How Much Ammunition Do You Give People?
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
May 6, 2007 10:45am CST
Do you realize that when you reveal too much about yourself to others, they store it and remember it and will use it as ammunition AGAINST you at a later date?
Are you careful what you tell people, are you cagey about your private life are you wary of people because of things you have told people in the past they have used it to manipulate, control or against you?
Some people can really be unscrupulous and it's knowing who to trust and making sure that secrets and personal stuff about yourself don't go further
So do you worry about what you say either on site or in person will be USED against you?
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24 responses
@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
6 May 07
I don't say anything about anyone that I wouldn't say to their face if they requested the information.
If I told them something personal that they tried to use against me I would use physical violence. I don't see it as any different. Kind of like you want to drag my name through the mud, I'll drag your face through the mud. Fair trade if you ask me. However I would hurt them. It is their choice and there is nothing to stop me from going to where they work and giving them a good beating. I also wouldn't care if they lost their job. That would be a side affect of their actions.
If a person wants to be that low then they will reconsider after they get their head thumped a couple of times.
I will not be manipulated or controlled with extortion.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
6 May 07
Well I do tend to be cagey about information I give out to people, wolfie. To be honest, it isn't because I have ever been really hurt by anyone as a result of telling them too much about myself (maybe I've just been lucky in that regard), but my wise Russian Mother bought me up to be quite cautious and said if I could totally trust just 3 people throughout the whole of my life, I should be considered lucky, so I do tend to be circumspect both when chatting to new people in "real" life, or on the Internet.
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
28 May 07
Nope. I think we need to be very comforatble about who we are. I think we should express our views as in our hearts how we see them. I think when we have to hide the truth of who we are , that it discredits our self respect..and our dignity. If we are going to learn, teach, and have real communication then we must be honest or all is false and in vain. I would rather be persecuted for my true beliefs then loved for what I dont believe, or who I am not.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
6 May 07
As Ron White stated.....the police stopped him and said '.....I have the right to remain silent, but I might not have the ability'. lol If people were worried all the time that something they said might be used against what a quiet world this would be!
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
28 May 07
Yeah, I think it happens to all of us from time to time. My husband's family is really into throwing things back in your face, sometimes years after the fact, or around events that were before their time. I really hate it and it makes me very wary of them at the best of times.
@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
7 May 07
Oh yes! I have learned this the hard way, and no longer talk too much about my personal life to anyone. Especially at work. People at work will screw you over in a minute if it's a matter of them getting advanced or you.
@patootie (3592)
21 May 07
Other than the fact I don't have any secrets worth telling it's very rare I tell anyone very much about myself .. well not about the real deep down inside me anyway ..
But I agree with you that some folks are all too calculating when it comes to giving away personal stuff .. and there are a few folks I wouldn't trust .. even to tell them my favourite colour hhhehehehe
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
13 May 07
I really think that this is a never ending story..
I mean, yes of course, the minute you tell a person somthing personal about yourself, he has got a weapon that he can use against you, but we can not live by this thought or fear.
I know that i am a very private person, and i tend to listen more then to talk, so i usually end up with alote of personal information on the person.
An information that i will never use, because there are certain codes that i fallow, even if i discover that this person has did somthing to me.
Only when i have this information i will tell somthing personal, and then again not always.
but i think that this is because of my personality, and not because i fear of a situation where that person is going to tell someone about my personal thing or not.
@mummymo (23706)
9 May 07
I have had a supposedly good friend do this to me in the past - she did not even bother to sneak around and stab me in the back but stood right in front of me and stabbed me square in the heart! I have tried not to let this affect my relationships now and will not let this person stop me from trusting others! If someone does this then that is life and I pity them for having such a sad pathetic life! xxx
@mummymo (23706)
9 May 07
I have had a supposedly good friend do this to me in the past - she did not even bother to sneak around and stab me in the back but stood right in front of me and stabbed me square in the heart! I have tried not to let this affect my relationships now and will not let this person stop me from trusting others! If someone does this then that is life and I pity them for having such a sad pathetic life! xxx
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
9 May 07
I think that I can be me without divulging information that could be used against me.....although I must admit that I do not spend alot of time thinking about it....
I am naturally a private person...but I have lived life...and I do not think it hurts anything or anyone for me to give advise based on the lessons that life has taught me this far.....
People who thrive on manipulating others make me sick! I have met a few but do not remain in their company once their unscrupulous ways come to light!
I can't help it....I am an optimistic but realistic person.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
7 May 07
It's too bad that we have to conduct ourselves this way, but yes, I am very careful what I tell anyone about myself including my close friends and family.Even well-meaning people may let slip, information that was told in confidence, and there goes your personal information and life. The only consolation is knowing that probably everyone else is doing the very same thing.
@semak76 (187)
• United States
9 May 07
I will tell anybody anthing about me. There is nothing I've done in my life that I havent come to terms with myself, so there is no way anyone could ever hurt me by repeating it. I own up to all mistakes I've made in my past, I know they cant be changed, so what is the point in hiding anything. Its only when you do keep secrets that the information can hurt you.
@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
7 May 07
I have always been a trusting person. I also find that this has been my downfall. I now trust nobody. There are too many people out there just waiting to destroy other peoples lives. I have found that the only people you can trust are people that have trusted you with personal and private information. They dare not say anything. I do not trust my sisters or brother, my ex, and it is still up in the air about trusting my doctor. HIPAA is suppose to protect us but I have seen that broken also.
My policy: Watch your back, document everything, do not loan out your car, get everything in writing. You can probably think of a few things to add to that.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
7 May 07
Im not really careful i do tell all since ive got no secrets to hide no wealth or something, and besides all my friends now are my neighbors or my classmate from school which i have already known for a long time.
@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
7 May 07
I KNOW what you mean! Be careful what you say and stuff. I had a friend well 2 a guy and a girl. I told the girl I might like the guy. The girl contacted the guy and told himt this and it came against me. I ended up leaving the guy as a friend, the girl left me. All cause he believed her over me. Long story
I am kinda careful who I call friends and such. Its horrible but true. When they use stuff like that against you!
@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
7 May 07
i am very careful about what i disclose to people. i don't tell peope things. i don't want everyone to know most things baout me as i am a very private person. It takes me a very long time to warm up enough to trust someone enough to tell them anyting i don't want known.
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
7 May 07
My private life is mine to keep and I only share a few details to a chosen few. I don't normally spread and bared everything about myself. Same goes with online. I never ever give out anything nor reveal a single aspect of my life when I'm posting or responding. It is better to zip my mouth.
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
7 May 07
Though I haven't told anyone that much about me yet, I agree with you that someday what you have shared to anybody close or not really close to you will be used against you someday. My aunt once told me that I should be very careful in sharing secret to my best friend for she'll be my worst enemy someday. Good thing I'm kind of person that is shy.