Illegal Immigrants In The United States Demanding Rights

United States
May 1, 2007 8:03pm CST
I guess I'm a little ticked off by illegals in this country demanding some sort of rights, which has been in the news lately. Being an illegal alien means you are a CRIMINAL! Who in their right mind would think they can go to a country illegally and demand any sort of rights? I think I would keep my mouth shut if I was somewhere illegally. I am a U.S. citizen and apparently, my tax dollars are being spent taking care of people who have no right to be here in the first place. I don't even have health care insurance. How messed up is that? I think we have been way too lax in allowing these people to be here in the first place and yes, I think anyone who is here illegally should be shipped back and our borders should be strongly guarded. Why don't they try to make their own country a better place, instead of coming here and mooching off of U.S. taxpayers. My two cents.
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7 responses
@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
3 Nov 07
I just found this discussion. You just have no idea of the extent the mooching off taxpayers! Did you know there is such a thing as an Illegal Immigrant Grant? You don't think the illegals are paying for this, do you? When they cross the border, if/when they get caught, they usually demand healthcare.....and get it! I work for one of the border hospitals. There are (as of yesterday anyway) at least $50,000 in healthcare costs that get billed to the government! For illegals' treatments for high blood pressure, pains in the legs, pain the abdomen, etc. NEWS FLASH-----If you weren't sneaking across the border and traveling non-stop, you wouldn't HAVE blisters on the feet and sore legs! Keep your behind AT HOME!!! Sorry. This is just a real sore subject with me. I REFUSE to be bilingual! It's MY country, I shouldn't have to learn another language! So....I don't. I really hope I end up in the HR dept. of some business. If you don't speak the language, No Job For You! Did you know there's a town in Texas that accepts pesos for payment?! Where, exactly, are we gonna draw the line? I have sent the faxes to any elected officials for my state. I also refuse to give ANYONE who doesn't speak the language a break. No help at the store (no, I don't work there, so I don't have to help anyone), no help with directions (you start talking to me in Spanish, I start talking to you in German), any mail that comes in to my work not written in English just gets filed. I can't read it, don't understand it, and I won't put forth extra effort to get it translated. They seem to expect EVERYONE to bend over backwards....I REFUSE! It's funny that the people weeping big old crocodile tears for these people don't see the Other Side Of The Fence. Do you think the Mexican businesses have all their forms/papers done in Spanish and English? Do you really think if we tried to cross into Mexico, they would give us free healthcare? NO!!! They'd shoot us or throw us in jail and forget about us!
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Nov 07
The free services just burn me because I've been paying taxes all of my adult life, and nobody is going to give me free medical care, but I'm paying for theirs. And like you, I REFUSE to learn Spanish, on basic principle. Immigrants from other countries don't come here and demand that we change our institutions to accomodate their language and customs. And most of them are probably legal! I've never heard of a Chinese American expecting their kids to be taught in school in Mandarin!
@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
3 Nov 07
LOL...Thanks! Our son talks to them in Japanese!
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
5 Nov 07
I've said/muttered things in German AND Japanese to anyone (illegal or not) that looks at me very funny or in a curt fashion.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
26 Nov 07
Illegals are hardworking people, they have a great contribution to the GDP of America,dont treat them with too much contempt.
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• United States
29 Nov 07
There would be no contempt if some of them weren't behaving as if we owe them something, which we don't.
@CatVegas (709)
• United States
14 May 07
That is something I don't understand is coming here and are Illegal and then protest for RIGHTs...I would never think of going to another country and demand rights that I don't have any rights to. I wish Washington DC would wake up and smell the coffee as it is hurting the Americans and the people who come here and are trying to get citizenship. I have never seen anyone from another country come here and demand like those people are doing. They act like we owe them. Come here the right way, don't come over have babies and think since the kids are born here they are legal. They need to send them back so they can come over the right way. Send the Jack Pot babies back with the parents and when they turn 18 they can come back with their birth papers and be legal. It mades me darn mad to see them all marching and demanding for Rights that they don't even have and haven't even earned. We have many who have come from all over the World and never once protested like that. I think it is very very wrong....They all need to go home....
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
5 Dec 07
I am a Canadian and the reason i would like to move to the States is the climate and certain laws our government passed, but the Mexicans have a lovely warm climate, do not have to worry that if transporation failed, they would not have enough to feed them. But we cannot cross the border illegally up here, all that swamp land, forest, and in the winter, snow drifts, freezing, etc. so unless one of us is stranding the States by mistake, we have to go the slow route as legal immigrants. However the Mexicans have an easier time. They can sneak across the desert and the wilderness. I have no idea whether their country does not want to improve or their government is lackidasial, but something has to be done/
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
5 Dec 07
I am a Canadian and the reason i would like to move to the States is the climate and certain laws our government passed, but the Mexicans have a lovely warm climate, do not have to worry that if transporation failed, they would not have enough to feed them. But we cannot cross the border illegally up here, all that swamp land, forest, and in the winter, snow drifts, freezing, etc. so unless one of us is stranding the States by mistake, we have to go the slow route as legal immigrants. However the Mexicans have an easier time. They can sneak across the desert and the wilderness. I have no idea whether their country does not want to improve or their government is lackidasial, but something has to be done and sort out the illegals who tried to get in the States illegally and set out centers, maybe at their embassies so they can apply legally amd get the rest out of the country.
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
2 May 07
I'm pretty sure your ancestors did the same thing a few generations back. What makes it different now? Oh, yeah, they are Native Mexicans, the people the land was originally stolen from in the first place, and you aren't! Racism is alive and well and living in the United States!
• United States
2 May 07
I'm not certain that my ancestors expected anyone to pay for their health care or to keep a roof over their heads or pay for their children's education. I seriously doubt it.
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
2 May 07
You Do realize that most of the immigrants you are talking about hold jobs and can afford to pay their own rent. or they would be able to if they were paid normal wages!
@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
3 Nov 07
I know MY ancestors didn't steal land from Mexico. Any dealing for land with Mexico required money. My ancestors ALSO didn't expect free healthcare, food or anything else. Nothing was given to our ancestors. They had to work with their own 2 hands to build a place, grow food, etc. In my town, at least half the Mexicans are illegals. I don't know about other nationalities. They are 'flying below the radar' down here. Most of the illegals down here don't bother to learn the language, stand on the corners waiting for someone to 'give' them a job. They can't be bothered to go looking for work. If they were LEGAL, they'd get a decent wage. I think, if you are here illegally, you shouldn't be able to work ANYWHERE! There were some illegals 'working' with my son that made more than he did. They did very little work unless the boss showed up.
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
2 May 07
I get pretty upset at this too. I do have health insurance but we pay for it and it is not good insurance. We pay more than the insurance pays and we have major health problems. They dont even pay taxes and they want the same benefits that we have. You have very legetimate concerns.