Do Illegal Immigrants ......
By mjsdls
@mjsdls (1840)
United States
April 25, 2007 1:44pm CST
Have More Rights Than Americans? Why is this so? It seems yo me they have more rights to religious freedom, more rights to bring drugs in the USA, just more rights period. Why is this. Now they are using taxpayer funds to install facilities for ritual foot-washing for Muslim students.
How come when we go to another country we have to convert to their ways and when others from another country comes to the USA we still have to give in to their beliefs. The USA was foundation on Christian beliefs. Now our rights are being taking away and immigrant rights are taking over. What is wrong with this picture?
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14 responses
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
25 Apr 07
Haven't you heard...Americans don't run America..Illegal immigrants do.
Yes, they do have more rights than what Americans do. They can own a house in another country. But get welfare and free medical within days of showing up on American soil. Where as American is not allowed to have anything in their name but possible an older care to get that kind of help.
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@mjsdls (1840)
• United States
25 Apr 07
Most of them have the biggest and most expensive houses to. My brother in law does carpentry among others things and as helped the India people redo some things in their house. He said those houses are big and beautiful. He said they sure have a lot of money and they have places built to put their gods they worship.
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
26 Apr 07
No I think you are wrong. Americans don't resent other success. I have no problem with making success. Once they are legal Americans.
But when I see a single man living by himself making over 12 bucks an hour. And still gets free medical care and other benefits from the goverment being an illegal immigrant...Now that just down right pisses me off. Dont say it isn't so because this guy is one of my neighbors. There are more organztions in the are aI live in for illegal immigranst. Than Americans who needs help. I think that is a big big problem.
@urbangirl (1456)
• Australia
26 Apr 07
I don't understand why people who have come from India are not allowed to have big and expensive houses in the US. Have you asked these people whether they are on welfare or are illegal? Oh but maybe then you'll find out that they might actually be hardworking people who know how to invest and save their money, and make use of all the opportunities they have in the States...
I just think people resent others' success, and more so because they are doign it on "their" terms and they don't have to convert to Christianity and pretend the culture their ancestors have been practising for thousands of years doesn't exist anymore just to make certain people feel more comfortable.
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@Impervious (1147)
• United States
25 Apr 07
You are absolutely correct. These public funds that are being used to make these foot washing facilities are they in public places. If so NOW I have a huge problem because how many monuments to the ten commandments have had to be removed to cater to people of different religions.
Listen I am all for religious freedom. I couldn't care less if somebody worshiped a gerbil. But the fact is that the ten commandments are the basis on which all of the laws that we hold dear in the USA were made. Regardless of what religion you are they simply provide people with a moral compass. And if someone find that to be offensive then don't read it.
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@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
26 Apr 07
I noticed one Canadian answered as well,that our country is in the same boat,Ours are usually asian or arab,and like you,most of them have the best vehicles and the government gives the 5 years of tax deferals and helps them get houses,I have worked all my life basically and still have nothing,but trouble due to government taxes.
Do you know,that with the U.S.,all countries are being sent invitations for their people to get green cards to work and live in the U.S,but Canadians are not allowed to open a business and only one person in a company in Canada,is allowed a green card under very strict guidlines?
I for one,would love to be able to come to the southern States and buy a house and start a business as I can no longer stand the winters here.
As you have probably noticed,if they say anything about the white race,it is fine,you say anything against theirs and you are racist?
If they are legal,and they wish to have a special area for religious resons,fine,let them pay for it,not the taxpayer.
Blessed Be.
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@ladymoonstone143 (1507)
• United States
26 Apr 07
When I decided to come to the US, I have to go thru tons of paperwork and go thru lots of process and payments left and right. But I didn't give up because I know I will go to the country legally. Now, I am a naturalized citizen, I am abiding by the laws, pay my taxes and speak the language.
That is why I can say it is really unfair to everybody that our tax dollars are spent on stuff that benefits illegal immigrants. It is not that we have no compassion for them but then they get all the benefits and us, if we don't have insurance, we can't get even get into the medical care because we are earning above the minimum.
The funny thing was with my toddler, I tried to get into WIC coz a neighbor told me that it will be good for my baby. I don't want to go really because I am thinking, there are so many people that might need it other than me. But with the prices of formula, I wanted to give it a try, I visited the office and found out that we made like a $100 more than the average, so I just didn't pursue it. Then looking around me, I know majority of the people around me are mostly illegals, not even bothering to speak the English language. Gosh, you should see how nice their cars are, the way they dressed up and all this jewelries, you can never tell that they needed this program. I am not envious but gosh, I would be thinking there are other people out there that needed real help, not this people just because they have a bunch of kids who I bet is into free school, free medical care, etc.
And when citizens raised their concerns about illegal immigration, our politicians don't want to thread into that ground because of political motives. They are afraid of the votes going to the other party. Democrats or Republicans, they should make a stance about this issue.
I am working at home and the area where we live is so funny. All the jobs out there, you need to be bilingual...and it is a must in the job. I seldom see a job that doesn't say, bilingual a PLUS. It is not that am not bilingual because I am, but my native language is not Spanish though. Plus the wages are quite low because people know they can get illegals out there to work for that kind of salary.
I am just for the process of coming here legally, so everybody would be equal. We will all pay taxes, we should all receive some kind of benefit, we should speak the same language and we should only have one flag to look up to. This country is a melting pot of culture, I am not saying that we will forget our native countries but we have to adopt to the life in here because this is the country we call home right now.
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@haedescanes (592)
• Philippines
26 Apr 07
The mere fact that they are illegal doesn't give them the right to do things. All they are doing is illegal if they have migrated without proper documents. Some illegal immigrants only wanted to have jobs and earn money for their family.Others are illegally migrated and still abuse the country. They have no respect for the law and other people. With these kind of people who have no respect,all I can say is that they should be imprisoned so that they will learn their lessons. Goodluck!
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@msjigga (864)
• United States
26 Apr 07
yes!!! they get free education, health care, and some get to live here tax free. i have a friend who is a foreigner he has 6 different degrees never worked in his field, no student loans all degree came from american schools. this is just not fair there are alot of tax paying americans struggling to pay for 1 degree. they are also more likely to get considered for credit. why is this???
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@piggiehandcuffs (365)
• United States
26 Apr 07
It is quite sad. Illegals can work for money under the tabe and not have to pay taxes. If they get deported, they come back here too. They also get free health care, and hand-outs from the government. I don't understand why they can't immigrate the legal way. I've waited 4 years to immigrate here, and I did it the legal way. It cost me a bunch of money, but I did it. Why do these illegals get everything for free? I don't understand at all. It's quite sad though.
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@kakuemmom (859)
• Canada
26 Apr 07
I understand where u are coming from I live in Canada and the same is true here too. Maybe not with illegals but just immigrants in general. Now i am not prejudice in any means i think all ppl all cultures should be respected as they all bring different things to society in general. But i do agree with you about our rights and beliefs pushed away. If I went to another country i would be expect to follow there ways not mine. Why should USA and Canada change. I like my CHRISTMAS tree not my HOLIDAY tree why are my children not allowed to sing away in a manger any more only frosty. I think both of our countries have bent over backwards enough so as not to offend. If you come to our country you don't have to switch your beliefs but please leave mine alone.
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
29 Apr 07
It is political correctedess run amok! It seems we bend over backwards to make sure we "don't offend" anyone...but what about us? Yes, I think our rights and our freedoms, that we as a nation have worked hard for, are in danger of being just given away, without cost or question, to illegal immigrants, who already have people wanting to allow them to get driver's licenses without documentation for being here in the country! Illegals already get free medical care which is more than we get.
@gemini1960 (1161)
• Philippines
26 Apr 07
As of now im really not familiar with your laws regarding illegal immigrants, what i know is that if your illegal then you can be deported and no previledges given to them.
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@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
25 Apr 07
We live in an area that is rated high for this kind of problem. It's a problem that government has swept under the carpet for way too long, now trying to do something about it. I wonder if a good resolution will ever come about on this issue.
It could easily turn into a racial problem and has in some cases. When they start telling me I have to make way for them is when I'm going to be really upset.
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@lil_cook9203 (5)
• United States
26 Apr 07
I agree 100% that they have more rights then we do. They are given tax breaks and college funds that America's do not get. It is made easier for them to get loans for anything. They are offered jobs and things before the American people are and it isnt far. We do not get special treat from there countrys so why should our country do it for them. I understand they have left there country to come to ours for a better life but they should be treated the same as we are and not offered more then American's are. I dont see why we have to take our taxpayers funds to make things better for them when there are many things that the tax dollars could be used for with our own people.
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