C-Section or Natural??
By copperkitten
@copperkitten (3473)
United States
May 7, 2007 11:20pm CST
So did you have a natural birth or a C-section? I had an emergancy c-section with my first son. He ended up twisting his head and got stuck. Poor baby had a big bruise on his head!! At least he was healthy. With my second son I had a scedualed C-section. I didnt want the complications like with the first. With my second I ended up having a reaction to the epidural. I was so sick, puking and very itchy!! It was crappy. Buy once again at least he was healthy! I wouldnt change it for the world!! So whats your experiance?
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22 responses
@lbmartin (2)
• United States
9 May 07
With my son I had a natural birth, but was induced and in labor for 3 days. UUUUGGGGHHH!!! But he was very healthy with not problems. He is now for and I am expecting my second child this November. I am hoping for another natural delivery and healthy baby.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
10 May 07
3 days!!! Man that had to have sucked!! Good luck on the new one and hope all goes well!!!
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@kuting (885)
• Philippines
8 May 07
i had a natural delivery. my baby boy had positioned himself as early as 7months head down. i had a fun time with all the kicking against my ribs then. when i was in labor, i could really feel his head pushing agaisnt my pelvic and it was really painful. all the pain giving birth is really worth it when you see your little one healthy and so beautiful.
@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
8 May 07
The Pain is worth the Pleasure! And what better than to see a beautiful baby after so much pain!
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@shorva (923)
• Philippines
8 May 07
I had a c-section because I ran out of ammunotic fluid ( is the spelling right), ok I was out of water. The healing took long because I moved around a lot. I have friends who experienced both cs and normal delivery and they said that they rather have cs. But they also said that although it was painful, nothing compares to the feeling after the baby's out on normal delivery. Well, I couldn't relate because I was asleep the next 12 hrs. I was really going for a normal delivery because cs cost a lot and now I can't wear bikins because my scar is too distinct.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
11 May 07
Yes Coaco butter. You want the stuff in a round container, not the lotion. It works so well. lso try Suave Shey and coaco butter body wash. It makes your skin very soft and helps with the stretch marks. And dont worry my baby is 3 and I still have them. Not as visible anymore because of the coaco butter! Your welcome!!
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
10 May 07
Aww thats a bummer. My scars are not visible when I wear a bikini. They didnt cut you low enough then. Try putting coaco butter on it 3 times a day. It will lighten it.
Amnionic fluid. Thats the right spelling.
Thanx for your reply and have a great day!!
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@daycarepal (1998)
• United States
8 May 07
I had natural births with both of my children. My daugther was my first. I had complications afterwards and was in the hospital for 5 days. She was fine. My son I had 3 1/2 years later and everything went fine with his birth. With my daughter, I was in labor for 11 1/2 hours. With my son it was 6 hours of labor but it was more intense.
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@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
8 May 07
I had my daughter naturally. They only thing they gave me was a local anesthetic at the end that they said they give to everybody. I was determined if possible to have her naturally and thankfully I did.
When I went into labor with my son I had been sick with bronchitis and it threw me into labor early. He was born one month early. My doctor was concerned because of the bronchitis and suggested highly that I have an epidural. Even though I had wanted to go natural with him also I wanted him to be healthy so I agreed to have the epidural. It wasn't a pleasant experience at all. To make matters worse, the first one didn't take so they had to give me a second shot!! But the main thing was son came into this world okay.
@faith_hope_love (377)
• Philippines
8 May 07
I have two kids already and both are delivered naturally. I exprienced too much pain during my labor on my first baby. Imagine, I labored for 3 days and I was sleepless for three nights. My ob-gyne said I can opt for ceasarian but I refused. I asked if the baby is still doing well inside and if she still have enough water inside to support her. When he said that the baby is still safe, it is just that I am having pain because of the contractions, I said I am determined to deliver my baby noramlly if possible. After 3 days of labor, I finally gave birth to a healthy bouncing baby girl! I didn't experience that much pain with my second baby. Like my mother said, the first delivery is the hardest.
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@impaktita (965)
• Philippines
8 May 07
I had a c-section with my son. I was overdue and his heart rate was dipping. I was induced and laid there for 16hours waiting to dialate but everytime they checked me I still remained 1cm so they told me I had to have an emmergency c-section because my son was stressing or something. during it I didn't feel anything but the recovery was the hard part, they made me walk the 2nd day and I felt like my guts were gonna fall out. I was 19 then. I'm kind of scared of having a 2nd baby cause they told me it's possible for me to be a c-section again.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
10 May 07
Hey if you have to have a c-section again its not all bad. I was 19 with my first and 21 with my second, sections both times. Its really not that bad. They cut you in the same place as last time so you wont have more scars. Just take it easy and enjoy the baby!!
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@Bizziebod (3497)
10 May 07
Hi, When I gave birth it was 'natural', although why they call it natural I don't know! There's nothing natural about having your legs up in those stirrup type things ha! I had an epidural as my labour lasted 18 hours and she ended up having vontous suction, which is a cap that goes onto the babies head to suck them out - charming!
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
10 May 07
LOL thats great!!! The sturips are crappy!! Thanx for your reply!
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@mememama (3076)
• United States
8 May 07
I had a natural delivery (well with an epi so not 100% natural), I was told I was going to have a c-section but they let me try to push, I've got medical issues so they were prepping me for one. My son literally popped out of me lol, they barely caught him since they weren't expecting that. Now I know for sure I can do it, so the next one I will try to go 100% natural.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
10 May 07
LOL thats great!! My mom said I poped out of her to. My dad about fainted and there were no nurses in the room!! LOL And yes you can do it but dont be discuraged if you have to have an epidural! Its ok! Good luck in the future!!
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@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
8 May 07
I had an elective C Section, it have a screw in my pelvis & there was always a chance my pelvis wouldn't open wide enough so i went with safety & had them cut me open.
She still came out quite large & healthy so that's all that matters, no matter the way the birthing goes!
I had a good experience with my fist so i will go for another C Section whenever we decide it's a good time to have another baby. Hopefully it wont be too far away, i'd like my kids to be close in age!
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
8 May 07
Mine are 22 months apart and its great. See having a c-section isnt that bad. Ya your sore for like 2 weeks but hey the babys healthy!! Thanx for your experiance.
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@dragonokiefly (862)
• United States
8 May 07
With my first 5 I had all natural deliveries. I feel lucky that I have a very high pain tolerence. My first I had 38 1/2 hours of hard labor, a total of 47 hours of labor, no meds what-so-ever thanks to the doctor. He thought I was too young to have a child so there for I was too young to have pain meds and maybe it would teach me not to do the things that got me to where I was. I changed doctors for the next ones lol. My second and third, labor last 5 1/2 hours, really no time for meds. The forth one last 3 hours, I was only at the hospital for about 45 minutes. The fifth one was the fastest. By the time we got to the hospital I was ready to push, she was laying on the bed before my midwife could even get to the hospital. I didn't even have time to change into a hospital gown. My sixth and last one I had an epi. They induced and there was no way I was going to do it without pain meds. It took about 19 hours with about 3 hours of pushing. The other one I only pushed for about 5 or 10 minutes at most. So if I was to ever do it again (which I pray will never happen) I would do it natural no matter what. It wasn't worth the pain of haing the epi placed nor the long hours of pushing.
@juliehplus6 (2)
8 May 07
None of mine were sections although the first was helped into this world by a set of forceps and my sixth ( and last) needed to be induced after my waters broke and she refused to put in an apearence!
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
10 May 07
WOW 6 kids!! I dont know how you do it. I have two and they drive me crazy. I couldnt imagine having more! You are Super Mom!! LOL
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@mistissa (1349)
• Netherlands
15 Aug 07
My first 2 children came natural, but my last one was also an emergency C-section. He was not twisted or anything like that, he just did not want to come out. He was sort of stuck. I got an epidural, and morfine etc for the pain. The way this all went, I really know, this is definitely my last baby
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@jessielin (27)
• Singapore
15 Aug 07
for mine both natural birth.. cox my labour was fast n smooth for both time :) ..
@ozangel82 (753)
• Australia
9 May 07
Fortunately I had a natural birth with some pain killers but no epidural. It was my first time so it was pretty hard and lasted awile, just over 24 hrs I think, but it is always worth it in the end to see your beautiful baby. I had a girl named Taleejah (pronounced Taleeyah) on the 16th of february 06, which was the day before my birthday (17th feb) so I was just glad I wasn't going to be spending my birthday pushing out a big baby!
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
8 May 07
I never even had a labor pain, my crappy doctor that I had with my first baby decided that I was too small, so he scheduled a c-section. I was too young and scared to know any better so I went along with it. My next two babies were also born by c-section. The last one was the worst, I ended up with nerve damage from the spinal, my respiration kept going down, and after her that was it, no more babies. There was no way I was going through that again.
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@sramsey150 (162)
• United States
9 May 07
I labored for 21 hours with my daughter until the doctor decided that I needed a c-section and plus my blood pressure was dropping and she got stuck also. I just happen to feel pressure and that's when he decided to do a section. i felt i could have pushed her out but he didn't feel like waiting anymore i guess. It didn't matter cause in the end my beautiful daughter was born :) ,but the next one we have i want another section instead of waiting so long.lol
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@rainqueen21 (338)
• United States
8 May 07
i had twin baby girls and they actually gave me a choice on of i wanted a c-section or natural, and i couldn't picture getting cut open so i decided to do natural, pushed both of them out and i was so so so tired afterwards, i actually got a fever for a day after the fact but it was still worth it then getting a c-section
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@BGBabe (78)
• United States
9 May 07
My first child (girl) was natural, but I did end up taking a pain shot, the nurse more or less talked me into it after I almost tore my husband's head off a few times. The second (boy) was going to be natural also, until a couple of weeks before my due date, they discovered he was breech, so of course, I had to have a c-section. OMG, was that great!!! No pain whatsoever, except of course the incision pain after, but I'll take that over natural birth ANYTIME. They gave me an epidoral and also something that made me feel GREAT!! Don't know what it was, but it was great. The third (girl) I opted for another c-section, no pain again. So my experiences were pretty good.
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