Do Arrange Marrages Worth?
By manno855
@manno855 (155)
17 responses
@sat_ss333 (34)
• India
5 Nov 06
Don't marry ur girl or boy friend otherwise u may have an excellent wife or husband but u will surely lose a
good friend.
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@sat_ss333 (34)
• India
5 Nov 06
My opinion is arrange marriages really do well..
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@engrzia (1020)
• South Korea
4 Nov 06
Yes i do believe... and i have experienced myself as well :)
and its going fantastic.. thanks God.. Infact i think there should be no concept of love before marriage. Love after marriage is true love and the genuine way to enjoy the life in a decent way........ (im zia from pakistan)
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
5 Nov 06
Yes, I think arranged marriages can work. The 'love' that many people experience that causes them to want to get married is often, really, just a passing fancy. If those marriages work, it is because those people understand the commitment they have made to each other and come to accept it. In VERY rare cases two people can love each other in exactly the same way for the rest of their lives.
An arranged marriage should be made, though, on the careful consideration that the two people are compatible. Too often, I suspect, they are just made on financial and 'social' grounds. I think the two people should be allowed to have a say, as well. They should know each other a little before marriage.
I have heard some terrible stories of girls who were married by arrangement and were desperately unhappy. They tried to escape many times but were beaten and raped by their husbands and this was condoned by their own families. I think this is a sad fact that is often quite common in societies where arranged marriages are usual. They seem to be societies which also condone the unspeakably barbaric habit of female genital mutilation.
Many cultures (not just Islam and Hindu ones) have a form of 'arranged' marriage. It is less formal, perhaps, and consists of introducing young people to 'suitable' partners as well as expressed family disapproval of partners not considered suitable.
I think that if two people intend to get married, it is always wise to take advice from people who know them well but are not emotionally involved.
@manno855 (155)
• India
5 Nov 06
You are very correct. In our country in rural areas there are many incidences like the one you mentioned keeps coming but as the time and social and time is changing i wish these kind os cases shud not appear... i dunno u believe in astrology or not but we have each person Kundlis theu which we can predict how his rest of life gonne be!! And by matching two kundlis we find the pairs... And believe me These marraiges never fails..
@suzieque (2334)
• Canada
5 Nov 06
I've heard of a lot of arrange marriages work. Maybe it works because the arranged marriages come from strict cultures (India and a few other countries), and they probably can't divorce. But I would never marry in a arranged marriage. It's like marrying a total stranger and having to get in bed with someone you hardly know!
@sat_ss333 (34)
• India
5 Nov 06
u tell me one thing .. watever the strict culture it may be but the success rate of arrange marriages is much higher than the Love marriages in western Countries !! In Western Societies Couple do not trust each other and they often land up getting divorced..
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@sat_ss333 (34)
• India
5 Nov 06
Control is not the correct word here..If you have respect for your Parents and your culture you will enjoy it .. but once u get into a relation just for the sake of love with no commitment in it U will get bored up 1 day and this result in Divorce..
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
5 Nov 06
They may very well work because there are 2 people going into a marriage with no love so you can't be hurt so much and if the sole reason is toget married for kids or whatever BUT is that being happy to the full meaning of being is a beautiful state to be in.
@sat_ss333 (34)
• India
5 Nov 06
I have live example of my parents..They never knew each other b4 but they got tied up in marraige they began to love each other and their commitment towards each other is Awesome. I have many examples in front of me ..Thats y i favour Arrange ones..
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@Chaudhrysahab (4)
• India
21 Oct 06
hey man manish or whatever ur name is poo.
arrange marriges r more successful than love one
bcoz the love marrige consist of the prson whom we r in lov with,i.e it is the prson whois of our choice n r choice is always undr experienced as comp to our parents.
n arrange marrige consist of the partner of our parents choice who select him/her accordingly to there exp n 4 ones child bright n happy life.
but exceptions r always there so frnd wait n watch whats in u cup of life.
Abhishek Chaudhry
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@sat_ss333 (34)
• India
4 Nov 06
yes arrange marriages are surely worth of. My parents are best example for that..
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@sat_ss333 (34)
• India
5 Nov 06
I will love doing Arrange Marriage of my parents choice but before that a lot of flirting and romance so that later i do not hav to regret..
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@bskinners (72)
• United States
5 Nov 06
I dont think arranged marriages really work. I think its much better to find the person you love personally. For some cases they do work but i dont think it will be real love.
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@sat_ss333 (34)
• India
5 Nov 06
Dear according to me Arrange marriage work really well ANd the country with population more than 1 Billion is still running on it..That is another thing that Since our culture is following the western Fotsteps so youngsters are preferring Love Marriages but May be the concept of arrange marriages may be is new for u ppl...u r frm which country?
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@dumbpenguin (418)
• Indonesia
5 Nov 06
arrange marriage have less breakup cos it was arrange..duh..
so whenever there's a problem the arranger AKA parents will do their job to fix the problems.
they dont want the arrangement to fell apart,rite?
so arrange married is like playing a role that already being arrange by the parents. it will always go on track.
while love marriage is based on emotion.
@manno855 (155)
• India
5 Nov 06
And emotions always keep fluctuations which rather effect you more when u see breakups in marriages..U dnt know when you will lose your partner..I hav seen numerous of incidences in Western Societies Where began to feel lonely at oine stage and bagan to think upon that " Whom to trust"
@natuser28 (907)
• United States
26 Dec 06
It may be weird because we live in a free society but for other people to pick pur mates isn't a bad idea. Why because we are shallow and excuse the faults in our partner. Ur family could make a clearer choice.