Ever SEEN a COCKROACH walk up to a CAT and KISS HIM ??

United States
May 7, 2007 12:10pm CST
Well I don't actually know if it kissed him, but this morning I saw this enormous cockroach (they get big here in Texas, we call them tree roaches) walking across my living room floor so I immediately grab my cat that likes to kill lizards to show him this new playtoy only to have the cockroach walk up to my cat and I swear gave him a kiss, well that was all I could stand (I am such a chicken when it comes to these critters, long story) that I picked up one of my boyfriend's big heavy shoes and gave him his last kiss in life. I just could not believe how big he was. Do you have any insect or creature stories to tell??
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19 responses
@PsychoDude (2013)
• Netherlands
7 May 07
Like half a year ago I had some mouse stealing away my chips every now and then, he just would go look left and right first and as he saw nothing coming he would just run under through my legs and grab away some chips which fell on the floor. One time also, dunno if it was the same mouse or not, it ran through my hands on the desk all of the sudden and jumped into a nearly half bag of chips to run out with it as fast with a chip in his mouth :P.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
7 May 07
LOL - I know how big the roaches are in Texas BIG. Story: First moved to East Texas my husband had rented a house before the wedding. When we left Michigan and arrived in Texas it was late at night so went in and went straight to bed - not bothering to unload the U-haul trailer. Well, that idea changed when I saw my first Texas Cockroach - new hubby was out in the trailer digging for a can of Raid I knew I had, I was on 'roach watch' all night with can of spray in my hand.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
7 May 07
Yea I learned that after a couple days - spray doesn't work but for that night I felt safe with the can in my hand... There is more to the story though. Few days later I had enough of the boogers and decided I was taking myself to the pet store and I would get the pesty things out of the house. Sad thing was my car wouldn't start. When husband got home I told him the car wouldn't start and he asked where I was going to go. I said, "To the pet store to get a snake to eat the bugs". He then informed me if the car had started he would not have been there either - he's terrified of snakes :) Sure wish that car woulda started, most miserable 8 years of my life to follow...
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
7 May 07
ewwwww i really really hate those things and would happuily stamp on em all. lol
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• United States
7 May 07
I don't mind killing them but I won't pick them up, I leave a tissue over them for when my boyfriend gets home to dispose of them, yes I hate them also ...
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@bizcntr (233)
• Philippines
8 May 07
same here i will spray them with insecticide.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
24 May 07
I used to live in Texas and we once had a Palamino bug get in. They look like a gigantic roach and they fly. We hit it with a shoe and put it in a sealed ziplock to show my grandparents...they didn't believe it when we told them about it. It lived for 2 weeks with no food, water or air in that bag before I finally took it out and threw it in a field. It's probably still alive. LIVE IN PEACE
• Philippines
17 May 07
i was on a bus on my way home when i feel something crawling in my legs. at first i didnt mind it then i saw this cockroach. and i freak out. i use my handkerchief to slap it away from me. then it landed on this guy in front of me, he must have seen the cockroach and he also slap it away and it landed on top of my head. i really freak out then. i manage to get it off my head and i see the guys smirking because i was really scared. i wish i could punch their faces cause they look really smug just because im a female and im afraid of it. anyway, i already paid my fare and it was still a long long way from home but i get off the bus cause i really couldnt stand. the guys there didnt kill the cockroaches and im the only one who is freaking out. im embarassed and im afraid to make a scene because of just a cockroach so i get off the bus. its really eeewwww!!!!!
@jogie_bien (1103)
• Philippines
19 May 07
i never seen in milfe, but it could be interesting.
@huss_iitb (171)
• India
8 May 07
yuck such things seem irritating...no i have not
@abbu20 (207)
• India
8 May 07
i think that it was u who kissed the cockroach by smashing him by ur boyfriends shoes right.
@jwfarrimond (4473)
8 May 07
Gotta be big - it's Texas after all! I'm in Britain and here we are blessed with nothing in the way of gargantuan insects, nothing that stings or bites or kills you in unpleasant ways, so I can't really compete in the gross insect story competition and as the wild life consists of birds, rabbits and the odd fox or two, (I did see a fox commuting down the motorway onetime) there's nothing much to be said there either.
• India
11 May 07
God, that's downright howlarious!!! I almost fell off my chair laughing after reading your account!!! I have had some experience with oversized pests and rodents too. Like many who have responded to your discussion, a heavy boot is my weapon of choice to combat the cockroaches too. I have a very keen sense of smell, the keenest in my family in fact, and can distinctly identify the nasty odor of cockroaches, so I get to know of their presence even if they are not visible, so I just arm myself with the heaviest boot available, turn on the light and wait for the darn roach to come into visibility. When the light is suddenly turned on, the roach invariably makes a dash, and wham! Ninety percent of the time, my trusty shoe finds its mark and the darn roach will be reduced to a gooey pattern on the floor which I promptly mop up. Left to stay, the stink lingers. A couple of blasts of room freshener later, I'll settle down to relax!
• Canada
8 May 07
i am also afraid of cockroach too.. and i dont want to make my shoes ditry by smacking it.. i usually use rubber ban to shoot at it then wipe off with paper towel..
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
9 May 07
Oh my gosh...that's a bit roach!! As far as my own insect story...believe or not I used to keep crickets as pets...uh, yup...I just loved the sound of them..and not don't worry..they weren't hopping around loose but I had them in a big tank and covered...did use to drive my kitties bats watching them though...Here where I live our roaches aren't big but the waterbugs are..and they do give me the chills...and they are so darn hard to kill too
@mari123 (1861)
• China
8 May 07
in summer,there are many cicadas latent in tree.in my childhood,i catched cicadas with my brother,we made a net in a long bamboo,and then found the cicadas where its latent,the cicadas have a loud sound,so we could find it easy,when we catched it,we would use a rope to bolt its feet,and played with cicadas when cicadas flied.
@mohit1123 (564)
• India
8 May 07
What a great story god know if u created one. I never came across something like that i hope i would have.
@gberlin (3836)
7 May 07
My cats are just discovering insects. They are 10 months old. They found a wasp crawling on the screen on the inside of the house. They are so curious and do not realize that the wasp could sting them. The wasp dropped down to the bottom of the screen and both cats try sniffing it. The quickly stepped back when the wasp showed its stinger. I then took some kleenex tissue and killed it.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
8 May 07
Good Heavens, NO! How big are your cockroaches? I am sure we don't get them that big. Have you a photo of one of these big cockroaches? Probably the ocokroach was sniffing out your cat; it could sense it. So what did you cat do? One of our cats is a very good hunter.
@elisa812 (3026)
• United States
8 May 07
Haha I had to respond to your post cause it made me laugh so much trying to picture it! I guess I've never seen a Texas cockroach, but I just hate any kind of creepy crawly like that! Ick! I would have probably flipped out, lol.
@ElicBxn (63830)
• United States
7 May 07
I was chasing an armadillo at girl scout camp & got nailed by a scorpian - that HURT!
@Sherry12 (2472)
• United States
7 May 07
That is so funny. You have me really laughing. What did your cat do?