whats your least favorite household chore?

United States
May 9, 2007 2:01pm CST
Mine is putting clean laundry away. I dont mind doing the laundry I just hate sorting it and putting it away and with a family of five it feels like a constant job!!! Whats your least favorite?
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6 responses
• United States
9 May 07
Toilets. I hate to get down and clean the toilet. I have a husband and a 5 yar old boy so I feel like I am spending as much time cleaing the outside of it as I am cleaning the inside. I do it once a week. I used to think if I did it once a week that it would never get dirty and I would always be cleaning a clean toilet that wouldnt be as gross, but no, somehow it it still as dirty as ever. I feel like I need to clean it daily. Maybe I do. Do I?
• United States
10 May 07
I clean mine maybe every other day. Just to keep it looking clean and smelling fresh.
• United States
10 May 07
I hear you. I feel like I am alway doing the laundry too. I also hate cleaning up the bathroom. We have two of them upstairs and I never quite know what I am going to find.
• United States
10 May 07
Now that I am 7 months pregnant, I hate almost any chore that will make me bend down, squat or just simply picking up things. I am just so slow. But probably the least favorite is vacuuming everyday because I got this heavy and noisy vacuum cleaner. If it will be a light one like Oreck..that will be ok...but pushing around a heavy vacuum in so many rooms around the house everyday is just too much for me.
• Australia
10 May 07
Mine is doing the dishes as all the cups get used in one day as noone likes using the same cup twice or if there are a couple on the bench they forget wich one is theirs. Thankgod for dishwashers
• United States
9 May 07
I am the same way! I love to wash the clothes but when it comes to folding them or hanging them up I hate it! It's just so boring to me and its constant too....I also hate putting the dishes away, I don't too much mind to do them it is the chore of putting them all away.
• United States
9 May 07
I can deal with folding laundry-it's almost meditative for me. I hate, hate, hate doing floors of any kind. For the PP who hates doing socks, I solved my sock problem. Each member of the family (I have six kids, so there are 8 of us) has one style and color of sock, and each is different from all the others. My oldest dd has only plain white footies, second dd has only white bobby sox, etc. Matching socks is a breeze b/c there are only 8 different types, and the mismatched sock pile never has more than 8 socks in it. Having a different style of sock for everyone means no trying to figure out whose is whose.