Do you remember how many response you got to your first posting in Mylot

April 27, 2007 5:48am CST
I got only one response to my first posting and i actually don't know what was i posted first. Do you remember your first posting and the number of response you got?
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5 responses
@Augustta (1850)
• Poland
27 Apr 07
Well my first post was back 2 weeks so is easy to me to be honest my first post was an succes and i love it...Was my first contact with mylot community and all those great people is now my friends...I remember with love about all my friends teached me and how warm they said"welcome"... To reply exact at your question i am sure i get around 80 responses... HAPPY MYLOTING! augusta
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
27 Apr 07
you are the exception, most of us get 1 or 2
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
27 Apr 07
Hello,jayanvarkala,honestly i cannot remember how many responses i had at my first discussion becasue i even forgot which one was my first But i can tell you i did not get many responses,I think it is the same for most of the members unless they can really start something that can pique the interests of the other members. Everything is hard at the beginning and I think you are doing better and better now, aren't you? Work hard and good luck in mylot.
• India
27 Apr 07
Thanks for the response and you are absolutely wright.
@samson1967 (7414)
• India
27 Apr 07
I remember getting 6 responses to my first discussion at Mylot.
@wildhorse (1293)
• Egypt
28 Apr 07
I think it was 7 or 8 responses for my first discussion, not bad with no one on my friends list, I think I'm lucky that non of my discussions ended up with zero responses so far, the least number of responses I got was 2..
@mugzy528 (800)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I got 4 i thought that was pretty