The food and drug administration. How do you feel about it?
By misstree
@misstree (241)
United States
May 10, 2007 12:54pm CST
Hi everyone.
First of all, I am from America. Boston to be exact. I moved from America to Switzerland last year to be with my husband.
I noticed that this country has less overweight people. Now, I am not against anyone overweight. I don't blame anyone at all for being overweight. I blame the food and drug administration. (FDA)
I believe that the hormones that animals are being pumped with are making people overweight. This is a big concern of mine. More people are becoming more allergic to foods, and having symptoms like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). More and more young children are gaining a substantial amount of weight for their age.
I honestly think that it's the crap they put in foods causing all these problems. Why? Because I have noticed a HUGE change in my health since I moved here.
I can eat more here, and not gain. I am not as sick with IBS as I was back home. And I found out that it is so illegal here to pump animals with hormones.
Another thing I have noticed:
Drugs are less administered here. My Dr's have been shocked to see what America has perscribed me. They cannot believe the amount of mg's in some of my medications.
I think America is making so much money off of perscribtion drugs! I think most Americans are being fooled by the government.
Another thing:
I read that the FDA puts stuff in food so that people become addicted to it, so that the consumer keeps buying it.
I truly believe this.
AND diet soft drinks are bad. They make you fat is what I read in some books.
One of the books I have read is by Kevin Trudeau. Look him up! "Natural Cures. What they don't want you to know"I read this before I left America. I also read "The Makers Diet."Finally when I came to this country, I realize how true they are.
Well, feel free to debate this issue. What are your thoughts? What do you think?
Are you someone suffering with obesity or are you overweight and want to lose?
I really feel for over weight people. Because it is NOT your fault!!!! I believe it's the FDA's fault!!!!One more thing about this book that I read. It does not really help with curing. He talks more about what the FDA is keeping from people. I got the book initially to help cure some problems I was having. I would not suggest anyone that has a terminal illness to purchase this book.
I just thought it was interesting. And seeing with my own eyes a different country with different laws, I am a believer.
So these are just my observations. Ones I believe so much in.
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9 responses
@myworld2 (106)
11 May 07
the FDA ummm i am not from the USA but everything filters down here. we have the hormones and the antibiotics, luckily we dont get so much GM as you get over there although if they had their way we would. MSG is a mimicer and a killer like aspartmne. we have Donald Rumsfeild to thank for that same as the tamiflu. diet foods are there to keep you fat (and poisen you in the long run) and all this low fat rubbish what we need is good fats not no/low fats. have you ever tried coming off diet coke the headaches and the depression that will probably set in. its all about money not health and we buy into the sickness industry everytime we eat a processed food, a grain fed animal and go to the doctors because we have an ache or pain. we are in the matrix and most of us dont know how to get out of it.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 May 07
I have no great admiration nor love for any government agency here in America....these agencies are suppose to be protecting us but in many ways are actually killing us. And yes, here in America particularly it seems the answer for all our medical woes is to be pumped up with medications that can serious side may help the initial problem but create others--I mean what good is say the chloresterol reducing medications---they can kill the liver...and then there's the case where the FDA took off Vioxx, a non-sterodial anti-inflammatory medication off the market only to re-instate it into the market...a medication that was killing thousands of people as it can trigger strokes, blot clots and heart attacks...gee..that really sounds safe doesn't it? Then the FDA says it's okay to pump all these chemicals including antibiotics into our food chain...then they wonder why there are higher strains of viruses and bacteria that can't be cured by anti-biotics anymore because we're getting our "daily" dose of it in our foods---Oh, yeah..the FDA and this government is really looking out for its people
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@GardenGerty (160908)
• United States
11 May 07
I do not believe that the FDA itself puts stuff into food, but rather, permits or allows it to be added. I do believe that being more aware of eating less processed food will make us healthy. We have to take the time to care, abd we keep being so "busy" that all we do is gulp it down.
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
11 May 07
Hi Misstree, Yes well sometimes these food do make the people overweight but I also think that a lot of people eat far too much that they do not really require. Also when they are eating the amount of food that they do eat then they should be doing more exercises like walking. OH they certainly are probably putting more things in the foods that we consume I would not doubt that for a minute, and with all these chemicals that they use that is why it is best to eat natural foods.
@misstree (241)
• United States
11 May 07
Yes I agree too that people just eat way too much. There are over weight people here as well, but nothing to be really shocked about. Of course it's always going to be a problem if someone eats a lot and doesn't exercise or has a lower metabolism.
But the majority of America is fat. I was considered "anorexic" there. I had so many people think I was. Now that I am in CH, I am just like everyone else.
So of course it got me thinking. I really worry about it. I have a neice and nephew back there.
Greets and thanks for your reply!
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
10 May 07
i put nothing past the government at this point,i really don't.i've long believed addictive substances in particular are going in foods and products.
big money in repeat customers.
i had heard awhile back cows were getting antibiotics to keep them healthy,and that's one big reason bacterias were becoming immune to them.people were getting it in the beef products and milk.
@msjigga (864)
• United States
11 May 07
I completely agree with you. I believe that there are many cures for alot of diseases but America is very commercial. Illness and sympthoms make money not cures. I also believe that they put allot of poisons in our foods to make us addicted to our food. My best friend is from the Antigua she moved back to Antigua 2 yrs ago and she came back to visit her sick Mom when she came to the U.S she was skinny she is not obese. She is a vegan a strict vegan and she works out regularly. she has only been her for a little over 2 months and she has already gained 20 pounds.
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
13 May 07
You can do all of that but I think it is really up to the individual. They should look out for themselves and not rely on FDA to tell them what is good and what is not good to eat at all.
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
10 May 07
Well neighbor ( I'm 30 miles south of Boston) I can't dispute any of it...I completely agree. I think the only way to save ourselves is to go back to the day when we grew our own food....plant and animal. It's just's all about the all mighty dollar.
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@gangus2 (373)
• United States
10 May 07
I have always lived here, and have noticed many changes. What scares me the most is that the changes occur without notice. It is, as if, everything has always been this way.
They tell us that as consumers, we want more variety and selections. Yet, with all the changes, we get bigger.
No one sees that the changes may mean things are healthy now, and if so, it means they weren't healthy before.
I think that the changes are to fit the economy. Prices keep going up, which creates the need to provide cheaper varieties, and selections.
What most people don't know, is that there is truely no difference between name brand and generic, or even lower priced products. These products are also produced by name brand manufacturers. Some of them are even made at the same facilities.
I once watched the discovery channel. It was some years ago. Scientist had proven that we are genetically pre-dispositioned from birth, to bigger in size then our fore fathers. Our childrens, children will be bigger then us. So why try so hard to fight what your body wants to do?
As far as dieting, that too is a big money making political campaign. You read enough about all the things they keep putting in our food, and you begin to understand it. There is a need to produce more food for the ever growing economy. Hormones, and chemical enhancers that create quick, rapid growth of consumable products, has become a necessitiy to keep up with us, the consumers.
MSG, now there lies the never ending dieting cycle for all of us. MSG is a flavor enhancer, meaning, that it makes one like what they are eating and there by making you eat more. It is in everything. So if you eat more, you gain more. They even put MSG in your toothpaste.
I am sure that MSG, and all the chemically produced enhancers will be around for eternity. Our demand depends on them.
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