What's one of the worst fights you ever got into?

Animal Fights - This is a good illustration to be used when talking about how some people recklessly fight with each other..
@maucute (979)
April 29, 2007 11:43am CST
As a person, I know even if I try to behave. I do get into fights even just with my siblings.. But I should say that I do get into fights not just with them but also with other people, I guess the worst fight I've been to was when I was in high school, I almost hit her because I was really mad at her for telling lies about our group.. How about you? What's the worst fights you've ever got into?
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8 responses
@deepti15 (1190)
• India
30 Apr 07
Ha Ha Ha ..you seem to be a shot-tempered person :-))) Anyways I am a shot-tempered person. But I do not get into fights with people on roads or other places. My battle ground is my drawing room lolz... This is so because the worst fights I ever had, is with my husband. See, we have been married for four years now, and when you live so long with someone, you ought to have difference in thoughts, and when you both stick to that difference in terms of opinion, there are obvious clashes.
@yanstill (1490)
• China
30 Apr 07
yeah,we all have that kind of experience,we got angry and we cant help fighting.i fighted with my young sister before when i was about 15,and i know that was all my fault.now when we are talking about that,she always laugh at me,lol,that's a kind of priceless memory. and i also fighted with my classmate when i was in primary school,i guess that time i was easily irritated,i fighted for small things that i have forgotten now.
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@aidonia (4209)
• Greece
29 Apr 07
I do fight (not alot)but not something special to remember.I never use bad words when i fight and never happened to hit anyone ....until now.I hope my future will continue be like these.
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@touchnshine (2821)
• India
29 Apr 07
I don't remember any of my worst fights.. because I usually have normal fights .. I really don't like to fight .. I am a very love making kind of person but sometimes situation will go out of hand and I indulge in fight .. Normally no one really like to fight but situation drags us to get involved in fight.
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@ellie26 (4139)
• Malaysia
29 Apr 07
The worst fight I have got myself into was with my sister in law. At first, we were bickering over our children. After awhile, the shouting was getting louder and louder. Then things got out of control, we started to have cat fight! Luckily our husbands was at hand to break us otherwise it could have been worse. But that was a long time ago and wehave since make peace.
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• Philippines
14 Jul 10
Worst fight I got into wasn't a physical fight. I fought with words with my ELF friend. For me that was one of the worst fights I have ever had. But give me some slack because I was drunk that time. Sorry. I begged and begged for forgiveness from her that time, but I don't know if she sincerely forgave me or not, but seeing as we're still friends now, I love her with all my heart as a friend and I am hoping and wishing to not ever have a fight with her again. :)
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
3 May 07
I never been much of a fighter at all. I always avoided them anyway that I can. So, I don't have a worst one.
• Philippines
3 May 07
i had the worst fight with my groupmates in thesis. it got so worse we started hitting each other. and its true - being on the wrong side of a woman's wrath is the worst place to be. we're in college - but imagine how she handled things when we were in the library. she shouts at me in front of all those people. as if we're in kindergarten school! luckily all things were patched up. the most crazy part is that our friendship's never been much stronger since then. :)