Are all atheist bashers just jealous of our ability to face the truth
By judyt00
@judyt00 (3497)
May 10, 2007 6:24pm CST
Are all atheist bashers just jealous of our ability to face the unenchanting truth?
I believe some people just don't have the courage to face up to the fact that our existence did not come about by divine intention.
And some people don't have the courage to admit that there might not be a reason for our existence. They are too egotistic to think that maybe there isn't a God who loves them and has a plan for them.
Perhaps they are too scared at the idea of having to create their own plan, they like the idea of someone else being in control of their fate.
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27 responses
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
15 May 07
I am a Christian woman who doesn't believe that my destiny is preordained. I create my own path in life. I also do not believe for a second that lack of belief in a supreme being constitutes immorality or evil. I believe that all good people go to heaven regardless of their spirituality. I'm going to be burned at the stake for that statement.
I think that the biggest problem is Evangelical Christians. They believe that it is their duty to spread the word and convert everyone to Christianity. They are spoonfed from birth, scriptural interpretations that are probably very wrong, and they believe they must make everyone a believer. If you are not a believer, than you must be a horrible person, inspired by Satan.
I would rather be surrounded by 100's of Athiests who are good people, than one self righteous Christian. If Christians actually studied the teachings of Jesus, the man they follow, they would see that he was not telling us about any after life. he was telling us how we can make this life a better place for all humanity.
My opinion.

@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
16 May 07
Thank you designing and judy. And I must say that I am not the only Christian who believes as I do. My parents met in the peace corp. People helping people. My father is a minister and one of his closest friends is a true athiest who has devoted his life to helping others. Because it is the right thing to do. If God were to condemn such a person, I would question my faith.
That said. Everyone has to find their own path. Whether you believe that you are put in the ground and the lights go out, whether you believe that you have another incarnation awaiting you, whether you believe in heaven; we are all people and we all have a responsibilty to our fellow human beings; not the words of a book that was written for and about the people of the time in which it was written.
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@DesigningLife (903)
• United States
16 May 07
Excellent response! If this was my discussion I would give you Best Response, but instead I gave you a plus. I wish everyone's approach to religion (or the lack of it) could be more like this.
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@okn0tok (569)
• United States
11 May 07
Are all religion bashers just jealous of our ability to face the possibilities without needing the burden of truth that which is unprovable either way?
I believe some people don't have the courage to face up to the fact that our existence is completely unknown therefore they really don't have anymore truth than anyone else.
They are too egocentric to realize there may things beyond their understanding of the universe and they are so uncomfortable with not knowing they decide there is nothing but anger and hostiluty towards those who are fine with the thought of a creator full of love and caring for their existance.
Perhaps they are to scared of realizing they are never really in control of fate or their path?
See just turning it around makes it all seem fruitless.
So you believe not believe, and he believes to believe... why are atheists so obsessed with truth when it is obvious there is really no way to have proof either way and that truth is no more than a unique perspective based on the individual who is perceiving it.
Let each man find his own truth. Let them be happy with it.
You say fact as if you have a fact. Come on. Know one really knows, you can have your own truth but is it fact? And is really enlightened to attack others for having a different truth for themselves?
Whats next an inquisition forcing people to not believe what they believe? When does it all stop.
Enlighten yourself to understand it doesn't really matter, as long as you are happy with your truth. Its for you, not me.
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@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
11 May 07
I only know what's "true" for ME, based on my own experience, evidence I have seen, intuitive leaps of faith and whatever else makes up my so-called "life."
Religionists "worship" the idea of God, while scientists "worship" empirical evidence. Religionists simply CANNOT SEE how scientists (and I imagine many atheists belong in that camp) arrive at their "truth," and scientists simply CANNOT SEE how religionists could could possibly arrive at their "truth."
Ultimately the debate goes nowhere, and has no resolution, because it is non-parallel... belief vs. fact. And yet... so similar, in a funkily "reverse" sort of way. Think about it-- the religionist takes a BELIEF and turns it into fact... and yet, many tenets of science are called FACT, yet are ultimately based on no more than the BELIEF that something is a fact. Funny, isn't it?
For, the ultimate question isn't about "why religion" or "why science," but about why so many people appear to be (it seems to me, and I could be wrong about this) WILDLY uncomfortable (or even fearful) of the idea of "not having an/the answer."
By what the hay... I'm an "Indifference-ist."
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@Galena (9110)
11 May 07
see, that's the atheist attitude that annoys people.
I am a Pagan.
I think everyone should get their noses out of what other people beleive in, and let them get on with beleiving whatever it is they beleive.
you don't believe in Gods. fine.
Polytheists beleive in all manner of different Gods. fine.
Christians beleive in one God. fine.
I don't have a problem with anyone beleiving what they beleive.
I only have a problem with it when they start thinking that everyone should beleive in what they beleive in, and make abusive or patronising statements.
why can't everyone just get on with whatever it is they beleive, and leave other people out of it.
I am religious, but I am not religious because I'm a coward, or egotistic, or scared of my own responsibilities.
I am religious because I beleive what I beleive.
beleif isn't something you choose or don't choose. it's the conclusion you draw from your own personal life experiences. you can't decide to change what you beleive. your beleifs can change as a result of a life experience, or reading something that makes sense to you, or just because you find that you beleive differently to how you did.
but when you beleive something, someone else telling you to change that won't make a difference.
you can't just decide to beleive in a religion.
I can't just decide that my Gods, those forces of nature that drive us, aren't there.
my experiences have led me to beleive in them.
if you had experienced the same things I have, you might beleive what I do, or you might not. but it wouldn't be because you chose to beleive it or not beleive it. it would be because that is the conclusion you came to.
to me an atheist saying that people should not follow religions, that they are cowardly or foolish to do so, and we should all stop beleiving what they do and be atheists is EXACTLY THE SAME as Christian saying that people should follow their religion or they are a bad, wrong person who deserves eternal punishment so we should become Christians like them.
beleive in what feels right, based on your life experience and natural feelings.
talk about it with others who beleive the same or beleive different.
but don't tell them they should change.
we all make our own way in the world. some people beleive one thing. some people beleive another.
there is no proof in any God, and no proof that there are no Gods.
we should all just accept that not everyone beleives the same thing, and it's not up to us to make that choice for others.
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@DesigningLife (903)
• United States
11 May 07
Another plus...very well said.
I agree that discussion leads to further understanding and acceptance (and even increased unity if we let it), WHEN it is absent of statements like, "convert or else", "you are wrong or living in fantasy", or "I will pray that you see the light and error of your ways"...this last statement has been said to me more times than I can count and my response is usually that it sounds NO different to me than someone saying they will "include me in their ritualistic offerings, chants, and spellwork" - which, by the way, a person will NEVER hear as Pagans and earth-religions honor all life as if it is already in unison with them.
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@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
11 May 07
Perhaps they are afraid to think that other people might have other views of where they do or don't originate from, and that is somehow threatening to them. I am confident enough in my own views, that other people's views don't really threaten me.
There is some kind of solace in thinking that there is a God or other divine entity out there, and some people are so insecure that they can't tolerate other people's views on this.
I am a Christian, myself, but I don't go around bashing atheists, by the way.
@nonew3 (1941)
• United States
14 May 07
Only very insecure people go around bashing other people and their views.
Atheist bashers might have some serious self-esteem issues, and they might not have a lot of better things to do with their time.
Thanks. I just try to be nice to people. :-)
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@rrargh (96)
• Philippines
15 May 07
When you try to be nice to people, who are you doing it for?
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. - Colossians 3:23-24
Christians don't go around bashing atheists or any group in particular, by neither do we stand by and do nothing while others around us do as they please. Jesus Himself told us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). Our job as Christians is to point people to God. We can't just sit in the sidelines and watch.
Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. - James 4:17
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@hachimitsu (873)
• United States
11 May 07
I live in New York, an openly liberal place, which probably explains why I've never been ridiculed for being atheist. Everyone's individual beliefs should be respected, that's the way I live. I think that the conflict that arises between religious people and atheists is caused more by closed-mindedness on both ends. Through this closed-mindedness, stereotypes form (for example, right above here, the idea that atheists are snobby). We should just let each other believe whatever we want to believe.
In my opinion, to be put it plainly, I think belief in religion stems from a person's upbringing and insecurities. As for atheism, I don't know for sure; aside from scientific evidence to disprove religions and the wars and violence caused by religion, I'd say my own reason for being an atheist is being unable to have that naive hope in something that I can't force myself to believe exists.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
11 May 07
I do not understand why religious people get so upset if someone doesn't believe.
I myself am an atheist and I could not care less what other people follow as a way of life.
Us atheists are quite accommadating people. Religion is the main factor in most countries holidays, such as Christmas and Easter, many of our laws are based on religious beliefs and even the meat our kids are eating in schools have to follow a certain religious ceremony.
I do not rant or moan about this, so religious people shouldn't rant or moan about us either.
Each to their own I say!!
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@livewyre (2450)
14 May 07
There is a basic fault with atheist-bashers and religious-bashers, and that is their arrogance. It's fairly obvious at this point in history that those that believe in God has reasonable but 'unproven' grounds for doing so. On the other hand atheists have reasonable (but unprovable) grounds for not believing in God - Either of these who has the arrogance to 'bash' someone else's reasonable belief is at fault.
I happen to believe whole-heartedly in a creator God, and would naturally have more sympathy for an Agnostic view rather than an Atheist, however this would nto give me the right to 'bash' anyone. I believe in reasoned discussion about faith and spiritual matters, merely shouting people down is not going to edify anybody.
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
11 May 07
I am not at all jealous of you or your beliefs. The statement i would make is that eternity is forever and you just cant afford to be wrong.....joyous blessings and happiness to all....

@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
17 May 07
I believe athiest "bashers" have the same faults as religion "bashers" - both are so wrapped up in their beliefs, they fail to see that their beliefs are just that...beliefs. Neither have any real proof that Gods or Godesses do or don't exist, they just assume. Furthermore, their beliefs are so strong they are often at each other's throats and constantly insisting that each others beliefs are wrong.
The athiestic outlook on the religion (or lack thereof), is no more as true as the theistic outlook on religion.
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@Schnorrawaggle (688)
• Austria
15 May 07
I'm an atheist, I'm not jealous, I'm mostly just tired of believers trying to convince the world of their their faith. And usually they do this by quoting bible scriptures, a book I do not believe to be the word of god, it's written by people, been over translated and mistranslated for centuries.
Ya know, maybe there is not god, maybe people's lives have absolutely no purpose, but just be born and then eventually die, just to fade away into some cosmic energy, or maybe we just go away altogether. But I don't think people can accept that their lives have no greater meaning, everyone wants to believe their life is special and has some great purpose, they want to pass own their legacy, making themselves immortal just so they are not forgotten. I think that's the bottomline here.
People should be able to believe what they want without being told they're going to hell all the time. Live your own life and concentrate on your own sins.
@DesigningLife (903)
• United States
11 May 07
I was avoiding this topic but DenmarkGuy's comment receives a plus from me. Well said!
As someone who is neither atheist nor religious, and is a natural observer of the mysteries of humans, society, and the world around us, I also look to the bigger questions...WHY must we choose labels for ourselves, and WHY do some (on any side of anything) feel the desire to "enlighten" others who have come to different conclusions?
I think we have all sought unity and understanding of the world we share and with all other life, but our approach has resulted in further divisions from all of these things. We label ourselves as "poor", "rich", "pro-choice", "anti-abortion", "liberal", "right wing", "hunters", "vegetarians", "believing in evolution", "believing in creationism"...etc etc, and for WHAT purpose?
Are we in the midst of another evolutionary split? Will one path or another lead some of us to achieving higher levels of intelligence? Why does it seem to bother some (not all, but some among atheists or among any religious group) that others do not choose their paths? And why do people seem so angered (which appears as being "threatened" sometimes) when they are unsuccessful at "showing somebody the perceived errors of their ways"?
No one wants to be told they are "less intelligent", or "non-advanced", or "blinded by absurdity". There is no proof that anyone from any labeled group is "wrong", so why must we continually argue that "hell awaits non-believers", or "your fantasy world of religion is idiotic"?
I do this too. I see things from my own experiences and cannot possibly understand how someone who has studied the same things that I have studied has drawn such a conclusion that seems so illogical (in MY mind). But, WHY do we do this? Why does it matter what others conclude?
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@iiartisanii (254)
• United States
12 May 07
From experience, I think that atheist bashers are so because they are in an environment that teaches them that atheists are bad/evil/people to be feared.
Its the whole fear of people who are different thats coming into play. People who believe in god cannot even begin to fathom what life is like outside of their belief system as that is usually their defining feature. Faith makes the person, I guess.
I am guilty of sometimes being a "religion basher" because coming from the other side, its hard to imagine WHY someone would believe all that they are fed, but hey, to each their own. Its the mutual misunderstandings that create the rift and arguments just tend to send people further apart.
The thing that really heats me us is when religious people spout off arguments that evolution is "just a theory" and "if we evolved from monkeys why are there still monkeys" and all of that other convoluted crap that they have been taught by uneducated people in order to try to strengthen their own bias. When I start hearing that, I get pretty angry and turn into the "bitter atheist" that obviously "just needs to find Jesus" lol.
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@wertzburg1 (200)
• United States
17 May 07
So what do you think is going to happen to you when you die? You must have some theory. You can't just believe in nothing.
Please, do tell.
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@wertzburg1 (200)
• United States
17 May 07
For me, my belief is faith and logic. It just makes sense. Of course it doesn't make sense for others. I make decisions using my conscience and God's guidance. But everyday living, because I am trying to live for God, reflects him. Not all the time, because yes I make bad decisions, but I like to think I'm living for a purpose.
If it's just your conscience that is your only influence, where did that conscience come from? It seems like something is missing when people say it evolved from nothing. Such a complex mind, how could it just appear without a designer?
I think atheism is an interesting theory, but too depressing for me. Even religions I don't believe in explain a purpose for being here. How can you be satisfied without having a purpose for your existence? Maybe it doesn't matter, but for me, I refuse to believe that my life doesn't have value and that I exist because of an accident.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
16 May 07
Atheists are people who simply do not want to believe in God. They want nothing to do with Him. This is sad, I know. They want to run their own lives, they are comfortable living in sin. I have found that those who say they don't believe in Him, have had rough lives and are blaming God for it. They are trying to punish Him, but instead they are punishing themselves in the worst way.
God is very real and I believe every single person knows it deep down.
God bless!
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
16 May 07
Actually, I must disagree. I've known a number of athiests who are happy people. They live their lives, they marry, have children, and do good works for their fellow human being. I don't believe that one has to know God in order to be happy with their lives. I do and I am, but that is me. Most Athiests today are raised as athiests. Now, for a parent who doesn't believe to raise a child any other way, would be a lie. However, most athiests that I have known have respected their children for making their own religious choices when they get older. I've known very few Christians who do likewise.
Not trying to cause conflict. Just stating my opinion from my experience.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
16 May 07
Hi Cyntrow,
They may be happy on the outside...happy with things this world provides. But Christ gives us things that the world cannot and without knowing Him, we cannot experience that kind of happiness and joy.

@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
17 May 07
I am not afraid to face the truth. But the truth of God's existence is subjective. I believe he exists.
I am sorry but I don't believe that we just came to be. Things in this life have much too much order for that to be.
Egotistic? You are calling those who believe in a god (whether it is the same God I worship or not) egotistic?? I think - and I am sure that others will agree - that believing that God has a plan is far from egotistical. I'm not one to usually talk in this fashion but I must say this - atheists are the ones who are egotistic (and this is not directed at all atheists just the ones who believe that believers are egotistic). Atheists have so much ego that they can not accept that a higher power might have some control over them.
Also God has given us free will so even if He has a plan; we make our own choices. We can do as He says or not. He is a Gentleman and doesn't force anyone to do anything.
(forgive me but I have nothing close to an ego problem causing me to believe in God and to be insulted like that is what caused me to respond the way I have - to the atheists who do not agree with this person's position that those of us who believe in God are egotistic please forgive me)
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
19 May 07
Maildumpster, that is the best explanation I've ever heard. I often ask, If my destiny is pre ordained, then where does free will come into play. That is an excellent explanation. From here, I must ask, if Adam and Eve did not eat of the tree, would this mean that God is not omnipotent?
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
18 May 07
I'll give you this analogy...
I often know what my kids are going to do before they do it. Does it stop them from having the free will to choose what they are about to do? NO! I may know my daughter is going to lie about something but that doesn't mean I have taken her free will to choose to lie. If she chooses to lie (whether I know she will or not) then that is her choice.
Foreknowledge does not equal control. I don't know where you got that idea.
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@taurus54 (317)
• Philippines
19 May 07
Cyntrow,I also respect other's people beliefs,that is why I ask them to visit this site,instead of quoting scriptures.These the testimonies of different people(believers and mostly non-believers).Please give it a try.
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@CatNPK (461)
• United States
11 May 07
I've never been bashed for being atheist. But then I don't look down on those who have religious beliefs either, nor do I discuss religious beliefs often because I feel that it's a personal choice that everyone has a right to make. I don't even call myself an atheist very often. I just don't even think about it, at all, ever.
@mari610 (360)
• United States
21 May 07
CatNPK279: I was going to respond to Judy's post, until I read yours.Atheists accuse Christians of being bashers, by continuously quoting scripture and claiming that those who don't believe as we do, are going to hell.As a Christian myself,I like yourself, don't go around bashing anyones religion, or lack of belief in anything.But, if there is any truth in atheist bashing, Judy's post might be one of the reasons why this occurs.To make statements in her post, claiming that Christians are "jealous","stupid", "afraid ,or are"ego maniacs",is doing the same "bashing" that she accuses us Christians of doing.Just as she does not want people shoving scripture down her throat,in attempts to somehow change her lack of belief in God and the bible, neither will Christians be changed by her accusations.And in my mind, she can learn a lot from just the few statemwents in your post.
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@randy88 (683)
• Indonesia
11 May 07
atheist didn't believe to God because they never find about the real GOD,many people can believe in someone if they see the fact, but they didn't believe in God,because they can't find the form of God,and I think we should reflect it to a ghost....did atheist believe with ghost? because it can't be seen, but If thy believe in ghost, so God is exsist
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@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
11 May 07
Nice try, but I don't believe in God simply because he isn't there. I don't need a form, I simply needed help and got none, in fact, I got the opposite, I got rebuked and chastised. I needed solace and got turned away. If there was a god, he wouldn't have let those things happen.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
17 May 07
Nice try, but I don't believe in God simply because he isn't there. I don't need a form, I simply needed help and got none, in fact, I got the opposite, I got rebuked and chastised. I needed solace and got turned away. If there was a god, he wouldn't have let those things happen. "
Oh I see so life didn't go the way you wanted so God doesn't exist. HUMANS did not respond to you the way you wanted so God doesn't exist. Hhmm funny how you are basing your belief or lack there of on HUMAN behavior NOT on whether or not there really is a God.
I have had churches turn me away when we were in desperate need of help. My inlaws who are devout Catholics have never helped us. Those are people with human behaviors. It doesn't change how I feel about God. I have seen things in my life that are horrible but that doesn't mean that God isn't real.
I want to say that I am HONESTLY sorry that you have been met with such treatment. NO ONE believer or not deserves that. It is a shame cause I am sure that many have turned away from God because of the treatment of humans.
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@Galena (9110)
11 May 07
you do not beleive in a God, because you have not had any experiences that have led you to beleive there is a God. your experiences have led you to beleive that a God of any sort is not probable.
which is fair enough.
my experiences have led to me beleiving in my Gods.
which is also fair enough.
live and let live, eh?
and randy, I know lots of atheists that beleive in Ghosts.
usually on account of having experienced Ghosts.
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@rrargh (96)
• Philippines
15 May 07
The Bible says it differently.
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools... - Romans 1:20-22
You say that atheist bashers are too egotistic to think that there is no god, that they are too scared of having someone else control them.
Have you stopped to think that maybe the reverse is true, that atheists themselves are egotistic in their thinking that there is no god, despite all the evidence of creation around them? That they are scared of losing control of their lives, which is inevitable, and that they are terrified to rely on an unseen God for their every need?
Have you ever wondered why the theory of natural selection, of evolution, is the most widely accepted theory of how we came to be? It's because in that theory, we are presented as random insignificant specks, which is exactly what Satan wants us to think. The more palatable that way of thinking is to you, the more mired in your misery and insignificance you will be. But the truth of it is that God calls us by name, that each of us is His own unique creation, and that He loves us.
For years I've tried to disprove this, that I could make my own mark in the world without relying on God and His love, that I could make the most out of my life, however miserable, and it would turn out fine. Naturally, I failed. And it took a great deal of courage to admit my failure, and the truth of Jesus' words: "Apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5). It took greater courage and even greater faith to relinquish control of my life to my Lord.
The ironic thing is, surrendering my life to the Lord made me feel more secure, because I have faith that He knows what's good for me, and keeps His promises. These are just some of them.
No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. - Joshua 1:5
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
As for facing the truth, Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6). No enchantments, no sugar-coating. Just the truth, pure and simple. Are you afraid to face Jesus?
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@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
15 May 07
WHY MUST YOU QUOTE THE BIBLE AND SAY ANY WHO DON'TR BELEIVE ARE EVIL. Your book is 2000 yuears old yet you cling to it like it was written yesterday. Hell, it says the earth is flat and there was a worldwide flood. How much more ignotrant is that belief than one in provable science.
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