What do you do to keep your dog flea and tick free during the spring and summer?
@uniquenorthern (932)
United States
May 6, 2007 11:14am CST
I give my dog a bath with a flea and tick shampoo that is supposed to help, but we have so many ticks out here that I am still constantly checking him and pulling ticks off of him. I don't want him to get hurt or get lyme disease or anything like that, so I now ask all of you dog owners out there, What do you do for your dogs? Do you use anything else to help with this problem? Any home remedies that you have tried? I am open to any suggestions about right now. lol
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12 responses
@iiartisanii (254)
• United States
7 May 07
You have to treat three areas to get rid of the fleas and ticks: the dog, the inside of your house and the yard.
If you neglect to treat one of these areas the problem will persist.
For the dog, get a topical flea/tick treatment like Frontline. Don't opt for one of the cheapy brands like BioSpot as have been known to cause seizures. Get a vet recommended, trusted brand like Advantage, K9 Advantix or Frontline.
For the house, flea bombs, carpet powders and sprays all work well. Make sure you treat the dog's bedding, as well as your carpets and upholstery. Fleas lay their eggs in carpeting and uphostery so you have to stop the lifecycle there.
Lastly for the yard you can get a pesticide that attaches to your hose and give the yard a good douse with that to kill the insects outside. This one has to be done the most often. . I de-flea my yard every other week during the summer because I live in a hot, damp environment (right on the beach) so fleas are BAD during the summer, but are a yearlong battle.
The best thing I ever did for my flea problem was to get rid of my carpet and install hardwood floors. It makes a HUGE difference, but its not the most economical flea treatment I know of. It makes a huge difference though, and this is coming from someone with a house full of long hair dogs and a Persian.
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
8 May 07
Thank you for your suggestions. I also have hardwood floors throughout half my house. The other half is carpet. But once we find a house to move into I will definitely be switching to all hardwoods as soon as possible! We do spray the front and back lawns that are right by the house we are in right now, but it is rather hard to do all of the surrounding fields and such as we live on a farm and the dog goes out and roams everyonce in a while. :)
@sidyboy (284)
• United States
6 May 07
Many people think I'm crazy when I tell them my flea/tick remedy, but I know for a fact that it works.
Several years ago, I had a massive flea problem. At the time I had 7 dogs, and I was dipping them all the time, treating the house, yard- you name it. The Cocker Spaniel I had at the time literally lost all the hair on his back right above the base of his tail. To help him grow his hair back, I bought some brewers yeast & garlic tablets- it was supposed to help his coat.
Still fighting the flea battle, I went and started bathing all my dogs again... when I got to Ozzie (the Cocker), he was the only dog that was flea free. I put all of my dogs on the brewers yeast and garlic, and I haven't seen a flea here in over 5 years now.
My brother got a Lab a couple years ago, and I told him to put "Ed" on it. He did. My other brother (Ray) was taking care of Ed while Rob was out of town, and Ray had a massive tick problem-Ed stayed there for a week, and not one tick was on him. I made the mistake of going out in his yard and got 2 of them on me within minutes.
All the dogs in my family are now on this, and no one has flea problems now.
My vet thought I was totally nuts when I told him, and he really didn't believe me- so I loaded up my dogs and took them all in and told the vet to check them over- he was amazed. Not one flea, and all have incredible coats.
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
8 May 07
I have heard of this before, but never knew anyone that had tried it. Maybe I will have to give it a try. And maybe does the dogs over at the other house with it too! They are ten times worse than my dog as they have long hair.
@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
7 May 07
Ok ask the vet for a Lyme Disease Vaccine. I got one for my pup. Now we dont have to worry about that. Also I use Revolution for her. It takes care of Fleas, Ticks,and Heartworm. Its a once a month dose you put on the back of the neck. It has worked very well for us. She has never had a flea so far. Hope this Helps!
@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
7 May 07
Oh hey I almost forgot. The Revolution is not expencive. I get it for 12$ a month. The Lyme vaccine was also inexpencive like 15$. Thanx
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
8 May 07
We did get him one, but they are a little more expensive around here as the vets don't seem many cases of lyme disease around here, so they had to special order it. Oh,well I thought it was worth it. I love my dog too much to lose him to some stupid disease from a tick! :)
@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
6 May 07
I ues to use Advantage for my dog, it takes care of feas, ticks, and worms including heart worms. You get it from the vet. It really worked and kept the dog from bringing ticks and fleas into the house to the cats.
I now live in two and have a bug guy who sprays the yard once a year for fleas. I do not have that problem.
I feel shampoo only kills the fleas that are on the pet at the present time and does nothing to take care of the porblem once the dog goes outside.
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
8 May 07
I have used advantage before, and it did work to a certain extent, but it just seems that it doesn't cure it all. The shampoo seems to help for about a week and then by that time my dog has went into the creek a few dozen times and rolled in the dirt about a hundred times, so it wears off. lol
@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
6 May 07
I misquoted Advantaged only took care of the fleas and ticks it was Revolution which took care of the fleas, ticks and heart worms and other worms. Sorry
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@xoShannonNCxo (146)
• United States
7 May 07
I buy those drops that you put between their shoulder blades and between their hips and it works wonders! We live in the country with thick woods and my dog has no ticks or fleas! They are only $5-$10 depending on how big your dog is (bigger dogs require bigger drops)
@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
8 May 07
Yes, I live in the country too with a lot of bushes and trees all around. Plus we have the fields right next to us so he is constantly in them. Thanks for the response.
@Leif_Morris (61)
7 May 07
Well in my house we spray the dogs with form of tick and flee killing device. However we understand that this alone is not enough.
Much like a disease my dogs have like been to the vet to get vaccinated (I think my mum handles this) and so the filthy bugs? insects? ok parasites don't get to nibble their flesh without sucking in a whole load of toxins!
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
9 May 07
lol, had to laugh at your post. If you can't keep them off, load them up with toxins instead huh? sounds like a way to go.
@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
7 May 07
yeah ticks and fleas are pretty bad around here to, i wash my dogs soaking them in the flea shampoo then when they are completely dried off i put a flea collar on them it only last for a couple of months then have to replace it. but i have also tried to stop my dogs going in long grass they seem to get the fleas that bad like u couldnt believe when going in the long grass (usually long real green moist grass) i check them for ticks regularly not much you can do to keep them off, so just have to pull them off makig sure u get the head of the tick. my sister also said other day theres a tablet all in 1 that treats worms and fleas all together but its fairly expensive she said.
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
8 May 07
Yes, I am finding myself pulling off a lot of them lately. Gets disgusting after a while, but I would rather catch them before they get in too bad. :)
@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
8 May 07
You are about the third person that has mentioned garlic in their food. I will definitely have to try this. lol :)
@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
7 May 07
We use a product called Frontline on our dogs every month. It seems to work really well. You just have to remember not to touch it for at least 30 minutes while it soaks in and you have to be sure to put it in between their shoulders so they can't reach it and lick it off. There is also a product like this called Advantix.
@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
8 May 07
Thank you for pointing out that you are not supposed to touch it for 30 minutes. I didn't read that part until the second time I had used it! lol Thank you.
@psychomom (42)
• United States
7 May 07
AS others have said, brewer's yeast and garlic mixed with their food does help. Another way to halp cut down is to place an uncut amethyst inot the water bowl. You can uaually get these at flea markets or some natural shops. I know it sounds crazy, but it does work and doesn't hurt the animals. Good luck.
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
8 May 07
I had not heard of the uncut amethyst before, but since that is my birthstone I will have to see about getting one. :) I had heard that amethysts had other qualities, but had never researched that far into it. Thanks for the tip.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
7 May 07
Personally, I give both my dogs a once a month pill that prevents infestation of fleas, ticks, heartworm, etc. This is the only real way to prevent infestation. However, if you are looking for natural remedies, you can use a teatree oil based soap to bathe your dog on a regular basis and follow-up with a teatree oil based flea and tick powder which is available in some health food and/or pet stores. Teatree oil is very effective and naturally soothing to your dog's skin. http://www.jefferspet.com/ssc/products.asp?CID=0&mscssid=67FHXCB95N539GM0JJURWHV20UA7488B&area=dog&dept_id=890
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@resa77 (51)
• United States
6 May 07
We use Frontline Plus on both our cats and our dogs. It prevents fleas from staying on the dogs and even kills flea eggs. It also prevents ticks from attaching. It's a once a month application and we use it April-November (I live in WI, so fleas and ticks don't stick around much for the winter!) I don't use home remedies because they often don't work and a lot of the really cheap stuff you can buy at Wal-mart for flea and tick prevention often causes allergic reactions, so we pay a bit more for something safe that works!
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
8 May 07
I also have used Frontline and Advantix on my dog, but these just don't seem to keep up with the problem as well as I would like. That is why I quit using them. But I may have to start if the ticks and fleas get any worse or if the other remedies don't work. Thank you for your response. Much appreciated.