Partial Birth Abortion Struck Down
By RebeccaLynn
@RebeccaLynn (2256)
United States
April 19, 2007 12:42am CST
WOW! Didn't think that was going to happen!
Personally, I agree with it. I do not see any reason for this proceedure. I have read detailed accounts of the process and what the baby goes through. Sorry guys, you can't call it a fetus if it's crying before you kill it.
Women are clearly divided on this issue. It's deeply personal for each of us.
What are your' thoughts on the supreme court's ruling?
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10 responses
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
19 Apr 07
Although I am pro-choice I am against partial birth abortion. I do believe in a woman's right to choose but partial birth is wrong. As you stated it is a living being outside of the womb that they are killing. That is a far cry from a few cells that are barely developed. I'm very glad to see that they struck it down. There is no reason to have it done. A woman with health issues would have had it done far earlier, same with those who have been raped, or ones who do not want the child; they would not wait till they are in delivery to decide to not have the baby and to terminate it.
@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
20 Apr 07
Note your discussion on wether or not you have to agree with your' friends. :)
I am completely against abortion. I have a daughter from a violent rape. It's not her fault how she came to be.
If I didn't feel that I was emotionally strong enough to raise her then I would have given her up for adoption. I will never believe that "unwanted" children are not wanted by someone.
We do agree though on partial birth abortion. I think if the child is outside the womb you can no longer call it abortion. Then it's just plain murder.
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
17 May 07
From reading bits of this thread, it seems like people are having a hard time understanding the entire situation. This recent ruling was not a new law. It was someone who was contesting the legal gestation limit for a voluntary abortion and was denied. Late-term or partial-birth abortions simply refer to abortions that come up due to health problems that could either severely endager the mother, the baby, or lead to lifelong pain for the baby. It is not, I repeat NOT a voluntary abortion. No one is going "gee, I'm 6 months along, but I changed my mind". That's illegal, always was illegal and is remaining illegal. Nor is it about waiting until you're in labour and going "gee, I don't want it anymore. let's club it". That is infanticide and also illegal.
It also seems like the actually procedure is a bit misunderstood. When childbirth induces itself naturally, the baby is poised and ready to move easily through the birth canal. When a late-term abortion is called for, the baby is either still in breech position or is in the process of rotating into the birthing position. Also, the child is not entirely ready to be birthed. As such, forcibly removng it would probably just tear it to shreds anyway and make a huge mess that could cause severe infection in the mother. As such, they pull the body out of the canal, then remove the brain, collapse the skull and easily pull the rest out. Now, I agree that ethically, this is a fairly gruesome procedure, but medical needs aren't always the prettiest of sights. But as such, how can you say that this procedure is less humane than allowing the mother or child or both to suffer for who knows how long? Or even to forcibly remove the baby and let it be torn to shreds? I just don't understand that.
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@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
18 May 07
You should probably research the proceedure further before you make these kind of claims.
It is done more often than what you have stated and for reasons that are not medically necessary.
Yes, this will go back before the supreme court and in the end, I hope it is banned from the face of the earth.
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@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
18 May 07
How do you explain the legality of late term abortion?
How do you explain the existence of partial birth abortion?
Just because the law says don't do it does not mean that it isn't done.
Also, they do not remove the brain. They drive a scalpel into the base of the skull and one in 30 babies survuve the action. Do your research.
By the way, rating me negatively does not prove your point.
I don't agree with you but I haven't done that to you.
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
18 May 07
I don't know what country you live in, but in mine, it's been illegal ever since RoevWade and the perameters of legal abortion were set into effect. Abortions are and have been illegal after approximately the 12 week of gestation, usually less in most states. In mine I believe it's 8-9 weeks gestation.
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@annieroos (1845)
• United States
16 May 07
I think that the Partial Birth Abortion is just wrong.. Its murder.. But to me all abortion is wrong. i don't agree with it.. But the partial is even worse.. HOw can any woman see the baby move and knowing the baby is growing in her stomach just go and have it killed..
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@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
18 May 07
I don't understand how anyone could do it either.
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@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
10 May 07
Thank you for not sugar coating this. If more people knew how this was actually done they would Never Ever allow it. It is Murder and it is the most disgusting form of it . I was not even aware of this until a couple of years ago and only last week saw a very graphic picture of how this is performed. It made me sick. I couldn't even sleep and every time I think of what is done to the poor baby it makes me sick and so sad . Disgusted to think that another human being could actually do this and call themselves a doctor. I wonder how many of them have nightmares and deservedly so. Although anyone that could do such a thing deserves it. And it is not just done to babies who supposedly have medical problems. There are tests that are done early in pregnancies that can tell that. There is no way to justify doing this. No way at all.Some people just don't get it and some people are not even aware of what Partial birth abortion means. Thank you again for telling it like it is.
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@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
10 May 07
Thank you. I've never been one to sugar coat things. Let's call it like we see it.
There are so many people who didn't even know this existed!
Have we become that complacent?
I have seen the pictures and the videos. I have read detailed accounts of what is done during the proceedure, including testimonies that doctors presented congress.
Bottom line, it's vile and it gave me nightmares too.
I completely agree with you. There is no reason for this "proceedure".
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@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
10 May 07
I have only seen a very realistic drawing and explanation of how it is done and it is so disgusting. Once you see that and read it. you cant get it out of your mind. Not if you are any kind of human being. It is terrible. The only words I can think of to describe it is cruel and disgusting. Those poor little babies. Thank you again for passing your message along. Some people just don't want to know the ugly truth about these things.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
10 May 07
There are not accurate tests that can be done in early pregnancy that detect chromosomal birth defects. Some conditions can only be found through amnio or CVS; amnio can not be done until 16weeks, at the earliest. CVS can be done earlier, but has a huge margin of false positives. An early ultrasound, might show something that is questionable, but it won't be a clear diagnosis.
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@Karmalina (647)
• Australia
20 Apr 07
Holy CRAP! I didn't even know that this existed! Sounds like what women who are too lazy to have an abortion before they get too far along do and it's sick. I don't believe in abortion at all, but I'm glad it can't happen there anymore Ewww.
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@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
21 Apr 07
If you look up partial birth abortion, it's a horrible proceedure that no infant should be put through. Plain and simple.
I am soooo glad that it was struck down!
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@Tanya8 (1733)
• Canada
22 Apr 07
While you're looking it up, also look up WHY it's done. It had always been illegal to do late term abortions for any reason other than medical reasons.
These types of abortions are done when the fetus has been diagnosed with a severe medical condition. Look up trisomy 13 and 18, anencephaly and hydrocephallus. This is not necessarily about living with a handicapped child; in many cases it's about watching one's WANTED child slowly die over a period of weeks or months following birth.
These conditions also can't be diagnosed before a 20th - 22nd week ultra sound.
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@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
22 Apr 07
So let's just go ahead and kill him now so that we won't have to deal with any heartache. It's the humane thing to do.
By the way, this proceedure has NOT been used ONLY for those with severe disabilities. This is such a throw away society. If you can't deal with something, then get rid of it because we get to decide who is fit to live and who should die.
What a sad nation this is.
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@2blessings (30)
• United States
10 May 07
I think that partial birth abortions are disgusting. I can't believe that anyone could do that to their child. I have also seen video of this happening and it makes me sick to think that anyone could think that it isn't taking away a life.
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@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
10 May 07
We are in complete agreement.
I don't know why anyone would even think something like this up, much less turn around and do it.
We live in a sad, sad world.
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@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
22 Apr 07
There are a lot of people who are not against abortion and that's fine. I'm just glad this particular type of abortion is banned.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
27 Oct 07
I personally don't agree with abortion. I feel if it is a pregnancy due to rape or insest that the baby can be put up for adoption. The only way I'd justify it...and it would be tough even if the birth would kill both the mother and the baby. If it was me, and there was even the slightest chance the baby would live, I'd go through with it...even if it meant my own life. But that's me and each person has to make their own decision and live it afterwards.
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3 May 07
A friend of mine brought up this issue awhile back and I researched it also. The procedure is horrific! What they do to these babies is absolutely abominable! I am glad that this was struck down. I am pro choice.. but only in extreme cases and definately not in the case of a second and third trimester abortion! I never jumped up on a soap box about this issue until I saw the horrifying images of the babies who were murdered by this procedure.
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@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
4 May 07
I know. It's digusting! Whoever thought this one up is going to end up in hell!
No one will ever be able to convinve me that this is acceptable. Those babies fealt what the docotrs were doing to them. It makes me too sick to think about it.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
26 Dec 07
Why do people speak when they don't know what they are talking about? They hear or read "partial birth abortion", which is by the way account for less than 0.2% of abortions done in the US, and think the baby is always alive, well and crying. Do some research instead of going along with the rightwing just because they said it was so.