Mental Health and Anxiety and Prayer Request

United States
April 30, 2007 2:44pm CST
Ok, I had a doctors appointment this morning. The first one with a psychologist...I haven't seen a shrink in several years. It was a referral from my doctors office in order to get the SSDI rolling. To start off with the paper the doctors office sent us as a referral to the appointment that they set up had the wrong address on it. The address it listed did not exhist. At this point, I feel the tightening in my chest, the beginning of an anxiety attack coming on. When trying to call the shrinks office, all you get is a message machine. No help there. Hubby finally called the doctors office, and she said not the address was clear across town. Hmmmm, not what my referral letter said. Hubby is upset, but not at me, but it makes me more upset and by this point I am crying and can't seem to hold it together. All I want to do is go back home where it is safe. ( I am also boarderline agorophobic.) We make it to the pshychologists office, only to find out that he doesn't even have me written down, or any referral for me. Great. My chest feels like it's going to explode, I'm shaking, I am an overall wreck. I know it is all little things, but to me they aren't. It is hard enough for me to go out into public, let alone have these little catastrophies inhibit and create added paranoia. So, we have set up an appointment for Thursday morning, but I don't know if I want to try to go out again. The doc kind of looked at me weird, like he'd never seen a panic attack before. Any suggestions. They recommend that I don't take any of my anxiety meds before these appointments. I really need some suggestions if anyone has any. I also could realy use some prayers at this point. Thanks.
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29 responses
• Canada
30 Apr 07
Hi CreativeDreamWeaver, I am SO sorry to hear that you had to go through this my friend. I am bi-polar and among the many symptoms that go with that one is anxiety attacks and/or disorder. I have had anxiety attacks and it is also difficult for me to go out in public as I have social phobia. I find for me if my hubby or daughter is with me I can handle it because I'm with a loved one, but around anyone else I will have an attack very easily. You are in my heart and in my thoughts my friend. I hope your day gets better, and you have some time to relax.
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• United States
30 Apr 07
Thank you PurpleTeddyBear. I know you have been having a rough time lately too. I hope things are going better for you. I am going to go lay down and sleep off the anxiety meds. But I will be back on later. I thank you for your loving support. It means the world to me. Hugs.
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• Canada
1 May 07
You will always have my support hun, and whenever you need me or want to talk I am just a pm away! Hope your feeling better and please take care *hugzz*
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• United States
2 May 07
Thank for your friendship. I truly appreciate it in every way. You are a gem, my friend.
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@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
30 Apr 07
i also suffer from Panic Attacks. Mine aren't as severe but when the smallest thing goes wrong I seem to lose it and start crying. It always seems to happen when I am at work and cannot leave. Mine is not medically diagnosed. I don't have insurance so I can't get the proper diagnoses but I know I have it. I am dignosed with boderline personality. I wonder if I could get SSID for that?? Why would they want you to not take your meds before an appointment? Would that help them see how bad your panic attacks really are?
• United States
30 Apr 07
I see how I react normally without medication. It seems rather futile in my case. LOL SSDI may be an option, but there are so many hoops to jump through, that it is hard for me to see the benefits right now. Thanks for you support. I really appreciate it.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
30 Apr 07
Dear Lord, I just pray for this mylot user. I just pray that you will touch them and their family. Just place your arm around them and give them comfort. Lord, I know that you can take care of the problems they are having. Just touch them and comfort them in Your Name I pray. AMen
• United States
30 Apr 07
God Bless, you and thank you. You have no idea what that prayer just meant to me. God is taking care of me. I can feel it. Thank you so much.
• United States
1 May 07
I join you in prayer for creativedreamweaver. May God bless you and keep you safe in his arms. I also will write a bit later with some of my experiences in going through what you are to get social security, but for the moment, let us just settle our energy around prayer. Bless you, darling.
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• United States
2 May 07
Thank you so much. I can't tell you what your prayers mean to me.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
1 May 07
Oh gods I feel for you. I do know exactly how you feel. I just started the paperwork for Social Security and I'm all ready dreading the uphill battle let alone trying to go see the doctors. I'm an agoraphobic as well. I don't fear going out, I fear crowds and as I'm sure you know many doctor's offices waiting rooms are crowded. I get the panic attacks and all I want to do is either curl up in a ball and have the world go away or run as fast as I can, neither of which is usually possible. Something that might help, if you have it, is a portable cd player. Put in some soothing music, nature sounds, whatever helps to calm you down. Put the ear phones on and let your husband do the driving. Concentrate on the music while you go there. It might help. For myself I smoke up a storm while trying to go to such appointments. It helps me to try and relax and gives me an excuse to wait outside till they want me. I wish you luck and know i'll be thinking of you.
• United States
2 May 07
"I get the panic attacks and all I want to do is either curl up in a ball and have the world go away or run as fast as I can, neither of which is usually possible." I feel that way too. My most natural instinct is to run away, and I have before...which is rather scary, because then I get lost and don't know where I am. Hubby has to drive, because I quit driving about two years ago. Yep, my smoking drastically increases too. I try to drink tea, "green tea" now, because it's supposed to help. Yes, the SSDI is an uphill battle. I wish you all the luck with it too. Maybe we can help each other out with questions and whatnot. Bless you too and thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers and for understanding. I don't know what I'd do if it weren't for all my friends here. Bless each of you.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
30 Apr 07
I know what you mean.. Check my discussion... I am having my first appointment with a doctor in 4 hours time... and by just talking on the phone with him... I can already tell that he will be looking at everything... except my agoraphobia. Doctors know it all and cannot accept that their patient could possibly know something they don't. I cannot wait to see what he will say... Should be interesting... but I would prefer a cure.
• United States
2 May 07
Oh, I'm sorry. I hope it went well at the doctor. I know what you mean. It's taken years of doctors, therapists, get them to see or care or notice what is happening. In fact it took something very drastic for me to even be diagnosed bipolar. The agoraphobia is just now being diagnosed. My prayers are with you as well. I hope for a cure for you and all of those that suffer this way.
• Australia
2 May 07
No... it did not work at all. He sent me home with a pack of pills "EFEXOR-XR" to fry my brain so that I could not post on myLot anymore. (laugh) I won't take them because of the side-effects... You can check them here...
• India
1 May 07
i think from this statment we can understood there is beyond us some supernatural power is their. we have to accpet that. otherswise our mind become flattered and we will due what the cruel thing without any problem.In this case there is a belife in the mind after prayering
• United States
2 May 07
Prayer is a wonderful healing thing that is certainly a supernatural gift from God. Thank you for your response and good thoughts.
@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
1 May 07
It sounds like a terrible way to start your day. I am sorry that so many things got mixed up. That isn't the first time that you have been given an incorrect address. Did you remember to deep breath? It is hard not to react to someone else's anger. You need to remember that everyone gets upset at some things and you need to let their anger go for what it is. Do not take it upon yourself since it was not directed at you. I know that is hard to do when you are already upset. For the Thursday appointment, be sure to get plenty of sleep and drink lots of water the day before. You must try to focus on positive things and to make notes of what is concerning you to talk to the doctor about. Use your chart between now and Thursday. You are in control of you and nobody else. If things go wrong between now and then and hubby gets upset, walk away and find a quiet place to regroup. Pick up that phone and call! Make a list of the things you need to do and then do them only by priority. The things that come last are the small things that can sometimes be left to another day. Remember: "Don't sweat the small stuff." "Everything is small stuff" in the grand scheme of things. There is a reason for everything that happens. God is always with you. I am here for you and you have my number. Call me! Hugs!
• United States
2 May 07
You my best friend in the world, are a true Godsend to me. You help me to keep going, even when I don't want to. I don't know what I'd do without you and Mike. I can't remember the other incorrect address? You will have to fill me in later. I'm trying not to sweat the small stuff and just let go. It's so hard. I am so tired of being like this. And when stuff like that happens it makes it even harder to go out the next time. I swear I felt like I was completely lost and wasn't ever going to get back home. Keep praying for me please. I love you. Hugs. I'll talk to you later.
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
30 Apr 07
I can completely relate to you. I suffer from anxiety disorder, thankfully, it's been under control for a couple of years now. Anyhow, I realized something that really helped me. I came to the realization that I'm not really going to die from the feelings that I have. Instead of fighting it, I try to take some deep breaths, think about the fact that what I'm feeling will in fact pass. It always passes, and I can't let it control my life. I was avoiding vacations, public places, dinners, etc. I decided that I didn't want to live that way. I urge you to not avoid going out. If you do it too often, you'll find you never go out, and it can be a really hard habit to break. You owe it to yourself to do whatever you can to get to that doctor's appointment. I will pray for you, I know what you're going through.
• United States
2 May 07
You are the sweetest. Thank you for caring. Keep praying, because it's taking everything I've got to psyche myself up to go to the appointment tomorrow. I know I need to find the strenghth, if not for myself, but for my hubby and my kids, and my grandson. They are my are all of you here at myLot. I love you all for being so wonderfully supportive.
@Perry2007 (2229)
• Philippines
1 May 07
The fact that you were out there trying to locate the office referred to you by your doctor is a release and a curing experience for you. You were able to experience what you are so paranoid about, although it upset you, you were able to recover and nothing really bad happened, right. I pray that you will be able to fully recover and getting out in the public and experience the wonders and excitement of being in a crowd. May you have a great outlook of life and share the best this life have to offer. Have a great day
2 people like this
• United States
2 May 07
Thank you for your thoughts and concern. I appreciate your response and prayers very much.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
6 May 07
I have finally reached the point that I had to see a Doctor. Mine was so bad that I just wanted to stay home where I was safe. I have been seeing a specialist now for 3 Weeks and a therapist for 2 weeks. I have to see the therapist every week. These appointments are a three hour drive each way for us. I am also on meds. Scary isnt it?? "May 6 - 12 Is Anxiety & Depression Awareness Week" I just now submitted an article with that title on it.
• United States
7 May 07
I do hope you are feeling more in control and not feeling so alone. There are many of here on the internet who have been there. I just submitted another article that you may find interesting. The title is "Do You Know The Signs Of Anxiety, Depression or Panic Attacks?"
• Canada
7 May 07
I will definitely be sending you loving thoughts and some healing energy. When you feel the onset of the attacks, take a deep breath through your mouth, hold in for three counts, then gently exhale through your nose. Do this five times. Concentrate on your breath and nothing else. Visualize the breath you inhale as white light and when you hold your breath in for the three counts, see the white light going through your body from head to toe, cleansing you and making your whole body glow. As you breathe out, visualize all the dark energies being expelled from you. Think that you are being healed, that you are being made whole, that you are divinely led and guided. Think that wherever you are, God IS. Just slowing down your breath makes your energy stabilize and grounds you. I hope this simple meditation helps you as it has helped me. When you feel the attacks coming on, just slump back and close your eyes, and start the exercise. I hope for the best for you, CDW, and pray that you will be safely enveloped in God's healing light at all times. {{{*}}} Blessings!
@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
1 May 07
Hard as it is to live with the panic attacks, etc, it does prove you need to be on SSDI.
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• United States
2 May 07
Thanks hon. I know, I'm sure I qualify, it's just a matter of jumping and following through with all the hoops. I hope I'm up to that. Hugs.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
7 May 07
I don't really have a suggestion.I just want you to know that I'll be thinking of you.I also want you to know that I'll remember you in my prayers.And please know that I'm here if you need me.I'm so sorry you are having a hard time.I can tell you after going through the SSDI and getting it that the dr visits and past work will be what gets it for you.I got mine on the first try and without a lawyer.I just told the truth. Seeing a Psych isn't what will get the ssdi for you but good records of the meds you take for your condition.You should go into a ss office or call them to start the paperwork.They will give you an appointment.I got mine with seeing mostly my GP but had gone to pain management unsuccessfully because there is too much pain. Good luck Honey..If there is anything I can help with please msg me. Hugs xoxo
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• United States
30 Apr 07
I will pray that you get all the physical and mental strength you need. I've never suffered from problems such as this, but I can tell they are very hard to live with. Just keep in prayer, and I'm sure others will be praying hard for you also. We want a full recovery! God Bless You, and have a great day!
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• United States
2 May 07
Thanks ChrisRock. It means alot just to know that my myLot friends support me and are here to just listen. I can't tell you how much I value each and every one of you.
• Canada
2 May 07
I will DEFIANTLY Pray for you .... I know exactly what you are going through . I may not be Agoraphobic or not anymore , but I too had Panic attacks when ever I was in public . I also needed my meds , I took them heavy for a while , but I`M OFF THEM NOW thank G ... At first I just stopped doing things that made me panic . For one I stopped going to Physic doctors , thats when I slowed down with the pills , then I VEINED myself Off . That was 5 years ago . Mind you it was hard but I eventually did it , at one time I was taking up to 10 a day . I think what made it easy was the fact that I put myself through school . Which kept me pre-occupied , and that is what helped ... Can you find something to keep busy with , something you enjoy ? You defiantly like it here in Mylot ... Me too , Does it help at all ???? I don`t know if I helped you at all , I just thought I`d let you know things can get better ... And PLEASE if you can DON`T DWELL ON IT , IT HELPS ALSO ..... I will continue to PRAY FOR YOU . Keep in touch , let me know how your feeling ... GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!
@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
1 May 07
I am so sorry you went through that ordeal for no reason. My prayers are with you. I hope that this Dr. is capable of helping you. I pray for your inner peace through this time of trial. May god truly touch and bless your life.
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• United States
2 May 07
Father in heaven, please wrap your wings of love around creativedreamweaver as she reads this prayer. Just put a calm and peace upon her. Help her to relax in you Lord. Please straighten all this out, so she can start the appointments soon. In Jesus's name I ask and thank you, amen. God bless you sugar. I do hope you felt my prayer from my heart for you.
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• United States
1 May 07
Take your prescription bottles, with the doctor's name on the bottle and gently inform them that they had better find the information out because you have bottles and prescriptions at the pharmacy with records that says otherwise. Somehow I think they'll find the paperwork they need because they do not want any investigations. Then, use them for now and jump through their hoops so as not to stall your SSDI stuff but in the mean time find a more reputable doctor. Don't worry about it and most of all try not to think about it. Keep telling yourself that there is nothing that cannot be fixed with this and you simply need to be firm. The mere fact that he looked at you like you were crazy because he'd never witnessed a panic attack tells me he's oblivious to anything he supposedly learned in college! You're definitely in my thoughts and prayers.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 May 07
oh my so sorry you have these attacks. BUt do think ya better go just incase he can help you. Prayers with you
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
1 May 07
Requested granted. You should get a PM from me :) Perhaps in the mean time, you might want to do some deep breathing? Just relax in a sitting position, take a deep breath, breath out, breath in breath out again. Just focus on this breathing for 10 minutes. Do it few times regularly or when you feel tense. Hope this helps.
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