Do any other parents of boys have issues with some of the girls that come
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
United States
April 22, 2007 7:35pm CST
calling on their sons?
I'm telling you, I have 2 girls and a boy. My girls were taughter certain etiquette that creates an air of integrity about them. You don't chase after boys. You don't call their house over and over and go to their house ringing their bell and such unless of course you're "dating" or "going out" or "friends" with the young man. Call me old fashioned but I just think that when a young lady is overactive in the pursuit of a young man it screams desparate!
My son has girls showing up at the door that look seriously like 15 year old hookers!!!!! They call the house at all hours, day and night. They actually even sometimes get RUDE with my girls or me when we say either he's not around (they give 50 questions about where is he and who's he with) or if we tell them it's too late to be calling. I'm just amazed at these girls and how many there are that literally chase after boys!
Has anyone else had this experience with their son(s)?
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15 responses
@MakeItCount (350)
• India
23 Apr 07
No, never had a problem. I think that maybe you should sit down and have a chat with your son. There are a lot of unsuitable kids around (girls and boys)but there are some really nice, sensible, decent kids with integrity too (like your daughters). Maybe you could help your son, that is, let him know how to discourage the unsuitable ones and make friends with the great girls out there.
We can't influence other kids but we Can influence our own.

@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
23 Apr 07
He really doesn't hang around with these girls. That's my point. These aren't girls he hangs with, they simply chase after him all the time! They even get phone numbers from a friend of a friend, etc. and eventually it doesn't matter if you have an unlisted number! Drives me nuts!
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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
23 Apr 07
i agree with you, makeitcount. we can always influence our own children. in fact, our children are a picture of what we are.
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@Airforcekid (196)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Im about his age and all I have to say is the tides are changing boys no longer have to ask out girls.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
24 Apr 07
I don't really mind if girls ask boys out... that's not a big deal. I'm a very modern and self reliant woman, believe me! LOL BUT.. I have issues when young girls are willing to do anything to get a boy at their side and when they call all hours of the night or show up at the door looking like little hookers!
Don't get me wrong.. for every sleazy girl out there, there is a sleazy boy making her "sleazy" BUT unfortunately the real world doesn't work that way. I personally don't want them around my house and my son as I'm sure he's completely "normal" and has hormones that are rampant and will overtake his mind at some point! LOL
I'm more amazed at the degree of forwardness these "girls" have.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
23 Apr 07
I'm thinking that if they let them out looking like that and they allow them to use the phone or don't bother to keep track of them to know they're using the phone... a call from me would be useless.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
23 Apr 07
Well we don't have a boy living here or anything like that but I have noticed it in the girls and boys my neice knows (just friends since she's 12). I've had them call or stop by and if I say she's not here I get grilled. I've have some who will call and are very rude on the phone. They won't tell me who they are but start asking me where my neice is. I finally started to correct them. I tell them it's not any of their business were she is and that they should at least say who they are when I ask not keep asking me where my neice is. I had one boy that would come up to the window and yell into the house for my neice. I stopped that real quick. I don't know what is going on but I make sure my neice doesn't act that way. Like you I've tried to teach her to be polite, to have some manners, and to not be rude to others.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
23 Apr 07
You have to wonder how they're raised or if it's just something they do themselves and their parents have no clue? I'm amazed indeed!
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
23 Apr 07
I haven't had this problem with my son but would be telling him that if they didn't stop they would be seriously sorry as I know my husband would make sure they were to scared to call back and be rude again . We don't agree with children that call with an attitude or children that come by the house demanding they see one of the children .
My husband is a big man and most of the children find him scary just because he has a gruff voice and it works to our advantage lol .
I wouldn't have a problem with girls calling or coming by but I would not tolerate them being rude to us and wouldn't be scared to call the parents and remind them that if they didn't no how to have respect at someone else's house then they were not welcome at our place anymore . I even did this with one of our nephews who was coming to the house and being quite rude to my daughter and called his mother and said he was not welcome back again until he knew how to treat other's , it didn't take him long to change his attitude when coming around as I will wait as long as I can to say something but when I do they all know that I am serious and mean what I say .
Best of luck with this situation :)
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
23 Apr 07
Unfortunately a lot of these girls just simply don't care about common courtesy. The rudeness level on the phone is amazing and they're simply mouthy. I've seen such a huge amount of disrespect it's unreal, not necessarily to me in particular but all around.
My guess is, since they're making phone calls at midnight on a school night and texting, etc. the parents either don't care or don't bother to check and are clueless that they're doing it which is just as bad. Ignoring them and assuming they're goody 2 shoes doesn't help them either!
Unfortunately it's just me and my kids so I don't have a male figure to scare them, although I'm far from timid! LOL
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@ScrappinHappyMom (914)
• United States
23 Apr 07
I haven't had this problem but that is because I am a lunatic mother. LOL
My son is only allowed to give out his cell phone number which is a pre-paid phone that he has to buy the cards for. No girls are allowed to call the house, if they do it is because they are on the approved friend list and have passed my examination so to say.
I have also made it clear to my son that any girl that tracks him down and calls a million times is insecure and possiblely not worth his time.
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@mrsjumppuppy03 (3301)
• United States
23 Apr 07
Oh, the girls of today, see their parents as being strong people and they see that being direct and forward with boys as their only opportunity to get attention. It stems back to parenting and moral values. Yes, the children of today, especially the girls, don't sit and wait, they try to make the path for themselves. I personally am apalled by the behavior of todays girls.
@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
23 Apr 07
I am happy to say that I have never had this problem so far. If this has happened to me, you can be sure that I have already scolded those rude girls. Then I'd get their names and home phones so I can call to tell their parents about what such bad girls they have and that if they can please discipline their girls. I am sure that I don't want any of those kind of girls around my son even if just as friends. They are bad girls that will give bad influence on who they are with. You can be sure that what you are thinking about these girls are right.
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
24 Apr 07
It isn't a new son will be 40 ( yes..I'm now officially his sister as our ages are too close!!! lol) and during high school and college our house was inundated with women calling him and showing up to see if he wanted company...I felt like I was runnning a modeling agency...they would call to " book" time with was amazing...some of them turned out to be great friends of the family and some just got turned out!!! It does seem interesting how different all that protocol is these days...he couldn't even go to the store for me without me having to field a million calls needing to know where he was and who he was with!!!! I used to be fairly patient about it all...but my husband was not!!! He wasn't the most pleasant person to be on the phone with when they were asking questions!!! And showing up at the pharmacy I worked "get on my good side"..what a funny memory now..but then it was sometimes a little overpowering!!! They tried to be our daughter's best long as she might give out information..but she was a tough one...she protected him...and that made them mad!!! I have 2 little grandsons now..and wonder what life will be like at their house in a few years!!!!!LOL
@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
23 Apr 07
I think its sad the girls are doing that. But its a new time so if a girl wants to ask a guy out I dont see a problem with it. Now I dont have kids but...
When I was a teen we called guys friend and not all the time! It was a fun thing to do. We had a thing going one day. We wanted all these guys phone numbers just to have them and nothing else. So we would call one guy and get another phone number down the line. It was amazing that only like 2 guys didnt not give us numbers. Some even tried to talk to us!
Through one phone call we made a guy realize I liked him, and then found out he knew another guy in our english class liked me. Yeah it was SO MUCH FUN!
If I had girls and they did this, I wouldnt be upset. Just if they were harrassing the guys thats another thing all together! Fun is one thing, stalking is ANOTHER!
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@huggiebear22 (2007)
• Canada
23 Apr 07
That sounds like my house when the girls come callin for my sons all the time no matter what time it is they will call had soem on door step knocking at midnight looking liek hookers and they were 13 they started to call my house when they were 10 lookin for my sons. They learned early that they do not give me grief or else they get a very rude response and sons get in trouble for girls that are little tarts showing up. The girls now a days are more aggressive than soem of the boys.
I do not envy you mine are just about doen with living at home soon be on there own yahoo
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@mrbranan (1012)
• United States
23 Apr 07
I work in the system and you would be amazed at how often I see this. I won't say what I think when I see a girl hanging all over a boy. I don't let my girls do things like that and they know if they want to be respected by boys that they have to respect them selves first.
@xoShannonNCxo (146)
• United States
23 Apr 07
I have this problem with my brother! He is 16 and wow girls are crazy! I never would have chased a boy, I think you end up looking desperate and silly! But these girls call all hours of the night and my mom finally got pissed and told them that if they call past 10:00 then she will cal lthe phone company and block their number! So that helped a little. They still call all day though! and yes they look super trashy. my mother owuld have killed me if I dressed like that!
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@charlestchan (1415)
• Malaysia
23 Apr 07
haha.. i do believe such cases are very common in my country.. i agree with you that those girls actually degraded themselves.. they're just acting like a hooker.. which i think they should be taught certain etiquette to keep their image... during the old days, boys were chasing after girls ..and girls are shy to do the same.. but in this modern world.. everything started to change.. even the one working outside the house is now a female.. instead of male.. it actually depends on how you accept it... nowadays people are very open minded.. especially teenagers.. so.. you can't blame anyone for it.. we don't know what's the cause of such changes.. but do learn to accept it =)
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@jerryn (819)
• United States
25 Apr 07
The Lord blessed me with 2 girls who are both grown now. I can honestly say they weren't agressively chasing after boys. I am now 50 and I have no son in laws or grandchildren. I guess my girls are just really picky and that's a good thing. You're not old fashioned, it's just that the respectable values didn't get instilled in those girls. They weren't raised right.