do u think few muslims r putting black spot on muslim relegion
@ashley_ansons (28)
United States
May 1, 2007 2:06pm CST
usually it has been observed that few people perfom certain unlawful actions and other people have to pay for it. this is what happening with muslim people all over the world, espescially in america. when ever a muslin across a american he/she is seen with suspecious eye, u can see this happening mostly at the airports where muslims are cheked more as compaerd to any other white person.
why is it so, come on this is not fair, even our five fingures of our hands r not equal then how can all the muslims be the same.few r bad but there r good too.
13 responses
@unishwetabh (1031)
• India
2 May 07
I feel that its not a problem with muslims only. This can happen with any religion. Just because of some people, the whole community has to suffer. Now its true that its not fair but its the natural law of humans to be more careful with things that have already harmed them. I think that its time that can heal these wounds. Better wait for sometime till the wounds are healed.
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@londongirl (207)
1 May 07
Yes you are right there is good and bad in everybody regardless of colour and religion, but my mum who is 73, severely disable, white, and in a wheelchair was pulled about rotten when she and my dad went through the airport, they checked her over and her wheelchair too, Muslim women were being let through wearing the full face veil, and not being ask to lift it in case they felt offended! I believe everyone should be treated the same, we all bleed when cut after all! I have to admit that I have no religion at the moment, I do believe that religion will cause World War 3, I hope of course I'm mistaken!!
@ashley_ansons (28)
• United States
3 May 07
i fully agree wth ur first part that every one should be treated equally. talking about second part even i m sure that we will world war 3 because of this relegion. i think relegion is one of the most sesitive issue and should be dealt very carefuly. it is so sensetive that any dicusion over relegion many a times lead to strong commenting between people of different communities.
@4ftfingers (1310)
21 May 07
Londongirl I can assure you it's definately not that slack in the UK. My brother works in security at Heathrow, they really don't give a damn about offending people. Ofcourse they are polite, but their policies revolve around public safety, they don't need to be concerned about offending people, they're not selling anything.
People arn't allowed to get onto a plane without showing their face to prove they're carrying their own passport, so anyone wearing the veil must show their face. If they don't want to show it in public they can go to a room where they show it to one of the security officers. So maybe these veiled women were being taken to another room.
@londongirl (207)
26 May 07
A few months back, a man escaped Britain wearing his sister full hajab? (I hope I've spelt it right) the airports have just started to get strict again because of this.

@fellowlife (988)
• Nigeria
2 May 07
No matter what, i do think the actions of a few people would eventually rub off on the majority. We cannot rule out the fact that some muslims are radical in nature and tend to be extreme both in action and punishment while other muslims - in this case - the majority do not accept or approve of the actions of this minority.
In any case there's no way we could know which muslim is radical in nature or not which is why we must be at alert. Take tha case on sept 11, it took the whole world by suprise and i guess it has taught the americans some lessons about not judging people by mere eyes any more
@ashley_ansons (28)
• United States
3 May 07
i 101% agree with u, though every member of the community containing antisocial elements are bad people but one should be alert all the time about his/her surroundings so as to avoid terrorist activities such as 9/11
@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
5 May 07
The reason for this is because the moderate Muslims will not speak out against Isalm terrorism. Sometimes they tend to be proud of it. When Sadam waged war against the world many Muslims in Sri Lanka named their new borns Saddam Hussain. This shows and inclination towards terror. But Hindus in Sri Lanka will not name their children M.G.Ramachandran, if he goes to war against the world. In fact they might call him a lunatic if he does that.
@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
27 May 07
Webmaystro, finding an isolated case where muslims speak out against terrorism cannot be considered a norm. When Bamian Buddha Statues, a world heritage was destroyed by the Taliban, it was the Muslims who led the protests and marched to the Afgan embassy, here in Sri Lanka. I can get many examples like that.
The fact that Saddam attacked another Muslim country clearly shows that the Muslims in naming their children Saddam, chose the more aggressive man as their hero.
@keep_onwatch (2680)
• India
5 May 07
Yes i agree completly with you, few are bad, but few are good too, but you just cant change ppl's mind can you? i mean the alqueda continuosly sends treats about damaging usa, so they just are sure to check every 1 body can know, what any 1 is, so thay are just being cautious.and its not like, they are posing some insult on them or their religion......but jihad xists in them so thats how it goes...
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
1 May 07
I think it more than a few but certainly the actions of some reflect badly on the majority of Muslims. I know a lot of Muslims and they are mostly kind, caring and peaceful people. I think that it is the same for any religion or group, a group of them get carried away and do something really stupid and people blame the whole religion. I think people are people and should be free to practice any religion that feels right to them as long as they don't take it to the extreme and hurt others.
@ashley_ansons (28)
• United States
3 May 07
very well said, I think u r absolutely right but i think people hurtig others should be trcked so that world can be saved from them. good people of any reegion should help law in tracking suh elements so that they ould save their own community from getting blamed and saving other world from facing bruttle activities such as 9/11.
@davido (1623)
• Canada
2 May 07
Not few but many and its a sad thing even here that we enjoy cordial relationship with them (Nigeria)on the south west the ones fron northern side or thoise that have links with any muslim from the North are looked with suspicious eyes.
Or any that looks like a fanatic is pusehed to a side.
I think muslims need re orientation.
@urbandekay (18278)
2 May 07
No, many Muslims are: a few for the acts they commit and a great deal more because they won't stand up and condemn those that do, instead making fatuous excuses and laughable conspiracy theories. Sufficient for evil to triumph that good men do naught. Unless good Muslims stand up against those Muslims that commit atrocities it is fair enough to view them all with suspicion, if you aren't part of the solution you are part of the problem.
all the best urban
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
2 May 07
The "Muslims" who are responsible for 9/11 are extremists. We also have "Christian" extremists who bomb abortion clinics. I am pro-life, but I do not think God gives Christians permission to bomb clinics. Not all Christians bomb clinics. Not all Muslims bomb here and there. There are Muslims who are treated poorly in this country. We cannot say that because we have not seen them treated poorly that they aren't. How many people have seen all the Muslims living in the USA?
@rubiana6 (270)
• Brazil
2 May 07
some few people discredit a whole religion. everybody knows that not all muslim are terrorists, but in the end, people make abstractions. They make this with every community, this is not as muslimic issue. If some catholic priests are caught to be pedophilic, they also charge the whole catholic church to be bad. Human are like that. Thats a very bad human behaviour. From the muslimic world i would wish, however, and i think this would help to make people think better about moslems, to say very clear that such acts of terror, committed by members of the islam, is a crime and shame for every moslem. some leaders do, but other leaders stand aside and say nothing, or even applaud.
@kislaysinha2222 (169)
• India
1 May 07
ya you are absolutely right they are some muslims who are putting black spot on muslim relegion .in my opinion muslim are very spritual persons who can do a lot for the truth and justice
@PsychoDude (2013)
• Netherlands
2 May 07
Yeh, but it happens to not just Muslims. They have been getting a pretty bad view because of the radicals. But you can name just about anything and a major black spot over it can be placed pretty much.
Muslims pretty much got done for by 911, even if by far the majority has nothing to do with it. Americans here got done for by a lot of people here as well as war-mongering, and there actually over half the nation backed America up still at that point.
Also in other locations it usually always tends to directly be returned by a second party which will end up getting part of the blame in return as well. Which isn't always unjustified though I must say.
But because most of us live on the western side of the globe, US citizens won't be affected so much here by the war on terrorism stuff. But every single Muslim is pretty much seen as guilty until proven otherwise by some people, or many in certain regions.
@Aswan1980 (19)
• Netherlands
2 May 07
People should refrain from stigmatizing a large group of people ( e.g 1.2 billion muslims) or any one for that matter. When someone is arrested for a crime for instance murder you will never hear them being referred to as the caucasian man or woman that purpotrated this horrendous act. They will either be addressed as the assailant, or with the initials of their name. It is illogical to address a person or a group of people by the religion they may claim, especially when the supposed act committed by them bears no signs of any religious motivation.