First birthday party!
By rhinoboy
@rhinoboy (2129)
May 11, 2007 10:49am CST
My daughter is only 7 months old, but my wife is already talking about holding her first birthday party. She's talking about hiring out a room somewhere, it sounds expensive to me! There are lots of 'firsts' still to come, so I though I'd take her on a trip to the zoo or a farm or something nice like that. My wife absolutely insists on a party so she can get all the extended family and friends together with the kids.
The only thing we've agreed is that we're not having it at home (we would be too stressed with the mess and breakages to enjoy it!).
What did you do for your childs first birthday? Did they party on a budget or blow a wedge? Please provide me with some inspiration, as I'd love to make it a really special day for her.
I'd also like to know whether you've done something that was unsuccessful too. I'm wary of spending lots of time and money on something she'll still be too young to appreciate!
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16 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 May 07
Well Rhino my budget was low so they just had a little Party at home with a few People and that was it At that age they really do not quite know what is going on
Yes it is special but special to us it is when they start realizing that is when you have to put your Hand in your Wallet lol so start saving now

@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
14 May 07
Rhino please tell your lovely Wife that she does what she wants to do not what is expected of her from others
Sweet there will be other occassions where you can hold a party for the others but in this case little one your Wife and you come first and you do what you really want to do
I hope you do not mind me saying this as you know I am only thinking of you and your lovely Family
It is just what I think
I lived most of my Life by others biggest mistake now I live my Life as best as I can
The most important People that matter to me are my lovely Man my Kids of course Gissi and my lovely Friends which includes you
No one tells me anymore do this and you should do that as I do it now how I want to
Hugs to you
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@rhinoboy (2129)
14 May 07
When I was little we would usually have tea party type things with a handful of kids and a few aunts & uncles. I think my wife feels that people are expecting a party since we haven't really held one to celebrate any of the 'big' things that happened last year.
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@6in12years (305)
• United States
11 May 07
The baby won't remember the party, and most likely won't enjoy a big one, so the party is for the family. We usually keep it low key-cake and prezzies with the extended family (there are 11 cousins on my side, so that's still a big group). Unless baby is unusually social and calm, a large venue with lots of people and activity will overwhelm her. Also be aware of inviting people she doesn't know well. It doesn't matter how much Great Aunt Zelda loves your daughter-if dd has never met auntie, she's likely to object to being kissed and cuddles by said auntie. Multiply that by however many extended family might be new to your baby, and it could be a miserable party for all concerned.
A big party can work, as long as the expectations of the birthday girl are low. Mom or Dad should plan to be holding her most of the day; she shouldn't be expected to allow everyone to hold and kiss her; some quiet place for a nap should be available.
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@rhinoboy (2129)
14 May 07
That's very thoughtful, thankyou.
With extended family, there may well be more adults than kids. We didn't have a big wedding or christening either so it will be quite a get-together. Thank's to your suggestions, I should remember to make arrangements for when she gets tired and grumpy!
@daycarepal (1998)
• United States
12 May 07
I have 2 children, on their first birthdays we had a party at home. Family and a few friends came. It was nice because our family doesn't live close by and we didn't see them often, so it was nice to have them there. For both kids, I made them their first birthday cakes. I took a picture of my child with their cake. We didn't do anything super fancy for their first birthdays.
As the years went on and the kids got older, their birthday parties cost more because we had some type of entertainment. One year we rented a pony so all the kids could have pony rides. Other times we had their parties at special places.
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@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
11 May 07
Alot of people throw huge parties for their kids 1st birthday. We invited about 100 people of course not everyone showed. Most of the people my husband invited were the ones that didn't show. We threw a huge luau at my moms house. She has a above ground pool and we bought one of those little pools for the babies. Since we had alot of babies there. I did 2 pinatas and whatever candy the kids got from the pinata was put in a gift bag. I also bought about 2 dozen of blow up beach balls which I used for decoration and as party favors. This year it will be alot smaller because we are having a baby in June and her birthday is in July. We are having a pool party and i'll do the 2 pools again but we are only inviting about 42 people. No matter what it will always end up big because I have a large family.
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@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
12 May 07
We had both our kids' first birthdays in the backyard. Frankly, at that age they have no clue what's going on any way so why spend all that money for a fancy party that they can't even appreciate. We didn't even hire any entertainment because again, it would have been a waste of money. We just barbequed and decorated with balloons, had birthday cake and opened presents. By the time it was over the kids were ready for a nap any way.
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@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
20 May 07
For my eldest nephew's first birthday, we had his party at Chuck E. Cheese's. Not sure why because it's not like many kids where there. Just a couple including my nephew. The rest of the nieces and nephews had their first birthday parties at home. Could you maybe have it at a park? Oh, but by then it'll probably be a bit cold, huh? Hmmm... Last year, the twins had their birthday party at a timeshare resort, but I'm betting you don't own any timeshare. The park's an idea. I can't think of anything else, sorry. :(
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@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
27 May 07
Oh, don't you hate it when you find typos when it's too late? Not many kids WERE at Chuck E. Cheese's for my nephew's first birthday. Anyway...
I hear the weather there is pretty much always cold and rainy and unpredictable. Although, I hear summer can get pretty warm. So, is a "soft play room" like one of those bouncy thingies? And I think that and a caterer is a great idea. Good luck to ya! Hope the guests don't trash the house too much. :)
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@rhinoboy (2129)
1 Jun 07
Yes, in October it could be freezOng or warm (probably the former!).
I was trying to think of another way to phrase 'soft-play'. It's like a room full of big foam mats and shapes covered in colourful rubbery material where kids can run wild without hurting themselves when they fall.
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@rhinoboy (2129)
21 May 07
Thanks for that, a picnic at the park is a great idea. Unfortunately, British weather isn't kind or predictable, and in October there's a high chance that it will be raining or freezong cold or both!
I think we'll be hiring a soft play room and a caterer (exactly as my wife had in mind!!!!)
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@Dolcerina (3376)
• Hungary
14 May 07
I think that your wife wants to hold this party for herself not for your daughter. I doubt that a baby can enjoy any kind of parties or celebratings. It is such a stupidness that I hardly can say any kind words. Just think. What does a 1-year old baby like? A 1-year old baby does not care with even other babies. She can play only alone. How could she enjoy a party?
When my son was 1 year old. I made a cake for him. And he received a few toys from me, from grandmom, from my sister, and brother. I took a photo of him as he was eating the cake. I think that it was total enough. There was not party.
His first party was in his age 6, when he invited his real friends.
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@rhinoboy (2129)
14 May 07
We 'owe' our family a party I think, as we haven't held any other celebratons for our wedding or for her birth. I agree that she probabl won't like the fuss for long. She loves to see her cousins though. I have never seen her happier than having the older kids play with her.
Perhaps the best thing will be for me to take her away and have some quiet time when she gets tired.
Her party will also need to be on the Weekend, but her birthday is midweek, so I'll take the day off and do something special and fun with just us.
@feathers26 (865)
• Philippines
11 May 07
My cousin celebrated her b-day last sunday,it was quite a success without spending that much. First, My aunt has done is that she plan ahead of time, the budget that you can afford, the materials available and other factors related to the b-day. You are right in thinking of not spending too much for the first b-day what is important is the quality of life your baby would have in the future. As long as she would have a memory of his/her b-day I think that is enough.
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@FloatingGum (346)
• United States
12 May 07
Honestly, we've always done small-scale when it comes to birthday parties. Personally, I feel it's supposed to be a day for the child to have what they want, not an excuse for adults to get together and party, but many people treat it this way - to each their own.
We usually did a cake with a lot of frosting for the first birthday and let them plunge in with both hands and get real messy. My first daughter even had it on the walls - it was a lot of fun. I'll invite close friends and family generally just for coffee and cake, nothing major.
The biggest birthday party I ever had was for my oldest's 3rd birthday. It was a combination birthday and houe-warming for our new home. I couldn't even walk through my house. Honestly, it was horrible because I didn't get to see my daughter having any fun.
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@rhinoboy (2129)
14 May 07
As I mention above, this looks like it will be a combo - celebration as we had too much on last year to organise anything. We moved house, got married, and had the baby within a few months, so we didn't have a big wedding reception or house warming. We're atheist too, so she hasn't had a christening or baptism.
@evelynlyp (788)
• Japan
12 May 07
For chinese the first birthday is an important thing. Having a big big party is a way of giving the child good luck in her future. Its a tradition that the baby is presented with gold and stuff (not sure of the proper list, you'll have to look it up).
Its not a biggie for us to miss other birthdays but they first birthday is a must have and it must be special.
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@morefashion (54)
• China
12 May 07
I have a good idea.I suggest you should hole her first party
in open country where she likes.If she doesn't like you can
hole it in your home with more friends of you.
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@shelly_smile22 (13)
• India
12 May 07
I support your wife's planning for celebrating your daughter's b'day.yah its true if you are hiring a hall and through a birthday party may its become very expensive for you,but its your daughter's first b'day and you should make memorable of this.and the other thing is your wife wants to make this event very special so i think you should respect her thought.Make a budget at first which you can effort,and then you both have make the planning for party.
See your daughter's b'day will come in every year,but 1st b'day is always be special.and please don't miss the opportunity to celebrate it.Your baby now is too young to appreciate all this things,but after a few year she will see the snaps or movie or listen to yours mouth how you celebrate her first b'day.then you will notice the joy of her face.which is most priceless in the whole world.
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@mostwanted47 (259)
• Pakistan
12 May 07
It is great feeling when you become a father, same goes for becoming mother. You get so excited about it, words are not enough to describe the situation. Well for baby it will be just like another day as baby will have no idea about what happening around her. Its your wife who wants to hold a party on babys first birthday and if something makes your wife happy, go with it. Yes hire a room at cheap rates, call your closest family members, celebrate the occasion with them, and make it a day to remember, at some stage you'd be able to share it with your baby also. She would you happy to know that her parents hold a party on her first birthday. You could show her memorable pictures of the party vice versa. These will be memories you'd cherish at some stage of your life. I suggest go with it, just do it without worrying about finances and vice versa.
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@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
11 May 07
First birth day is best birth day dear enjoy Yourselves
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@whoareyoutome (2)
• India
12 May 07
c if i m on u r side first of all i m talking to my wife.i tell her that we dnt have suficent money for we can celbrate our daughter 1st birthday n its in our way.we dnt need to spend to much money....we can..enjoy it...i do in our own way....n we go our like you said zoo...n have fun i talk to my wife very nicely....n make her agree...n have some decision......coz u knw every mother wann her childs 1st birhtday i dnt hurt her....n make her understand to spend the birhtday in our own way.....