What stops you from saying what you think?
By soccermom
@soccermom (3198)
United States
May 2, 2007 3:04pm CST
I just had a moment. I was listening to a woman talk about her wonderful kids, and how smart they are and yada yada, and I really had to bite my tongue. It took all I had to not look at her and go "***k you and your kids." I don't even think I would've raised my voice. This woman didn't deserve this attitude, although she has no way of knowing this was what I was thinking. I think what stopped me is just the fact that I know there is nothing wrong with being a proud parent, and that for me to get so hostile would've been totally uncalled for. This negative thought is not the first I've had, lately I have a lousy remark for everything, I just keep them to myself. What stops you from just lashing out for no reason?
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23 responses
@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
2 May 07
Well, I usually think of the consequences. I have the most annoying neighbor and so many times I have to bite my tongue around her. If I said what I was thinking it would be impossible to live acroos the street from her. Thank God she doesn't have ESP, lol!
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
3 May 07
If people had ESP I would be in sooo much trouble! LOL Even the mailman would hate me!
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
2 May 07
I am very outspoken but I do draw the line at hurting someone's feelings. Just because my day was lousy there is no reason to make somebody else feel bad and spoil their day.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
3 May 07
What you said is true, only I wasn't having a lousy day. I've just found myself getting mean, for no apparent reason.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
3 May 07
LOL-- Alot of times I don't stop myself- I am a bit blunt- I try not to be but I can't help myself- I dont swear at the people. I have a co-worker who is always talking about her perfect family- OMG it drives me crazy- I just get up and walk away- I know she thinks I'm rude- but its either walk away mid conversation (and there are other people listening still) or say- shut the hel! up-- Your family is not perfect and neither are you- You irritate the crap out of me- So see I stop myself by walking away!
@jchampany (1130)
• United States
2 May 07
Wow! Sounds like you have been stressed out as much as I have. I have been having negative thoughts about people alot lately too. Sometimes nothing keeps me from saying anything but generally I don't because I just don't want a confrontation.
In the case of my sister in law, the only thing that keeps me from telling her to ***k off is my brother. He is really unhappy and if you met her you would understand. She was just not ready for married life and he was. Anyway, I don't say anything because she already doesn't like hanging out with our family. She thinks she and her family are superior to us because all they care about is their looks and how the world views them. We on the other hand find it important to have a head on our shoulders and do things that benefit our children and family and not be concerned with other peoples reactions to our actions. As long as we are not hurtfull or disrespectful to others.
Needless to say, she is not very smart, and thinks that looking cute and having that "I don't understand :)" look on her face with a cute smile will get her anything she wants. I don't say anything because then she argues with my brother and life is just that much more miserable for him. I won't do that to him.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
3 May 07
My sister married a guy who I'd like to tell off too. He's a decent human being, but he always bails out on family functions and acts more like a kid than my own do. But my sis has to live with him, I don't.
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@Nebuloso (179)
• United States
2 May 07
You see, I have this problem. It's a chronic problem, but (at least so far), has not been a terminal condition. It's not really my fault. I actually like to blame my parents for it, but then I like to blame (jokingly) my parents for everything. lol
I have chronic "foot-in-mouth" disease. I also am afflicted with a very nasty case of bluntness. The combination is about as horrible as you can get and still be allowed to live in society.
I am CONSTANTLY thinking things like that, soccermom. What's even worse is that too often, I wind up saying things before fully thinking of their impact. Granted, I don't think that I've ever said something like, "F*** you and your kids", even if that's exactly what I'm thinking. The problem is that I've said other, less direct, things without thinking and I worry that sooner or later, I'm going to drop the F-bomb on some unsuspecting person and cause a blood vessel to pop in their heads. Which would probably be messy and would no doubt cause the police to ask embarrassing questions. Plus, I'd probably offer to help clean the mess up out of guilt and then I'd wind up staining my shoes or something.
So to answer your question...the thing that stops me from saying what I think and lashing out for no reason is that I don't want to ruin my shoes. =D
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
3 May 07
Thank you for giving me a much needed laugh! I know I will be laughig about htis all day when I am forced to "check" my tongue.
@castleghost (1304)
• United States
3 May 07
Good manners is what keeps me from yelling at such people. I know that a person deserves to be proud of their children. I just get annoyed with people who rattle on about such things that don't really concern me. If she was asking me for advice or something then I wouldn't mind so much but usually when someone is bragging to me about their children we aren't really having a conversation. Its just them talking.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 May 07
There are proud Parents and there are bragging Parents
I am proud of my Kids very proud to me they are the best in the World but I would not brag about it
I just think to myself yeah ok and then I switch of and do not listen anymore as I don't want to lower myself by saying something
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
3 May 07
Hi soccermom I hold things in too. But when Im stressed and I hear something from somebody and Im tired of hearing about it I tend to let it out. And yes it has gotten me in some trouble but I always feel better after I say something. Dont get me wrong I dont go around doing that all the time. I think when we are stressed alot thats when I have to bite my tongue. Good Luck to you
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
3 May 07
It's the backlash that stops me. Mind you I can express words that hold venom without shouting loudly at someone. I think I've become creative in expressing emotions over the years!
You have an intensity inside you, lots of people do and make sure you understand that you are not a bad person for having these thoughts. If you express them, then someone's going to get hurt, and usually it will be you. If you were to stand still for a moment while having this feeling you would see it is not about the other person, but about you. You are not happy about something and the easiest way to express the feeling is to project it. If at this time in your life you don't have the time to reflect on what's going on inside, then make sure you have a safe outlet. Start karate classes or something exotic that will express this built up intensity. I bet you're quite a passionate one and somehow you are not being true to yourself. How about poll dancing?
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
3 May 07
How did you know I have a pole in my living room? LOL I took kick boxing classes a few years back, and it was great srtess relief, I'm thinking about doing it again, although my body is not as cooperative as it used to be.
@princeworthy (1909)
• United States
3 May 07
Well I have had moments like this but only because I don't have kids and I get jealous. I do bite my tongue alot of times about other things. It sounds like something is eating at you hon. I just want to let you know that I am here to listen if you need me, just pm me. ((((HUG))))
@browneyedgirl (1264)
• United States
3 May 07
Wow! I think what keeps me from just lashing out is that it isn't fair to the person your lashing out at. We all have opinions and feelings; and sometimes they're not very nice ones. You sound as if you may be under some stress or perhaps something else is going on in your life-you said, "lately I have a lousy remark for everything". That suggests to me that you're not always in a "negative" frame of mind. Perhaps a break from the source of your stress might help.
@tiffsmom2007 (279)
• United States
3 May 07
I don't think anything stops me from just telling it like it is. I try not to because I don't want to be rude but there are times I just can't seem to help myself.
My brother and his wife argue all the time for no reason at all. I had enough one day and told them just what I thought of them argueing in my house. My brother got mad and swelled up but he got over it. You just don't go into others peoples homes and argue in front of their childeren.
My main problem with my attitude is I will tell someone to their face " Look I don't want to be rude but...I don't care okay." I told my sisters husband one time to back up out of my face because his breath smelled like s***. But I was being truthful.
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
4 May 07
LOL I bet that shut him up real quick? How does someone respond to a remark like that? LOL
@tiffsmom2007 (279)
• United States
4 May 07
He said "F*** You." But aleast he got the point he won't even sit near me now, Thank God!!!!
@Swtrose (3385)
• Canada
3 May 07
It sounds like you are under a lot of stress and you are taking your frustrations out on anyone or you want to. I know that you don't mean to, but sometimes we say things we would not normally say. If you need someone to rant to my door is open. I'm an outspoken person and I say what is on my mind, but you know they say that you can smell bull poop a mile away so sometimes it is not worth it. You just have to bite the tongue.
@charlestchan (1415)
• Malaysia
3 May 07
i think what really stop us from giving out the piece of our mind is that we don't want to hurt others .. or we're controlled by the law... let me give you an example of both.. let's say you have some opinion on the current administration in your country.. are you daring enough to voice out your opinion? i wouldn't prefer to voice my opinion as i know if i go against them.. they might put me into the gallow.. and i will end my life there..... and.. besides that.. let's say you're getting good grades and your friend didn't manage to get good grades.. will you bragg about your grades infront of him? i think i wont =)
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
3 May 07
Fortunately I live in the US where I can voice my opinion on our government and I often do. The grades thing was a good point. When I waitressed we had servers who would always brag about how much money they were making, and even if I had a great shift it would annoy me.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
3 May 07
i never want to make enemy and i want to be friend with everybody... i think life is too short to make enemy in this world... that principle is enough for me to hold back my words even though i am so angry or dislike the person so much... if i can't stand what a person is saying, i will prefer to leave him/her rather than lashing out on him/her and create a scene...
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
3 May 07
Earlier I thought that their is nothing in this world that can stop me from saying my mind but as I grew up I learned more about people and their phsycology. Now I take care of this that not every body is that interested in your talking. And you should also listen to them rather then just spitting out your thing..!It comes in respecting others and careing for them..!
Now I try to listen to others paitenly As you know I am I not a mother but definetly I all like her just can't stop praising my self and things..!And working on it to improve..!!
So now I can just read the mind of the other person who is with me in the conversation to prevent one sided conversation!!!
So people expressions/respect stop me from expressing my feelings openly..!!
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@priya_ot (72)
3 May 07
ya i do agree that sometimes u feel to say such a thing which would do no good than to hurt someone and spoil one relationship..today's lifestyle is so hectic and people have become so material minded that because of the stress u hardly feel empathetic with other people sometimes.yet,its ur basic human values that stops u from becoming a devil..i usually try to visualise myself in other's place and that stops me from saying something which i wouldn't myself would like to listen
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@krgreen (61)
• Philippines
3 May 07
i guess for me, it's second nature to keep quiet. i am often misunderstood or taken the wrong way. because of this i don't usually talk alot, which is a good thing when i feel myself wanting to say something bad. tho i pity people having actual conversations with me because, i have to make a conscious effort to think twice about anything i say less i want to say something inappropriate. talking to me is like talking in slow motion.
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@wonderful1 (2075)
• China
3 May 07
I often say my real thinking in front of strangers. But I often follow other's saying in front of friends(not real friends),such as my neightbours, my colleagues, and friends' friends.
I think they dont want to know my real thinking,we just talking something and then waste free time.If I say my real feeling, they must think I'm too puerile.Sometimes if i really say my thinking, we must have a quarrel ,i swear.
It is not necessary to do it, is it?
But it is a good habit to say your real thinking to strangers, then you will know each other well. When you meet a girl, and you want to be a friend of hers. You must say your real thinking when you talk about something.
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