Disrespect in American (US) Children

@raydene (9871)
United States
April 26, 2007 9:10am CST
Is our US society allowing our children to become disrespecting,threatening ... I just saw a KFC commercial.The mom is telling the babysitter what each child likes and says that the boy (about 10 ) is the most difficult.Babysitter asks what about the dinner.Mom says she has KFC for dinner..Boy says"You're so lucky" in a threatening way..babysitter thanks mom... Another one is a Kelloggs cereal commercial where the mother is eating breakfast with a teenage daughter.She tells the daughter she is eating this cereal because she wants to live forever..the daughter says"Greaaaat" in a way that sounds like she doesn't want her mom to live forever. Am I just not with it or are we expecting less in the areas of respect,kindness,etc from our children?Our kids see these commercials and think this is normal and pick up the behavior.I will not buy kelloggs any longer.It won't break them but I have to feel like I'm doing something in my small way..And now KFC will not be on my dinner table again.. What do you think? Am I just out of touch? Is this part of the problem ...we have 14 yo boy raping woman,teens beating someone to death...Are we all responsible?
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23 responses
@mrbranan (1012)
• United States
26 Apr 07
I do think as parents we are resonsible. You know there use to be nothing wrong with disaplining childrn now it is almost taboo. I feel if we went back to the way it was 25 years ago we would be a better society. I know I wasn't allowed to get away with anything and neither was my brother.
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
26 Apr 07
I am 56 and do not recall being spanked but I was still afraid to do wrong..Not sure why..I'd get that look from Ma or Da and I straightened right up...
• United States
26 Apr 07
I've seen the commercial you are referring to, and I thought, if my son were that rude, I'd have popped him upside his head. Yes, I think it is very disprespectful. Overall children today are more disrepectful and rude, because of lack of parental control and dicipline and because of societies lack enforcing correct behavior. As parents we get in trouble for diciplining our children now, they know it, and they will push every boundry known to man. And you are right, our kids see things on television, or that their friends are doing, and think it's okay to talk or act that way. It's a downward spiral, that we as parents/grandparents need to grab ahold of and take back our rights and responsibilities as the adults.
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• United States
27 Apr 07
I know it is. I just keep hoping someone will in the government will pull their heads out of their butt long enough to realize that this is where much of the problems we face now are coming from. Great topic, btw.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
26 Apr 07
Our country is so worried about child abuse that they have gone overboard with the laws to prevent discipline...I agree we need to step up but unfortunately our hands are somewhat tied
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
26 Apr 07
You are not alone at all. I started to notice it when they came out with the tattoo roll ups and kids were licking it and then sitcking it to their bodies, then eating the rollup that was just on their body. Then we had the Shrek and Burger King commercials with the burping as loud as you can. More and more kid shows are showing very rude and obnoxious behavior. I won't let me neice watch shows like "Ed, Ed and Eddie" or "The Amanda Show" for these raesons. They show these behaviors and kids think it's normal. We correct them but one person against a bunch of commercials, shows, and music doesn't make much of a dent. You are not out of touch at all. The advertizers and tv show designers are. They need to think about what they are presenting and what it teachs to the kids. As adults we can control some of what they are exposed to but commercials? How do you know when one is going to come on to avoid it?
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Very well written and I think it's smart. Perahps if these companies realize we are tired of them encouraging kids to be bratty and rude they will change things. Have you seen the one new cell phone commercial, I forget which company it's for? It has a girl and a mother talking in the kitchen but the girl is talking all in text speak to her mother and her mother having the fit about the bill for the cell phone. The girl storms off leaving the mutter to just stutter. I think we are going a bit far with the text speak but also it showed the girl acting bratty and the mother just accepting it.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I wrote to both KFC and Kellogg's about my dissatisfaction on their commercials.What I wrote is below..Maybe if others emailed it might do some good.. You have a commercial on USA TV is very troubling to myself and many others.If you are interested in hearing some feedback check out this discussion.We are tired of commercials making it sound ok for children to be inconsiderate,disrespectful,threatening,and just plain rude.It is not ok with alot of us.I will no longer buy any of your products.Thanks Raydene Labatore http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1030689.aspx
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@shorva (923)
• Philippines
26 Apr 07
I have notice too in most of youth oriented shows, reality or not, how the youth of today act, and I just sometimes get surprised. I notice a lot talking back to parents, and elders in a really disrespectful manner. I've not seen these commercials, but I guess that's the most creative they can get to get people's attention. It's funny but it doesn't convey a good message.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
26 Apr 07
So true..If we want to change violence in our country we need to start at the bottom..our kids..
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@rosie_123 (6113)
26 Apr 07
Well I don't think it is only in America that this is happening. Recetly in the UK, I have noticed the same thing. Most kids these days have no discipline, and no respect for their elders, or authority in general. The school system is so "politically correct" here now, that teachers are really not able to discipline their pupls properly if they misbehave, so they fear no one, and have no boundaries to live by. When I was at school if I got told off by a teacher, I was more than likely to get an even bigger telling off from my parents when I got home because I had misbehaved and "disrespected" a teacher, and if I ever saw an older person on a bus I was forced to stand up to give my seat to them straightaway. None of that happens here nowadays - the kids are mostly loud, badly behaved, spoilt amd disrespectful, So it is not only in hte US, believe me.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
27 Apr 07
In the name of kindness are we distroying our society? Is there a way to life the correct way and hope it rubs off on the ones around us? Do we spend more time trying to force do what I say not what I do? I don't know?!?..
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
26 Apr 07
I know what you mean, not only is there a lack of respect as well as a lack in listening to authority, but children lately have this feeling of entitlement. I think this goes along with the moral decline in America. More things are tolerated, and more things are left up to children. They feel entitled to things rather than rewarded. America is definitely raising some spoiled children who have no concept of authority, and respect, and I just want to point out that I used the word some, not all, but It is the responsibility of the parents, for example, if my son said you're lucky..I wouldn't laugh, I would say no you're lucky..because ultimately that is the truth, My children are taught respect, and the meaning of authority. I think we are failing our children by spoiling them, and not showing them the true way of the world.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
26 Apr 07
We are failing our whole country..Think of these spoiled brats running our country....As if it's not bad enough now..
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@Meljep (1666)
• United States
27 Apr 07
It's interesting that kids sit for hours in front of the TV and yet the experts tell us that they are not affected by what they watch. Parents need to stand up and tell their children what wrong and right are, and not be afraid of their kids. You are right. Teaching and other jobs related to children are becoming harder because kids are very disrespectful and some believe it's their right to be in control.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 Apr 07
No Ray we are not all responsible for a start the Government is because they are putting so many Restrictions on Discipline now and then there is the Parents that really do not care anymore what their Kids get up to
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I guess each person has to help to change things by treating everyone especially children with respect and caring so they won't want to act out.. xoxoxo
@ambkeb (782)
• United States
26 Apr 07
I do believe that this all lays on the parents shoulders, in some cases. There are those very few cases where they pick up the respect elsewhere. I have 2 children myself. My son, who is 2, is getting to be very very mouth. Shut up is his favorite right now. At first it was kind of cute, because he is still learning to talk. But after he started saying it over and over....mostly when he is in trouble he started getting in trouble. NOW, I dont believe in spanking. Mostly because I was raised in a very abusive household. My biggest fear is turning out like my father. I didnt only fear getting into trouble....but I knew if I did get into trouble...I would be fearing for my life as well. My son does say thank you...even when he hands you something...lol havent quite got the please down...but we are working on it. He also knows that if we go somewhere and he makes a mess he has to clean it up.
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Honey sounds like you are going in the right direction. One of my son's hear the word pantyhose and loved to say it.He spent all of his 3rd and some of his forth year calling everyone a pantyhose,....He had a disagreement with a child at the park one day ..He said ..'You are a pantyhose"..the little boy went crying to his mom and she and I burst out laughing after quieting the 2 boys....
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Yes, I agree with you that we are all somewhat to blame for the way that kids act now. It seems as thoug we don't have time to teach our kids to act with respect and all they see is the stuff on TV that teaches differently. I agree with you that the commercials that you are talking about are wrong and shouldn't be on TV. I think society needs more others home with their kids instead of working 40 + hours per week to be able to make ends meet. It is a downfall in our society that we have just allowed to happen and our world is really starting to pay for it.
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@BarBaraPrz (49104)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
26 Apr 07
Thank you for bringing up this interesting and thoughtful discussion. What can I say that hasn't already been said? Last night I saw a commercial for Oreo bars where the mom was putting away the groceries while sullen teenage boy was sitting at the table. She asks him about school, etc. to which he replies "I dunno" He notices the Oreo bars and asks his mom "What's this?" to which she gives him back his "I dunno". It's a step in the right direction, anyway.
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
26 Apr 07
Yes..Hope she didn't give him the cookie til his attitude came full circle...
• United States
26 Apr 07
Yes i think some commericals try to interpret the wrong ideas into childerns heads. Some of the commericals i see shouldn't be on air.
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• United States
26 Apr 07
No, you are not out of touch. You sound like me. I just wrote a post about crime in america and beyond due to violence on TV and the way many of these shows show children disrespect to their parents and anyone of authority. This is not a good thing and it will only get worse if we, as parents, do not show our children the proper way to behave and take responsibilit for their actions. I am tired of seeing commercials and TV shows that degrade parents and people of authority. These shows are not good role models for children who are very impressionable.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Please every time go to the website and complain like I did with KFC and Kellogg's.Look below Feel free to copy and paste my words just remove my name and put your own. You have a commercial on USA TV is very troubling to myself and many others.If you are interested in hearing some feedback check out this discussion.We are tired of commercials making it sound ok for children to be inconsiderate,disrespectful,threatening,and just plain rude.It is not ok with alot of us.I will no longer buy any of your products.Thanks Raydene Labatore http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1030689.aspx
@wonderful1 (2075)
• China
27 Apr 07
in our country ,most parents spend their money on childerens' study and living.when i'm a teacher,some mom even help their children clean classroom,and the children are eating fruit beside.if they have a high scores,their parents can do for them everything.they never clean room,wash clothes.they even quarrel with their teacher without scolding from their parents. They are arrogance and no duty.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
26 Apr 07
Some kids these days are very rude obnoxious and have the idea that the world owes them., The tv world portrays adults as stupid dolts. We have come along way from “ “Father Knows Best” with father knowing how to make thing right to the idiots like life according to Jim.. We aren’t allowed to correct our kids in public unless the cops are called. Or they go to school and report us for spanking them or slapping them for being nasty and mouthy. Not talking about bruising and leaving marks that take days to heal. We need to take back control as parents and not be afraid of our kids. My generation decided it should be friends with our kids the present generation of parents seem to think that their kids should be allowed to do any thing they want. If the school crosses them it’s sued. They like to make out that every one is at fault except the child.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Apr 07
I agree that the way people talk on tv effects all of us, including children. but saying great is not a bad thing, kids are kids. And kids are not stupid people do not live forever.
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@gemini1960 (1161)
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
Yeah we all are responsible for each our siblings not just in the us but all over, I have heared also the ways the children are being raised in the western world and it did came out from one of the immigrant there which is my friend, more liberal on discipling kids due to some laws, but im happy that you are still living the old way, meaning respect and love of parents must always prevail.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
26 Apr 07
I agree with you, I see it not only in commercials, but in movies and on tv, especially sitcoms. I don't think that is the only problem though, over the years we have seen more and more the breakdown of the family, the breakdown of morals not only in the people around us but in society, more and more violence in the media, not to forget video games, it's no wonder our kids are turning out the way they are.
• United States
26 Apr 07
I do agree that american children are very disrespectful when it comes to parents and everything I am sorry to say at times I can be that way to my own parents and I have learned to do better because they brought me into this world and there choice to have me.
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• United States
26 Apr 07
Yes society is responsible. I personally do not allow a child to disrespect me or act as my counterpart. I do not tolerate that. The problem is veryone wants to be their child's best friend and no one believes in discipline. I don't believe you have to beat your child senseless but you do have to issue punishment in some way. My mother was a busdriver for 27 years and she did not allow the children to misbehave. There was no cursing , horseplay etc. And you know what the kids obeyed! Do you know why? My mother followed threats with actions and did not let children walk over her. More parents today need to stop being afraid of their kids and become the disciplinary in their household.
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