science has not proven that we evolved from animals (monkeys). Man may have acted as animal due to his evil ways, but nevertheless he still is made in GOD's image. The Bible specifically says that we are made after GOD's image. (Genesis 1:26, 27 "Then God said," Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. So god made man in His own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.")Go on and read the bible and you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.